Means "Yogulakt" is a dietary supplement that normalizes the intestinal microflora. The drug is produced in the form of capsules, each of which contains lactic acid probiotic bacteria and lyophilized cultures in a volume of 400 mg.

Pharmacological properties
The bacteria that make up the preparation "Yogulakt" (instructions for use indicates) normalize the intestinal microflora. So, varieties of lactobacilli have a high resistance to antibiotics, they can stop such ailments as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, and allergic rhinitis. Separate yoghurt cultures accelerate the development and growth of normal microflora, have an antimicrobial effect, and are active against various pathogenic microorganisms. A group of bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus eliminates the manifestationsdysbacteriosis, which develops against the background of the use of antibiotics. In addition, the drug has pronounced antiviral properties due to the synthesis of hydrogen peroxide.
Probiotic bacteria included in the medication:
- participate in the reproduction of substances with antimicrobial activity;
- speed up the metabolism of pigments and bile acids;
- contribute to the formation of lactic acid in the intestines, resulting in a shift in the balance to the acid side, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is suppressed;
- stimulate immunity;
- have an anti-allergic effect;
- participate in the synthesis of B and K vitamins, ascorbic acid, increasing the body's resistance to adverse factors.

Additive "Yogulakt" instructions for use recommends taking as an additional source of probiotics. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis caused by malnutrition, the use of antibacterial drugs, unfavorable environmental conditions, chronic diseases of the gastric and intestinal systems, infectious pathologies, food allergies, helminthiasis.
Medicine "Yogulakt" instructions for use suggest using for symptoms such as:
- constipation;
- nausea;
- abdominal pain;
- indigestion;
- flatulence;
- burp;
- diarrhea;
- vomit.

Medication "Yogulakt" instructions for use prohibits the use of hypersensitivity. You can not give medicine with individual intolerance to the components, as well as babies under three months.
Additive "Yogulakt": instructions for use, price
Up to a year, children are given half a capsule, mixing its contents with mother's milk. It should be taken once a day for a month. Up to six years, appoint 1 cap., up to 14 years - two units per day. Adults and adolescents after 14 should take the medicine three times a day, 1-2 capsules. The effect is observed after a two-month intake. The cost of the medication is 140 rubles.
Side effects of the drug "Yogulakt", instructions, reviews
Allergic manifestations were observed only with individual rejection of the medicine. In general, patient reviews indicate good tolerability of the drug.