Rashes on the face or body give us a lot of problems. This not only spoils the appearance, but often causes physical suffering, especially if you have a large subcutaneous pimple, like a bump. How to get rid of, how to smear it? Indeed, in some cases, it is simply not possible to consult a doctor for help. There are many recipes for getting rid of acne, but when using them, you should be especially careful, and we will talk about this later in the article.

How a subcutaneous pimple occurs
So, you found that a large subcutaneous pimple appeared on the body, like a bump. How to get rid of it? In order to be properly treated, you need to understand well what exactly is happening at the moment in the body. Let's find out how the named acne occurs.
To protect the epidermis from the effects of microbes, as well as to soften the surface of the skin and the hairs growing on it, the human body produces sebum. It is secreted through special sebaceous glands, but sometimes in theirclots form in the lumen, which disrupt this process and allow bacteria and microbes to multiply. This is how inflammation begins. Outside, this manifests itself in the form of red, painful bumps, which slowly increase in size, delivering a lot of discomfort. And often the time from the beginning of the formation of a pimple to its maturation is calculated in weeks.

Causes of acne
Slowly maturing, the described neoplasm grows, forcing you to think painfully: “Wow, what a subcutaneous pimple is like a bump! How to get rid of this nightmare? And most often a person in such conditions decides to take radical measures - to squeeze out and that's it! But just this is a very careless, moreover, frivolous decision. After all, the causes of acne can be very different:
- poor hygiene and skin care practices;
- hormonal disorders;
- increased reproduction of pathogenic microflora living on the skin;
- insufficient or unbalanced nutrition;
- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
- allergic reaction, etc.
This means that the approach to treatment should be different in each case. In addition, even if you successfully squeeze out one pimple, you will not be healed: new ones will appear very soon, and if you also infect, the problem will develop into a serious inflammatory process, and ugly scars will remain on the skin, which, by the way, will get rid of much more difficult. So what to do?

A subcutaneous pimple has appeared, like a bump - how to get rid of it?
Photos showing the skin defects we are considering can hardly be called pleasant. And if you add the discomfort experienced by a person when touching a problem area (and sometimes you don’t even need to touch it - the inflamed place already hurts), then there will be nothing surprising in the fact that the sufferer wants to get rid of the nasty tubercle as soon as possible. However, doing it yourself is highly discouraged! As mentioned above, only a dermatologist can name the true cause of your acne after conducting the necessary examinations. He will also prescribe appropriate therapy. And often the treatment comes down not only to the fight against skin rashes, but also covers the underlying ailment. Therefore, get ready for the fact that the effect will not be fast, but by getting rid of the main problem, you will provide yourself with clean and he althy skin.
And, as a rule, the doctor not only prescribes medicines, but also clearly outlines the rules to be followed in the future.
- Mandatory treatment of the affected area with antiseptics and ensuring the necessary body hygiene.
- Exclusion from the diet of fatty, spicy and smoked foods.
- Women are encouraged to give up cosmetics that clog pores.
If you don't have the opportunity to see a specialist, you can resort to home remedies (while adhering to the rules listed above).

How to treat acne at home
If a dense subcutaneous pimple popped up (like a bump), how to get rid of it at home, many publications on this topic will tell. The main thing is to be careful and not overdo it.
Since large pimples ripen very slowly, to speed up the process and draw out pus, doctors advise using ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol. The affected area is lubricated with one of the listed agents, and a piece of cotton wool or bandage is covered on top and sealed with a plaster. This compress is best done at night.
An ordinary aloe leaf can also be very effective. It is applied to the pimple with the cut part and fixed with a plaster.
S alt lotions are quite effective. For them, in a glass of boiling water, dilute 2 tbsp. l. s alt and, after cooling slightly, apply with a cotton swab to the inflamed area. By the way, this procedure should be done several times a day.
Pimples are also advised to wipe with alcohol tincture of propolis. But you should not apply cotton wool with it to the formations for a long time - you can get a burn on an already inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
What to do if acne appears on the back
In some cases, the occurrence of rashes is especially problematic, for example, if you have a painful subcutaneous pimple like a bump on your back. How to get rid of?
On the back, it is quite difficult to apply special ointments or lotions to the skin (of course, if you do not have a reliable assistant at home). In such cases, it is usually recommendedtake baths with a decoction of chamomile and sea s alt, and brewer's yeast is prescribed inside. They are available in both dry and liquid form. Liquid ones are considered more effective. In order to get rid of furunculosis, they are taken for a month 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. And although this product has no contraindications, it will still be better if you consult a doctor first.
By the way, to combat rashes on the face, as well as for oily and porous skin, brewer's yeast masks are used - they help regulate the production of fat and disinfect the skin surface. This way you don't have to worry about getting a subcutaneous pimple (like a bump).

How to get rid of rashes on the cheek and the whole body?
When treating subcutaneous acne, it should be remembered that treatment should be comprehensive. That is, using only baths with medicinal herbs or ointments, you will not achieve the desired result. Procedures should be combined and combined so that the effect is maximum.
For example, what to do if a subcutaneous pimple popped up on the back, like a bump? How to get rid of it? The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the skin here is rougher than on the face, in addition, the areas of inflammation are constantly irritated due to contact with clothing. There is only one way out - try to act in several directions at once: baths, lotions, compresses, hygiene, use of ointments.

How to get good results from acne treatment
So, let's reiterate what to do if you get a subcutaneous pimple like a bump. How to get rid of new breakouts?
- Wear natural fabrics, avoid tight and irritating clothing, thick seams and stiff straps.
- Take the baths described, and always start washing with the hair, so as not to clog the pores with the substances included in the shampoo and conditioner.
- Don't use a washcloth that's too hard, but don't use a very soft one either.
- Don't get carried away with the solarium and sunbathing, avoid massage oils.
- Take brewer's yeast and eat more fiber.
- And, of course, wipe problem areas with salicylic alcohol and apply anti-inflammatory ointments on them.
With enough patience and perseverance, you will achieve good results.