Prosthetics is used everywhere, in all dental clinics. Today, there is a fairly large selection of materials for the manufacture of prostheses and techniques for their installation. The new zirconium oxide material impresses with its qualities and is considered the best for this application.
Zirconium oxide as a chemical compound

Zirconium oxide (dioxide) ZrO2 are transparent, colorless crystals of special strength, insoluble in water and most solutions of alkalis and acids, but soluble in alkali melts, glasses, hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids. The melting point is 2715 °C. Zirconium oxide exists in three forms: stable monoclinic, which is found in nature, metastable tetragonal, which is part of zirconium ceramics, and unstable cubic, which is used in jewelry as an imitation of diamonds. In industry, zirconium oxide is widely used due to its superhardness; refractories, enamels, glasses and ceramics are made from it.
Scope of application of oxidezirconium
Zirconium oxide was discovered in 1789 and was not used for a long time, all its huge potential was unknown to mankind. Only relatively recently, zirconium has been actively used in many areas of human activity. It is used in the automotive industry, for example, in the manufacture of brake discs for high-end cars. In the space industry, it is indispensable - thanks to it, ships withstand incredible temperature effects. Cutting tools, pumps also contain zirconium oxide. It is also used in medicine, for example, as the heads of artificial hip joints. And finally, in dentistry, he can show all his best qualities in the role of dentures.
Zirconium oxide in dentistry
In modern dentistry, zirconium oxide is the most popular material for the manufacture of dental crowns. It has become widespread in this area due to its qualities such as hardness, strength, wear resistance and preservation of shape and appearance for a long time, biological compatibility with human tissues, and beautiful appearance. Can be used for single crowns, bridges, pins, fixed dentures with implants.

Zirconium oxide, the price of which is higher than other types of prostheses, is difficult to process. This is due to the fact that such crowns are the most expensive. After creating the frame, a layer of white ceramic is applied to it, since zirconium oxide itself has no color. Thanks to this, ceramics can be applied verythin layer.
Metal-free crowns on zirconium oxide
Zirconium oxide is a fairly new material in the production of crowns and bridges. Previously, the use of dentures on a metal frame was the absolute norm and no alternative. But scientists conducted research and searched for the most suitable material, which has both an aesthetic appearance and biological compatibility with the tissues of the human body, durable and lightweight. Such a material was found, and this is a rarity in nature, in terms of its qualities it can only be compared with diamond.

With the advent of zirconium crowns, patients can enjoy the unique aesthetics and beauty of prostheses, another thing is that not everyone can afford such happiness. But due to its strength, you may have to spend money once and for all life - zirconium prostheses are incredibly wear-resistant and durable. Due to the fact that zirconium oxide itself is transparent, together with a thin layer of ceramics, the effect of natural teeth is created. In addition, the crowns fit snugly to the gums, do not have the slightest gap, which creates an even more natural look.
Aesthetic plus durability
White steel - this is sometimes called ceramics on zirconium oxide. Crowns made of this material are 5 times stronger than all-ceramic dentures. What is the advantage of such strength? Before the advent of zirconium oxide in dentistry, crowns were made using a metal framework on which a thick layer of ceramic was applied. Metal for strength, ceramic foraesthetics. But it is impossible to create a completely natural look in this way, a dark strip is clearly visible at the place of contact of the prosthesis with the gum (this effect is given by the metal frame).

Zirconium oxide is not inferior in strength to metal, and allows you to convey the natural color and transparency, like a natural tooth, without any extra color blotches. It is similar in nature to the tissues of the tooth, has light transmission. Rays of light penetrating the thickness of the crown are refracted and scattered naturally, creating the effect of a he althy and beautiful smile. When installing a prosthesis, dentists select a color that does not differ from the color of other he althy teeth, so the crown does not give itself away, merging with he althy teeth.
Metals from which metal-ceramic prostheses are made sometimes cause allergic reactions in the patient, inflammation and a long addiction to the prosthesis. Zirconium oxide crowns are ideal for people with hypersensitivity and metal intolerance.

This is due to their properties:
- Safe composition (does not contain silicon oxide).
- Resistant to acids, low solubility.
- Smooth surface prevents buildup on the fly.
- Inert to other materials present in the mouth.
- High thermal insulation ensures no discomfort when taking hot or coldfood.
- Minimal preparation of a he althy tooth. The strength of the material allows you to create thin frameworks, thereby grinding the tooth to a minimum and preserving more he althy tooth tissue.
Zirconium oxide, whose properties are ideal for dentures, has almost no contraindications, except for the following individual characteristics of the human body:
- Deep bite is a pathology of the structure of the jaw, in which the upper jaw covers the lower teeth by a third when closed. The defect leads to excessive pressure on the teeth of the upper jaw and threatens with increased abrasion of tooth enamel.
- Bruxism is an anomaly that is manifested by grinding teeth, most often during sleep. The cause has not been fully identified, but many scientists agree that bruxism is the result of mental imbalance and stress. Causes enamel damage and tooth wear.
Production of crowns
Zirconium oxide is difficult to process, so the production of crowns from it is a laborious process. It includes several steps:

- The oral cavity is being prepared, the tooth is being ground under the crown.
- An impression is taken from the turned tooth, a model of the future crown is made.
- Laser scanning of the model is carried out, data is entered into a computer for processing.
- A special computer program models the carcass taking into account all the nuances (for example, shrinkage of the carcass after firing).
- A digitalmachine for turning and the frame is created from a zirconium blank.
- The machined carcass is placed in a high-temperature furnace to sinter the mass and ensure greater strength.
- The finished frame is covered with a ceramic mass of a certain shade chosen for a particular patient.
Advantages of zirconium crowns over metal ceramics
If prosthetics are needed, the patient is faced with the question of which artificial teeth to choose. Zirconium oxide has many advantages over other materials:
- Prosthetics with zirconium crowns do not require nerve removal.
- No metal in the design, which eliminates problems such as an allergic reaction, a metallic taste in the mouth.
- Guaranteed no development of diseases under the crown. The prosthesis fits snugly to the gum, food particles and bacteria do not get under it.
- The accuracy of the framework. Digital data processing guarantees incredible precision in the construction.
- Individual color matching. The finished prosthesis is visually indistinguishable from the rest, he althy teeth.
- Ability to make a bridge of any length;
- Lightweight construction.
- Lack of reaction to cold and hot food. Wearing cermets can cause discomfort from high or low temperatures. Zirconium oxide does not give such a reaction.
- Totally natural looking.
- No gray border in the area of contact with the gum.
- In preparation for prosthetics, nothe need to sharpen the tooth.
- Crowns do not deform and retain their appearance and shape for a long time.

During a relatively short period of use, zirconium oxide has managed to prove itself in dentistry, reviews on it are only positive. Having studied numerous comments on the network, we can conclude that this material is ideal for the manufacture of dentures. For the entire period of the use of zirconium oxide in prosthetics, not a single case of an allergic reaction has been identified. Rehabilitation is quick and without complications, and the appearance of a smile only pleases the patient, without causing psychological discomfort due to a foreign body in the mouth. People who wore metal crowns with or without coating before installing zirconium prostheses are especially delighted. After all, they have something to compare with. A few decades ago, this type of prosthetics was very popular, since there was no alternative to it at that time. Metal crowns not only caused physical discomfort (allergies, reaction to temperature), but also did not look aesthetically pleasing. After replacing them with zirconia, people are amazed how an artificial tooth can be invisible to others and look so natural. This was made possible thanks to the material of the future - zirconium oxide.