Honey and nuts are ideal products for maintaining beauty and youth. They contain all the necessary elements that the body needs. The benefits of nuts with honey for women are very often discussed by doctors and nutritionists. In terms of their effectiveness, they can be compared with many drugs.
Composition and benefits of honey

This bee product is known to every person from early childhood. Almost the entire periodic table is present in honey. Perhaps there is no such substance that would not be present in honey in one quantity or another. First of all, these are vitamins: A, groups B, E, H, C and so on. Of the microelements, the greatest amount belongs to iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. There are organic acids and amino acids in honey. In total, scientists counted about three hundred useful components that are essential for maintaining human he alth.
In favor of honey is also the fact that thisthe product is completely absorbed by the body. In a word, eating a sufficiently large amount of honey, a person will not feel oversaturation and fatigue, as often happens after poorly digestible foods.
Benefits of nuts

In total, there are several dozen types of nuts in the world. Among them, the most popular are walnuts. They are a white sweetish core, dressed in a fairly strong frame. This is a fairly high-calorie product (654 kilocalories per 100 grams), which can add a few extra pounds. No wonder walnuts are not recommended for people with obesity and those who want to lose weight. They contain a lot of fat - 60 g, a small amount of carbohydrates - about 11 g, and proteins - 16 g. However, the fats in the nut are a rather valuable substance that brings exceptional benefits. This refers to polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and 6.
The product also contains a vitamin such as PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. As well as vitamin C, without which it is difficult to imagine a he althy immune system, and B vitamins.
Honey for he alth

As a rule, honey is used to treat the following diseases:
- Thanks to a sufficiently large amount of iron, this product regulates the level of hemoglobin. It is extremely useful for people with anemia, as it improves blood composition and replenishes its reserves after loss duringoperations.
- It was noticed the property of honey to dissolve bad cholesterol and prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Due to the unique property to regulate blood pressure, honey significantly heals the cardiovascular system.
- Thanks to the huge amount of vitamin A, it helps to restore visual acuity and acts as a prevention of cataracts.
- Affects the functioning of the immune system during a flu epidemic. It is indispensable in the autumn-winter period, as it is part of almost all traditional medicine intended for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pleurisy, influenza, and so on.
- With the help of this product improve the condition of the hair and skin of the face. Candied honey is an excellent peeling that gently cleanses the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis and saturates the skin with beneficial substances. After using it, the face becomes pink, smooth and pleasant to the touch.
- People with high acidity, honey helps to get rid of stomach pain. It also acts detrimental to pathogenic microflora in dysbacteriosis and poisoning. It is used to prevent gastritis, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the pancreas.
- There are many traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of endocrine diseases, which include honey. It is recommended for use by women during menopause, as well as for the prevention of infertility.
- Honey is no less effective in the treatment of ENT diseases. It is not only consumed inside, but also buried in the ears and nose. He is excellentstimulates the excretion of sputum when coughing and promotes expectoration.
Linden and buckwheat honey are considered the most useful. Acacia product has pronounced antimicrobial properties. People with thyroid diseases are recommended to use rapeseed honey, and athletes to recuperate - sunflower.
Effect of nuts on he alth

Not only walnuts, but also other nuts have a lot of useful properties. Almost all of them contain a huge amount of fiber, which, together with oil, helps to cleanse the stomach. Despite the relatively high calorie content, they are recommended to be used regularly for diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis. Scientists have revealed the properties of the walnut to remove s alts of heavy metals and radionuclides. The oil is used to treat hepatitis and diabetes.
Nuts are part of traditional medicine recipes for worms, boils and varicose veins. By regularly eating 2-3 nuts a day, you can avoid the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The fact is that the substances that make up this product prevent the absorption of cholesterol. If a person has wounds or ulcers that are difficult to heal, then it is extremely beneficial for him to consume a small amount of kernels daily or take one tablespoon of walnut oil per day. So what are the benefits and harms of honey with nuts?
Nuts with honey

When eating nutswith honey, you should know the measure and not use too much of a sweet product at a time. These products are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other. In addition to the benefits for women, walnuts with honey have a great taste. Thanks to them, the cooked dish turns out to be a real dessert that you want to eat again and again. These are quite high-calorie foods containing a fairly large amount of fats and carbohydrates. For example, dessert with sunflower honey is absolutely not suitable for overweight people.
How to cook

There are many recipes that, in addition to honey and nuts, also include dried apricots, raisins, lemon and other products. The easiest cooking method is as follows: grind the nuts in a blender and mix with liquid honey. The resulting composition is transferred to a separate jar with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. 2-3 tablespoons of dessert are consumed daily, washed down with warm herbal tea.
Literally after five or six days, you can notice an improvement in the condition of hair, nails and facial skin. In humans, the process of digestion is normalized, constipation disappears and immunity is strengthened. This recipe is often used to treat colds, inflammation, and diseases of the female genital area. If desired, the nuts can not be twisted, but simply divided into slices. We must not forget about the benefits of nuts with honey for women.
Recipe with lemon
The resulting dessert can be used to prevent influenza,restoring strength, getting rid of headaches and insomnia. People with high acidity or stomach ulcers should be careful, as lemon can cause irritation. If you add lemon, ground in a blender along with the peel, to this dish, it will acquire a pronounced therapeutic effect. Thus, nuts with honey will gain additional benefits for women. The fair sex is recommended to treat migraine twice a year with this dish.
You can often find reviews of women who, with the help of a honey-nut dessert, got rid of headaches, irritability and nervousness. In addition, lemon with zest significantly strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and also lowers blood pressure. In short, the benefits of honey, nuts and lemon are invaluable.
With dried apricots and raisins
All components are taken approximately equally. You will need a glass of peeled and chopped nuts, one hundred grams of raisins, dried apricots, honey and a few pieces of almonds. Dried fruits and nuts are ground in a blender, after which they are combined with liquid lime or some other honey. Experts advise holding the resulting mixture for several days in the refrigerator and only then start using it. Thus, dried fruits will soften, and the composition will become more uniform. It will noticeably improve the taste and a certain aroma will appear. After that, the benefits for women of nuts with honey become more pronounced. After using this mixture, the appearance of the face and hair improves. In addition, it will help increase sexual desire and increase the likelihood of conception.
Nut mix
Dessert turns out to be very tasty if it contains not only walnuts, but also peanuts, almonds and cashews. The mixture is ground in a blender and mixed with the bee product. If desired, nuts can be lightly toasted in a dry frying pan without adding oil. The recipe for honey with nuts can bring a lot of benefits.
And you can also use pine nuts, which are treated in a similar way, or hazelnuts. It doesn't matter what type of nuts you use, as they all have similar properties and benefit the body.
Walnuts with honey: benefits and harms

Such a delicacy can not only improve he alth, but also harm. In order for the resulting dish to bring pleasure, you should follow some rules:
- The container that will contain the mixture must be clean, closed with a lid and preferably made of glass.
- Sometimes parchment paper is used instead of a lid. Thus, the product is in contact with oxygen and remains fresh for a long time.
- Many experts recommend not to grind nuts in a blender, but simply cut them into several slices. So the benefits of a mixture of nuts with honey will be greater.
- The best storage place is a refrigerator or other cool place. Like any other dish, this mixture does not like direct sunlight and excessive heat.
- Use the composition, as a rule, on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. This period is sufficient forthe mixture has been absorbed by the body.
It is advisable to use the composition in the morning, as it is nutritious and high-calorie. The benefits for women of nuts with honey are quite noticeable. A tablespoon of nut composition eaten in the morning will give energy for the whole day. But do not abuse the product, especially if you have problems with being overweight.