Dermatologists often face such a problem as itching in the neck. When the neck itches in front, the reasons for this, as a rule, differ from the reasons for such a problem in the back - this can be a symptom of a serious pathology or a consequence of poor hygiene. Itching causes insomnia in a person, neurotic disorders, and significantly reduces the quality of life. If there is a feeling of severe discomfort, you should consult a dermatologist. With the help of screening studies, he diagnoses the pathological process and prescribes treatment.

If the front of the neck itches, this can be caused most often by external stimuli: temperature changes, rubbing of jewelry and clothing, exposure to insects. Pathological causes of neck itching are also a variety of skin diseases or disorders in the functioning of internal organs.
Physiological causes
The most common causes of physiological itching are:
- insect bites;
- mechanical impact (rubbing of woolen or synthetic clothing, metal accessories);
- sunburn;
- damage to the skin during shaving;
- high sensitivity of the skin in the chin area.
Many people wonder why the front of the neck itches. The reasons must be established by the doctor.
This can be provoked by an allergy to certain medications, household chemicals, cosmetics, etc. Prolonged stay in rooms with excessive humidity, as well as stressful situations, also provoke skin irritation.
So, it happens that the front of the neck itches due to allergies.

Allergic reactions
Allergic itchy front of the neck is most common in women who wear massive metal jewelry. Constant friction breaks the integrity of the epithelium, which causes itching and irritation. Dermatologists recommend wearing jewelry for no more than five hours a day. In summer, this period should be as short as possible. After removing jewelry, it is recommended to treat it with hydrogen peroxide to remove dirt, dust, dead cells and bacteria.
Women often have itchy front neck with redness.
Before putting on such jewelry, the neck is treated with special antiseptic compounds. Dirt, sebum and sweat collect in this area. Do not wash irritated areas with soapy solutions. The ideal way would be a regular hygienic shower. Irritated areas are treated with soft wipes,soaked in water.
The skin reacts with itching in the front of the neck and to synthetic clothing, washing powders with phosphates, creams, deodorants, lotions. In this case, it is necessary to determine the type of allergen and completely eliminate it: wash off cosmetics from the body, take off clothes, use only high-quality cotton underwear. Medicines such as Tavegil or Zodak will also help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. In what other cases does the front of the neck itch?

The neck can itch with the development of some pathologies of internal organs: endocrine and fungal diseases.
Demodicosis is a fungal infection of skin areas, which is accompanied by severe itching and flaking. The itchy area first becomes yellowish, then brown. Demodicosis is also called ringworm. It occurs on the scalp and, if left untreated, spreads to the neck, chest, and face.
The patient develops round purulent rashes that are red and itchy. When the tick that causes the disease enters the sebaceous glands, there is a decrease in the work of the endocrine and immune systems, and the gastrointestinal tract suffers. Scratching can aggravate the situation.
When the front of the neck itches, neurodermatitis can be the cause.
This is a disease that has a nervous nature of origin and requires complex treatment. Patients undergo therapy with a psychotherapist and a neuropathologist.

Featuredneurodermatitis are coarsened upper layers of the skin, hyperemia, pain during touching, roughness, the appearance of tubercles, irritation and severe itching at night. The disease can spread to other areas, accompanied by an inflammatory process.
Also why does the front of the neck itch and turn red?
Psoriasis is a pathological process that occurs as a result of stress and constant psycho-emotional stress. It is most common among people who engage in mental activity. The disease begins with the formation of red spots on the neck, most often in front, which begin to peel off and itch a little later. This is a chronic pathology that cannot be cured. Patients are advised to rest more, eat well, exclude emotional overload and the use of alcoholic beverages. Therapy is prescribed to achieve periods of remission and reduce the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes the skin on the front of the neck itches due to thyroid pathologies.

Thyroid disease
The thyroid gland is a rather vulnerable organ in the human body. Its pathologies can cause itching on the front of the neck, since the skin can suffer from hormonal disorders. Such diseases develop, as a rule, for the following reasons:
- iodine deficiency;
- reducing the amount of protein in food;
- nicotine and alcohol supply;
- micronutrient deficiencies with high iodine levels;
- unfavorable ecological situation.
Therapy of endocrine diseases should begin with the elimination of provoking factors. The patient must eliminate the causes, adjust the regimen and quality of nutrition and forget bad habits.
This pathology is associated with an increase in the level of hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland. In this case, there is a violation of metabolic processes and hormonal balance, there are malfunctions in the work of the gland and the reproductive system. If the neck itches in front, that is, in the area of \u200b\u200bthis organ, the patient is sent for examination to an endocrinologist, as well as for ultrasound and a blood test to determine the concentration of hormones. This itching of the neck occurs, as a rule, without rashes.

When the front of the neck itches without rashes, it causes more anxiety.
Diffuse goiter
This disease is associated with a high concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood. Symptoms of diffuse goiter are mood deterioration, increased irritability, inflammation of the skin on the neck and itching. Inflammatory reactions contribute to an increase in goiter, which is sometimes easy to determine even visually.
Diffuse goiter is also accompanied by palpitations, bulging eyes, deformity of the eyelids, severe burning in the thyroid gland.
The neck often itches in front with redness. Acne may be the cause.
In the cervical-collar zone, with the development of acne, characteristic rashes appear that itch. Scratching is strictly prohibited. Initially, experts find out the cause of such itching in the front of the neck, and then prescribe treatment methods.
The culprits for the development of acne can be:
- regular contact with the allergen;
- neglect of hygiene measures;
- viral and bacterial infections of the lymph nodes;
- diseases of the digestive system.
Severe itching of the front of the neck, peeling of the skin and burning sensation give the patient a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, which makes him unnecessarily irritable and lethargic.
Itch treatment
If the front of the neck itches due to allergies, it is recommended to use antihistamine medications, both general and local. For local use, "Hydrocortisone ointment" is prescribed, which contains a hormone that helps reduce the intensity of inflammatory reactions. You can also use Fenistil ointment. For systemic therapy, Suprastin, Loratadin or Cetrin are prescribed in the form of tablets.
If itching in the front of the neck is caused by a sunburn, the following medicines are prescribed:
- "Panthenol";
- "Livian";
- "Hydrocortisone"
- "Flocet".
Insect bites are good remedies:
- "Bepanten";
- Fenistil;
- Zinc Ointment.

If itchy skin in the neck area is caused by exposure to jewelry or chemicals, it is enough to simply eliminate the source of skinirritation.
With cervical itching, which is caused by certain diseases, various medications are used, which are determined by a specialist. If these are pathologies of the nervous system, sedative and sedative drugs can be used. With pathologies of the thyroid gland, the endocrinologist prescribes treatment based on the data of a diagnostic study. At the same time, it is extremely important to know the indicators of the level of a particular hormone, and then drug therapy is selected in each case. The goal of treatment is to normalize the hormonal balance in the body.
Regarding other pathological processes, we can say that their therapy is so specific that it cannot be prescribed without consulting a doctor. In the case of neurodermatitis and psoriasis, there are no specific methods of etiotropic treatment at all, since the origin of these diseases has not been fully elucidated.
When trying to eliminate itching on the front of the neck at home, it must be borne in mind that self-treatment may not give a positive therapeutic result, but only aggravate the state of he alth. So that the skin on the front of the neck stops itching, and this pathological symptom does not recur after a while, you should undergo an examination and use only those medicines that the doctor prescribes.
We looked at why the front of the neck itches.