Coxarthrosis of the hip joint refers to a variety of arthrosis and is accompanied by inflammation, pain and stiffness of movement. The disease mainly occurs in people over 40 years of age, but it can also occur at a young age. You need to contact the doctor at the very beginning of the development of the pathology, since only this guarantees a high-quality and quick recovery.
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint according to ICD-10 code M16. So far, the exact causes of its occurrence are unknown, which is why it is strictly forbidden to carry out self-treatment, without first consulting a doctor. This can only accelerate the progression of inflammation and lead to disability. Treatment is selected depending on the stage of the pathology.
Causes of disease
There are 2 types of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, namely primary and secondary. The exact causes of the primary form have not yet been fully established, however, there are several provoking factors, in particular such as:
- beforepast illnesses;
- constant heavy loads;
- injuries;
- bone dysplasia;
- excessive weight;
- arthritis;
- joint infarction;
- congenital pathologies.
It is worth remembering that repeated microtraumas in professional athletes and people in dangerous professions often lead to coxarthrosis. Even the most minimal damage can have dangerous consequences that appear after a few years.

As one of the predisposing factors, doctors have recently begun to single out prolonged stress. Against its background, there is an increase in the level of corticosteroids, which reduce the production of natural lubrication of the joints. As a result, degenerative changes occur.
Chronic diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal changes, osteoporosis and impaired sensation of the limbs are of some importance.
Degrees of coxarthrosis
There are several stages of the development of the disease, which have different symptoms. With coxarthrosis of the hip joint of 1-2 degrees, the violations are not too pronounced, pain occurs only after intense physical exertion. The limbs move freely, and the person's gait is not disturbed. In addition, the pain disappears after a short rest.
Since the symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree are not particularly manifested, it is possible to recognize pathological changes only when performing an x-ray, sincethe picture clearly shows a slight narrowing of the joint space and the formation of osteophytes.
With the 2nd degree of the disease, pain may radiate to the groin and thigh. With prolonged walking, slight lameness may be observed. The picture already clearly shows growths and slight deformity of the femoral neck.
With coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree, constant severe pain is observed, it becomes difficult for a person to move without special devices and muscles almost completely atrophy. On the x-ray, the displacement of the pelvic bones is clearly visible.
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 4th degree does not allow a person to get up, and the hip joint is almost completely immobilized.
Main types of injury
Dysplastic coxarthrosis of the hip joint occurs after 25 years due to ongoing hormonal changes. In this case, the lesion affects both joints. In women, this can occur during pregnancy, when physical activity is somewhat reduced. In addition, the disease can occur as a result of physical inactivity and injuries.
Dysplastic coxarthrosis of the hip joint can be triggered by a mechanical effect on the cartilage, heavy physical exertion, as well as various microtraumas. However, the main cause is still congenital pathological processes. Its beginning is always sharp, the first degree of damage develops very quickly. Initially, a certain discomfort is felt, and then motor activity is disturbed. Painful sensations begin to disturbperson even during sleep. There is a high risk of complete immobilization of the joints.
Deforming coxarthrosis of the hip joint is accompanied by degenerative changes in the cartilaginous tissue, which leads to its gradual destruction. With subsequent development, the pathological process completely covers the articular capsule, bones and ligaments. A similar condition is observed during physical exertion, varicose veins and constant mechanical stress.
Main symptoms
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint develops gradually, initially provoking only minor pain in the affected hip or groin. Over time, the intensity of the pain increases, and the mobility of the joint is significantly limited.

Main symptoms include:
- pain in the hip and groin;
- crunching in the joint when walking;
- stiffness;
- muscle atrophy;
- limping.
Sometimes these signs are confused with symptoms of a lumbar lesion. It is worth remembering that pain in coxarthrosis of the hip joint does not reach the toes, which often happens with lesions of the lower back, but only down to the knee or mid-thigh. This is due to muscle atrophy. Sometimes the pain in the knee becomes pronounced.
If you experience such symptoms, you should definitely contact an orthopedist or rheumatologist, as only a qualified doctor will be able to assess the degree of joint damage and prescribe qualified treatment.
Diagnosis is based on the history and the results of an X-ray examination of the hip joint. Depending on the stage of the course of the disease, the images show a change in the joint space, the joint itself and the femur. Basically, the diagnosis does not cause any difficulties for the doctor.
Features of treatment
Many patients wonder if the disease can be completely cured. If the therapy was carried out at the initial stages, when the pain is not too pronounced, then very good results can be achieved. However, not everyone goes to the doctor with a slight deterioration in well-being, and in the meantime, the joint is increasingly destroyed, which ultimately leads to irreversible changes.

At later stages, joint replacement surgery is indicated. The treatment regimen is drawn up strictly individually, depending on the characteristics of the human body, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases. For treatment, methods such as:
- physiotherapy exercises;
- UHF application;
- massage;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- drugs for vasodilation, muscle relaxants;
- hormonal drugs;
- chondroprotectors.
Coxarthrosis is very difficult to treat, treatment may take more than a year, but if it is started in a timely manner, the prognosis is more positive.
Medicated treatment
To eliminate pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, in particular, such as Ketorol, Diclofenac, Piroxicam. They help eliminate inflammation and swelling of the tissues, which significantly reduces pain. However, it is worth remembering that long-term use of these drugs is not recommended, as they have many side effects. If you need to take inflammatory drugs for a long time, it is recommended to prescribe Movalis, as it has much fewer side effects.
Also shown is the use of vasodilators, in particular such as "Cinnarizine", "Trental", which contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, thereby significantly improving the regenerative ability of cartilage tissue. Muscle relaxants can relax the spasmodic muscles of the lower leg and thigh, and also help normalize blood circulation in the joint, thereby reducing the intensity of pain.

Chondroprotectors for coxarthrosis of the hip joint help stimulate recovery and slow down the process of cartilage destruction. These drugs, when used regularly, help to significantly slow down or stop the progression of the pathological process. It is worth noting that recovery continues for some time after drug withdrawal. In particular, such chondroprotectors are prescribed for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, such as Artroglycan and Teraflex.
Patients note the high effectiveness of drugs for external use, in the form of ointments and gels. The active substance penetrates through the skin directly to the joint. The use of warming ointments is shown, as they help to normalize blood circulation and eliminate muscle spasms.
In some cases, injections are prescribed in the joint for coxarthrosis of the hip joint. They help eliminate intense pain, as well as inflammation of muscle tissue and tendons. In particular, hormonal injections into the joint are indicated for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, for example, such as Hydrocortisone or Kenalog. The effect after such procedures remains for a long time.
Use of folk remedies
In addition to the drugs prescribed by the doctor, you can use alternative treatment for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, which implies the following:
- use of decoctions and infusions of herbs;
- taking baths with the addition of herbal decoctions;
- rubbing;
- setting compresses.
Healing ointments help improve the well-being of patients, as well as medicinal herbs, for example, such as stepping stone. Decoctions are prepared from it, ground into powder, and then insisted. However, the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with folk remedies should be carried out very carefully, strictly observing the dosage, and you must first consult a doctor.
Nettle leaves and juniper berries help well, which must be taken in equal proportions and then mixed with melted porkfat. The resulting ointment should be rubbed into the affected areas 3 times a day.

For the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, folk remedies are widely used essential oils. Celandine will help to cope with painful sensations. It must be crushed, add olive oil and leave for 2 weeks so that the product is well infused. It is necessary to rub the joint several times a day, and then wrap the joint with a warm cloth. After a week, you need to repeat the procedure.
You can prepare a good pain reliever based on alcohol, honey, iodine and glycerin. They must be taken in equal proportions, thoroughly mixed with each other and left for 3 hours. The prepared mixture should be treated with the affected area.
It's also important to stay active, eat right and control your weight.
Remedial gymnastics
A set of exercises can be performed when the disease has gone into remission and its manifestations are practically not observed. During exacerbations, after surgery, as well as in violation of the functioning of the heart muscle, the load is strictly contraindicated.
Therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are selected by an orthopedist, depending on the degree of damage and the complexity of the course of the disease. Each exercise should be repeated several times gently and smoothly. Classes should be carried out regularly so that you can achieve the desired result. There are also very good methods for restoring the performance of joints and muscles,developed by leading traumatologists.
In the initial stages of the lesion, it is necessary to carry out an exercise to develop the limb. To do this, you need to bend it, lift it up. All exercises should be done lying down or sitting on a chair or fitball.

One of the most popular methods is exercise therapy developed by Dr. Bubnovsky. It is based on the principle of ensuring good nutrition of the articular cartilage by normalizing the functioning of adjacent ligaments and muscles that provide active blood circulation. A set of exercises can be performed on special simulators, during which the load on the diseased joints is reduced and as a result, blood microcirculation in weakened muscles is restored, they become stronger, painful manifestations disappear, and the mobility of the affected area returns.
This technique is successfully used not only at the initial stages of coxarthrosis, but also before elective joint surgery. It allows you to strengthen the body and promotes faster recovery after surgery. The success of the therapy largely depends on the systematic implementation of the exercises and the strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations.
Other therapies
You can treat coxarthrosis on your own, for this you need to take into account such areas of therapy as:
- diet;
- drinking enough fluids;
- losing weight when overweight;
- decreasejoint stress;
- Physiotherapy.
Manual therapy is widely used and must be combined with other treatment methods to obtain the desired result. This technique involves the gradual stretching of the affected limb.
Effective therapeutic massage for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, which helps to normalize blood circulation, improve cartilage nutrition, increase joint elasticity and restore their functioning.

Hirudotherapy is prescribed at the initial stage of the development of the disease, since the action of the enzymes secreted by the leech is similar to the effect of chondroprotectors. Such manipulations help reduce pain and inflammation. Among the methods of physiotherapy, magnetic, laser therapy and electrophoresis can be distinguished. Literally after a few procedures, swelling and pain can be reduced.
In especially severe cases, joint replacement is prescribed, which involves replacing the joint with an artificial analogue. Often, the operation is performed at the 3rd stage of the course of the disease, when a person becomes disabled and cannot move independently.
Disability due to coxarthrosis
If a person with coxarthrosis cannot independently perform simple household tasks, then he is assigned a disability. For this, the patient needs to undergo a special examination, the results of which will determine the appointment of disability.
Usually, a person suffering from coxarthrosis is assigned the 3rd group, and the 2nd get a fewmore difficult. If an operation was performed and he alth began to improve, then disability can be removed.
Coxarthrosis of the joints is a disease in which there is a gradual destruction of cartilage and deformation of the bone surface, which eventually leads to limited mobility. That is why it is necessary to carry out treatment in a timely manner using a complex technique in order to prevent the occurrence of complications.