Most women want to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. But not all of the fair sex know what remedy exists in nature to maintain beauty and he alth. This is sage. From Latin, the name is translated as "salvation" - and this is not accidental. In folk medicine, this plant is used quite often.

What is sage and how is it useful?
A small shrub with truly "magic" leaves blooms in the first half of summer. It is the leaves that are used in pharmaceuticals as a medicinal raw material for the Sage preparation. The medicinal properties of the plant are due to the content of essential oils, organic acids, vitamins P and tannins in it, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce gas formation. In ancient times from infertilityalso used sage. The properties of this plant are diverse: it is anti-inflammatory, and expectorant, and soothing. Also, the leaves of the shrub, with regular use in food, can reduce sweating. Sage, whose healing properties are manifested due to the phytohormone contained in it, is incredibly useful for the female body. A large number of preparations have been created on its basis, but traditional medicine remains popular as well.

Folk he alth recipes: sage infusion
So, to prepare the infusion, pour two tablespoons of raw materials into a glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, then cool and strain. This drink is recommended instead of tea for inflammation of the stomach, spasms, peptic ulcers, and accumulation of gases.
Essential oil
Don't forget about essential oil, which can be prepared using sage. The healing properties of this remedy are especially effective in sciatica, joint pain and various skin lesions. To prepare the oil, fresh leaves should be placed on a wide cheesecloth and held over steam. Under the influence of fumes, sage will begin to emit a strong aroma. Then it must be placed in a jar and poured with a glass of sunflower oil, after which it must be “languished” for some time in a water bath. Store cooled butter in an opaque container in a cool and dark place. Where is essential oil used? Firstly, it has a positive effect on the emotional sphere, relieves stressand helps to get rid of depression. Secondly, grass (and therefore oil too) normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, increases the tone of the body, and overall performance. For the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, the essential oil of the sage plant is also used, the healing properties of which help restore a shrunken voice. It is also used in cosmetology: it smoothes wrinkles well, and serves to cleanse hair.

In most cases, this remedy does not cause irritation, but situations are possible when a negative effect on the body of the sage plant is also manifested. Medicinal properties (contraindications to the use of oil - hypertension, insomnia or nervous excitement, pregnancy and lactation) of the leaves appear only with proper use. The dosage of the drug is as follows:
- for aromatherapy, a few drops of oil are enough, for inhalation - inhale from the bottle for several minutes;
- for external use, dilute 10 drops of oil in 0.5 tbsp. water, and for compresses, the dosage can be slightly increased.