Papilloma is a benign neoplasia formed from squamous epithelium, resembling a papilla in appearance. It appears on the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, paranasal sinuses, renal pelvis, bladder, but most often on the surface of the skin. Such neoplasms usually do not manifest themselves in any way. But it happens that papillomas itch, change size, color. These symptoms should not be ignored.
Why papillomas appear

The etiology of papillomas is most often viral. The causative agent is human papillomavirus (HPV) - the Papovaviridae family (monkey vacuolating virus). More than 130 strains are known, each of which has its own characteristics and manifests itself in different ways. The virus is not stable in the external environment, infection occurs through direct contact. Predisposing factors for infection are smoking, beriberi, endometriosis, immunodeficiencies.
Upon entering the body, HPV first infects the basal (lying on the surface) cellsepithelium. The penetration of the virus into the body is facilitated by microtrauma, cracks. For a long time, the virus can multiply, but does not manifest itself clinically. If HPV multiplies in the stratum corneum, then cell hyperplasia is observed over time.
Why papillomas itch

Localization, color, form of neoplasm depends on its pathogen. And the causes of itching mainly depend on the characteristics of the papillomas.
Plantar papillomas, the causative agent of which is HPV 1, 2, 4, are small in size and shaped like bumps. They are characterized by severe itching and even soreness, especially while walking. Neoplasms are confused with corns and they try to cauterize, open, or use drugs to eliminate them. Pressure injury, exposure to chemicals in medicines, causes irritation and itching.
Filiform papillomas, or acrochords, arise as a result of damage to the body of HPV 3, 5, 8. Neoplasms are localized in the groin, armpits, neck, and on the skin around the eyes. Acrochords, located in places where trauma is possible, often become inflamed and cause discomfort. If the papilloma on the eyelid itches, but does not turn red and does not increase, most likely it was inadvertently hooked, for example, while washing. If the neoplasm has become inflamed, it has become larger, you should consult a doctor.
Can papillomas be scratched?
Papilloma is a small, dense or soft to the touch formation on a long or short stalk. Neoplasia consists of connective tissue stroma and epithelium. The stroma is filled with small vessels, and if they are traumatized, bleeding is possible.
If the papillomas itch, then touching them is highly discouraged. Any strain of the virus can infect a person. They are divided into three groups according to the degree of oncogenicity:
- Low risk. Single neoplasms, only on the surface of the skin, not posing a threat to the body. They only cause a cosmetic defect.
- Medium oncogenicity. Under the influence of certain factors, they can cause changes in the cell genome.
- High oncogenic risk. Papillomas with this strain of the virus often degenerate into cancerous tumors.
Combing the latter can lead to an acceleration of cell division. Papilloma, as a rule, increases in size, changes color (the stratum corneum changes to a new one). A neoplasm can not only itch, but also hurt, and general well-being can also worsen. With such symptoms, you should go to the appointment with a dermatologist and oncologist.
Factors affecting itching

Why do papillomas itch on the neck, eyelid or elsewhere in their localization? The virus is to blame for the appearance of neoplasms. Its presence is abnormal, the body tries to fight it, the immune system gradually weakens. And since the virus is localized in papillomas, it is they who become more sensitive and react more sharply to various stimuli.
The most common itchy irritants are:
- Uncomfortable clothing or jewelry. Tight underwear rubs the papilloma, irritated skin begins to itch. Synthetic fabrics or clothing dyes can also irritate. Papillomas in the neck area can itch from friction against metal jewelry.
- Allergy to soap, shower gel. Allergy manifestations, such as redness, itching, usually occur on pathologically altered areas of the skin (scars, rashes, swelling, neoplasms).
- Bad hygiene. Rare trips to the shower, especially in hot weather or during physical exertion, as well as in diseases accompanied by profuse sweating, contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Failure to comply with hygiene can threaten to introduce another infection into the body. Reduced immunity contributes to the activation of HPV.
- Ultraviolet exposure. As you know, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays (sun, solarium) on the skin contributes to the malignancy of cells that are not even affected by the virus. If the cause of the appearance of papillomas was a virus of high oncogenic risk, then ultraviolet light will accelerate the development of cancer. Itching may be due to active cell division.
- Hormonal drugs. Incorrectly selected steroid drugs or non-compliance with the rules for taking them can cause hormonal disruptions in the body. Against their background, HPV can be activated.
Papilloma itches, what should I do?
Itching at the site of neoplasms is always caused by some reason. If the papillomas on the body itch, you do not need to immediately panic. First you need to evaluate their size, color. It is necessary to exclude to the maximum everything that can causepapilloma irritation: uncomfortable clothes, low-quality jewelry, any substances that cause allergies, prolonged exposure to the sun.
In case of observing visible changes in the neoplasm (enlargement, redness) and feeling pain, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The greatest danger is the excessive activity of the virus. HPV is embedded in human DNA and spreads through the natural process of cell division. Under the influence of certain factors, the virus changes the genome of the cell, and it begins to divide randomly. Of course, not all hyperplasia develop into malignant tumors, but only a doctor can determine the nature of the neoplasm with accuracy.
Anti-itch medicines and how to use them

Examination always takes some time. If papillomas itch, and itching is difficult to endure, you can use medicines to alleviate the situation. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. Drugs to help relieve itching:
- Antihistamines. Means reduce hyperemia (redness occurs from scratching the skin with fingers), prevent the development of edema, and reduce capillary permeability. In addition, if itching is due to allergies, then antihistamines will eliminate the very cause. Drugs should be chosen with fewer side effects and with greater and faster therapeutic efficacy. These include: Fenistil, Zodak, Zyrtec.
- Local anti-inflammatory drugs, calcineurin inhibitors. The drugs act locally without causing skin atrophy and side effects. The most popular are the ointments "Elidel", "Protopic", "Tacropic".
- Antiseptics. The drugs have antimicrobial activity, prevent inflammatory processes. Unfortunately, they are not effective against viruses and are not suitable for preventing HPV. Quickly get rid of itching and inflammation will help "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine".
Folk remedies to help relieve irritation

You can get rid of the unpleasant sensation of irritation not only with the help of drugs, some folk remedies are no less effective:
- Itching can be eliminated with a mixture of chopped garlic and butter in a 1:1 ratio. The gruel is placed in gauze and applied to the neoplasms for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.
- If papillomas on the neck itch, where the use of garlic is not desirable, you can use castor oil. They are also smeared with neoplasms twice a day, but unlike garlic mass, oil can be used for no more than five days in a row.
- The feeling of irritation and inflammation is good for cabbage leaves. They must be applied to neoplasms for 40 minutes. You can apply at any free time, the number of times has no restrictions. Some claim that with the help of this method they got rid of papillomas altogether.
Can papillomas be removed?

This is usually one of the first questions that comes up whenappearance of neoplasms. If papillomas itch, it would be very logical to just get rid of them - removing the object that causes itching will automatically relieve discomfort.
It is strictly forbidden to eliminate them on your own. Papilloma removal services are offered by many medical organizations. Their cost depends on the method:
- cryolysis - destruction of pathological epidermal growths by exposing them to liquid nitrogen;
- electrocoagulation is a low frequency electric current removal procedure;
- laser destruction - destruction of a neoplasm with a laser.
Only papillomas of low oncogenic risk can be removed. An examination is mandatory before an invasive manipulation.
What to do if it itches at the site of papilloma removal

Removal of neoplasms does not guarantee that they will not reappear. It is necessary to eliminate the cause - HPV. If this is not done, then the virus can activate at any time and neoplasms will reappear.
The main reason that the skin itches after removing the papilloma is precisely the activation of HPV. The place where the operation was carried out to eliminate the neoplasm is the most vulnerable at first. General therapy, as well as compliance with all medical recommendations, will help reduce the risk of reappearance of papillomas. If itching occurs after removal, you should immediately inform the doctor.
Prevention of neoplasms
If papillomas itch, then you can remove the itchdifferent ways. But it is better to take measures to prevent neoplasms. Since the most common route of transmission of the virus is sexual, condoms must be used.
When planning a pregnancy, you should undergo a full examination and, if HPV is detected, be treated. This will help reduce your baby's risk of infection.
Any neoplasm is not normal for the body. Excessive cell division is not always severe. Regardless of whether papillomas itch or not, when they occur, a comprehensive examination is necessary. The appearance of neoplasms already indicates the activity of the virus, and tests will help to find out how dangerous the virus is.