Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint
Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

During the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, one cannot do without a restorative physical culture complex. This disease is one of the most common arthritic pathologies. Due to the progression of the disease, which exposes cartilage and bone tissue to degenerative changes, irreversible dystrophic processes occur in the patient's joint capsule.

Can coxarthrosis be cured?

In the research literature, this disease is often referred to as osteoarthritis. In most cases, the disease affects people over 40 years of age. Features of the anatomical structure and purpose of the hip joint in humans determine its predisposition to the development of various pathologies.

exercises for coxarthrosis
exercises for coxarthrosis

This part of the body is the largest element of the skeletal system of the body. It is the hip joint, being the skeletal basis, that takes on the maximum load, and therefore often needs to be restored, which can be achieved only through the performance of physical therapy exercises. With coxarthrosisconservative methods of therapy are also used, which involve taking medications. In extremely severe cases, doctors resort to surgery.

At what stages of the disease can I exercise?

Performance of competent physical training complexes will not allow bone tissues to grow together, which allows you to maintain the mobility and functionality of the joint itself. At the initial stage of the disease, regular therapeutic exercises are rather a preventive measure, and with coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree, exercises become an integral part of therapy, contributing not only to inhibition of the progression of the pathology, but also to relieve its symptoms. A characteristic crunch when the joint moves, soreness in the inguinal and knee zones gradually turns into severe discomfort. Independent walking with osteoarthritis in the second stage becomes the most difficult test for the patient.

exercises for coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree
exercises for coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree

Exercises for coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree are chosen by a specialist, based on the severity of the course of the disease. The limb affected by the pathology often becomes shorter, the muscle tissues begin to die, the patient's movements become difficult, constrained, which is externally manifested by lameness. Gymnastic complexes for coxarthrosis are designed to alleviate the patient's condition, but it is almost impossible to avoid surgical intervention at this stage of the disease.

Doctors advice on therapeutic exercises for the joint

It is worth noting that some preparation should precede the exercise from exercise therapy. Important to considerfollowing orthopedic recommendations:

  • Movement should not be done abruptly, smoothly, sedately.
  • It is necessary to exclude even the minimum weight load on the pelvis.
  • For each individual patient, doctors develop individual training schemes after a thorough diagnosis.
  • In combination with exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, water procedures, swimming and massage will be effective.

Complex of exercises in the prone position

It is impossible to treat such a disease as osteoarthritis on your own: physiotherapy exercises should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a competent specialist. In addition, when starting gymnastics, it is important to think through every detail, from choosing comfortable clothes, place and time.

exercises for coxarthrosis 3 degrees
exercises for coxarthrosis 3 degrees

Since most of the workout is done in the supine position, it is worth preparing a mat that softens the surface in advance. On the back, you must perform the following exercises:

  1. Legs straight out, hands at the seams. Tighten your limbs and take a deep breath. Raise your arms and lower as you exhale. Repeat several times in a row, slowly.
  2. Exactly the same as in the previous one: arms along the body. First raise and lower your legs, bend at the knee and pull up again, then unbend. Breathing is calm and measured, the pace is arbitrary.
  3. Hands on the belt, bent at the elbows. It is necessary to turn your legs with your knees to each other, then straighten and lower. Perform 7 to 10 repetitions.
  4. In the supine position, you need to bring and spread straight legs, without lifting them, for a minute.
  5. "Riding a bicycle" - perform movements for 30 seconds, lying on your back.
exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip
exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip

Gymnastics on the stomach with osteoarthritis

To exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree, experts advise adding those that are performed in the prone position. Doctors consider this complex to be the most effective:

  1. Leaning your forehead on the surface (it is important to do this with your forehead, not your chin or nose!), place your arms along. Then try to raise your head as high as possible, pulling up with your shoulders and holding for a few seconds. The exercise is performed at short intervals several times.
  2. Assuming the starting position, as in the previous exercise, you should alternately raise your legs, trying to keep them straight. Hold your breath motionless for 5 seconds, then lower the limb.
  3. Lie face down, stretch your straight arms forward. Perform a movement similar to swimming with a breaststroke for at least 30 seconds.
  4. Put your hands in front of you, near your chest. In the pelvic area, tighten the muscular apparatus, hold the tension for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat several times.

Exercise lying on your side

There are also exercises for coxarthrosis that are done on the side. For example, this is: lie down, stretch your lower arm up, bending at the elbow, and put your head on it. The upper leg should be slowly raised as high as possible, hold fora few seconds and lower as you exhale.

coxarthrosis exercises on bubnovsky
coxarthrosis exercises on bubnovsky

After 10 sets, roll over to the other side, repeating the exercise. With coxarthrosis, not only the joint suffers, but also the muscles adjacent to the pelvic floor. Gymnastics will help strengthen them, which will positively affect the patient's motor activity.

Standing hip workout

Most often, with coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree, exercises are done in the supine position. In the earlier stages of the disease, standing training is acceptable. They are usually performed for a short time, in the presence of support:

  • Leaning on the back of a chair, swing straight legs back, changing limbs every 10 seconds. It is important to pull the foot, trying to throw the leg as far as possible.
  • In a similar position, you should smoothly wave first one leg, then the other. It is undesirable to bend the limbs at the knee. The exercise is performed for one minute.
  • In a standing position, toes and heels together. It is necessary to “draw” a circle: this is done first with one foot, then with the second. Run several times, try to tighten the “drawing” leg harder.
  • Stand on both feet, holding onto the back of a chair. Move the support to the front of the foot, trying to rise on the toes, then slowly lower and take the starting position. Repeat about 20 times.
coxarthrosis exercises evdokimenko
coxarthrosis exercises evdokimenko

Bubnovsky's technique: how to prepare?

Specialists in the field of osteoarthritis treatment also recommendphysical therapy and other methods, among which the Bubnovsky exercises are quite famous. With coxarthrosis, such gymnastics is conditionally performed in two stages: first, a complex for "beginners" is comprehended, and after that - a block of classes for more experienced ones. To begin the complex part of the complex, you should master some elements of the initial level of training:

  • Regardless of the position of the body (sitting, lying, standing), firmly clench your teeth, compress your lips and pronounce the sound “pf” as you exhale. In this case, it is better to place the hands in the solar plexus area.
  • Hands along the body. For 2-3 minutes, you need to alternately lower and rise on your heels, inhaling and exhaling synchronously.

A set of exercises from a famous rehabilitation therapist

You can master this part of the exercises for coxarthrosis without any problems. Immediately after completing them, you need to proceed to the basic lesson:

  1. Stand at the support, take one leg back, bending at the knee, and try to grab it with your hand. Holding the foot for the maximum possible time, you need to try to endure the pain. After a few sessions, the muscles will adapt and the discomfort will subside.
  2. In a standing position, you should bend down alternately to each leg. This will develop the muscles of the lower back, strengthen the joints.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your legs high and try to throw them over your head. If the fingers touch the floor, we can assume that the exercise is completed. It belongs to the most complex physical culture techniques, but there is no doubt about its effectiveness.have to. If it is difficult to master the throw over the head the first time, you can start by raising the straight legs up and carefully lowering them behind the head.

Evdokimenko joint training

Yevdokimenko's exercises for coxarthrosis are also popular among alternative gymnastics. A distinctive feature of this technique is the performance of movements with maximum tension of the muscles of the thighs, pelvis, and abs. In addition, classes according to the Evdokimenko method are held with an equivalent load on both legs.

what exercises for coxarthrosis
what exercises for coxarthrosis

For example, such an exercise: the patient needs to lie down on his stomach, straighten his legs, relax his arms and put them along the body. To a slight height from the floor, it is necessary to raise the right leg, and then the left, without bending the limbs at the knee joints and holding each of them alternately for 30-40 seconds. During the exercise for coxarthrosis, it is important to pay attention to the high tone of the muscles of the thigh, buttocks, and abdomen.

Contraindications for gymnastics

It is worth noting that gymnastics is not always beneficial. In some cases, exercises for coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree should be refrained from. No less careful the patient should be in the third stage of the disease. Any of the following symptoms indicate the need to abandon exercise therapy for a while:

  • presence of bleeding;
  • high body temperature;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • recent cardiovascular disorders.

The best treatment for any disease, as you know, is prevention. To prevent such he alth complications, it is necessary to lead a he althy and active lifestyle.
