"Epam 4" is a dietary supplement, which includes herbal ingredients. Dietary supplement is used as a general strengthening drug. The tool is recommended to prevent pathologies of the liver and biliary tract. It improves the well-being of patients suffering from hepatosis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the pancreas.
How the drug works
"Epam 4" is a dietary supplement, which includes substances that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. They maintain a good condition of the liver, normalize the functions of the organ and restore damaged cells. The product contains components of natural origin, bee products. The concentration of ingredients in the preparation is quite high. Dietary supplement for the liver protects the body from negative influences (abuse of alcohol-containing products, chemicals, improper diet).

The remedy also contributes to the norm althe course of the processes of formation and secretion of bile.
What ingredients are in the supplement?
The preparation contains many different ingredients, the main part of which is extracts of medicinal plants. For the manufacture of dietary supplements "Epam 4" the following types of raw materials are used:
- Helichrysum flowers.
- Bee milk.
- Valerian and dandelion roots.
- Propolis.
- Rose hips.
- Birch leaves.
- St. John's wort.
- Corn silk.
- Nettle leaves.
- Marshmallow roots and elecampane.
- Mumiyo.
- Nutmeg extract.
- Peppermint.
- Yarrow herb.

Dietary supplement for the liver, which is discussed in the article, is used as a hepatoprotector and choleretic agent. The following sections tell you when to use the remedy and how to apply it.
For what pathologies is the supplement recommended?
The main indications for use can be listed:
- Chronic inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol, exposure to viruses and toxic substances.
- Cirrhosis.
- JSC.
- Fatty hepatosis.
- Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and pancreas.
The drug "Epam 4" contributes to the normalization of the digestion process. It also helps to cope with the consequences of the abuse of harmful products, eliminates the feeling of nausea, heartburn,discomfort in the digestive tract.
Other readings
The liver is the organ responsible for digestion. It is also involved in the formation of proteins, the process of stopping blood. Due to its useful qualities, the Epam 4 supplement is used to improve the condition of blood vessels. Specialists recommend dietary supplements for patients suffering from varicose veins. The drug in this case is used in the form of wraps. Doctors also advise taking Epam 4 when metrorrhagia occurs. To eliminate such bleeding, a large amount of medication is used for 7-14 days. To combat gallstone disease, a long course of dietary supplements is also needed - from 3 months to six months. The drug is recommended for patients with impaired protein metabolism. In addition, it is used externally as a remedy for bleeding minor abrasions.
Features of the use of the additive
The recommended dose of medicine is 10 drops. BAA should be consumed three to four times a day, previously dissolved in 20 milliliters of water.

Duration of therapy is twenty-one days. The supplement can be used both before meals and after. The drug from the company "Siberian He alth" "Epam 4" is also used as a means to cleanse the body. This procedure helps to get rid of the consequences of the abuse of junk food. The effect is not immediately felt, and in order to achieve good results, you need to regularly carry it out for a long time (about two years).
Many people buy the supplement in Siberian He alth stores, as well as from distributors. Product reviews are generally good. The supplement has earned good reviews due to its natural composition, pleasant taste and affordable price. The drug helps patients improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, helps to get rid of the manifestations of cholelithiasis and the consequences of an improper diet. However, not all buyers are satisfied with the effect of the drug. Some believe that the remedy did not have a positive effect on their body. In addition, the composition of dietary supplements includes bee products.

It can provoke individual intolerance. Therefore, the supplement is not suitable for allergic patients.