Burning in the urethra: treatment and consequences

Burning in the urethra: treatment and consequences
Burning in the urethra: treatment and consequences

Burning in the urethra is an unpleasant symptom that can be present in many diseases. You can not hesitate to contact a doctor. Every day the risk of complications increases.

Allergic reaction

The cause of a burning sensation in the urethra may be due to an allergic reaction to a medication or certain foods. In this case, inflammation of the urethra develops against the background of intolerance to certain elements. Allergic cystitis often develops in men and women who are forced to undergo prolonged drug therapy. Inflammation can also be provoked by conditioners and laundry detergents. It is not recommended to use synthetic products for people who are prone to allergies. With caution, it is also necessary to select products for intimate hygiene, shower gels.

I have a stomachache
I have a stomachache

In addition to burning, pain in the lower abdomen may appear, urine outflow worsens. Therapy of allergic cystitis is carried out using antihistamines. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant that causes a negative reaction of the body.

Bacterial cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder mucosa is a common pathology. The disease develops due to the entry of pathogenic microflora into the urethra and its rapid reproduction. Cystitis is a pathology that women are more likely to encounter. This is due to the structural features of the female urinary system. Women have a short wide urethra. Even simple neglect of personal hygiene rules leads to the spread of infection.

Burning in the urethra is not the only symptom of cystitis. Significantly increased the number of urge to urinate. The patient can go to the toilet 3-4 times a day, even with minimal bladder filling. At the same time, each urination is accompanied by burning and pulling pain. Often, with the rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, the patient's body temperature rises, pus may appear in the urine. With such symptoms, the patient must be hospitalized.

A woman's stomach hurts
A woman's stomach hurts

Treatment of cystitis in this form is necessarily carried out with the use of antibiotics. Most often, broad-spectrum drugs are used. Additionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, uroseptics (Canephron-N, Urolesan) can be prescribed.


This inflammatory urological disease affects men and women equally. The main symptom is burning in the urethra. In addition, it maythere is an external change in the urethra in color and shape, a violation of urination. The representatives of the stronger sex often experience pain during erection. In the most difficult cases, pus may come out of the urethra. Most often, such a sign is observed in the morning.

Miramistin solution
Miramistin solution

Many complain that there is a burning sensation in the urethra after intercourse. Unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner can lead to the development of inflammation. Also, pathology can develop after diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

With the symptoms described above, drug therapy with antibiotics or antiviral agents is mandatory (depending on which pathogenic microflora caused the disease).


Burning in the urethra in men may be associated with the first sexual contact. Unpleasant symptoms may be associated with a torn frenulum. With each urination, the man will feel pain due to the ingress of urine into the area of injury. If you had to face such a situation, you can’t let it take its course. The stronger sex should not be afraid to seek medical help. With poor-quality treatment of the affected area, a bacterial infection can enter the wound. At the same time, the risk of complications will increase significantly.

Man and woman
Man and woman

The affected area should first be treated with antiseptics. Good results show means "Chlorhexidine",Miramistin. In the first few days after the injury, you must refrain from sexual intercourse.


Possibly pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida are present in the body of every person from the first days of life. They do not make themselves felt if the immune system is working well. As soon as the body's defenses stop working, the pathogenic microflora multiplies rapidly. The risk of developing thrush increases. If there is a burning sensation in the urethra in women, it is possible that they had to deal with this disease. In the representatives of the stronger sex, pathology is less common.

Fucis tablet
Fucis tablet

In addition to burning, patients experience curdled discharge from the vagina or urethra. Many complain of discomfort during intimacy. In addition, severe itching appears in the perineal region, which intensifies at night. Therapy of the disease is primarily carried out using antifungal drugs. Good results are shown by "Futsis", "Livarol".


Skin itching and burning are symptoms that often occur with elevated blood sugar levels. If there are discomfort in the urethra, you will have to pass the appropriate blood tests, visit an endocrinologist. First of all, mucous membranes suffer due to a violation of metabolic processes in the body. A slight burning sensation in the urethra for no apparent reason is a reason to undergo a full examination.

Man's stomach hurts
Man's stomach hurts

The sooner sugar is detecteddiabetes, the more likely it is to lead a fulfilling lifestyle. At an early stage, it will be enough to follow an appropriate diet. You will also have to pay attention to immunity. If the patient eats well, sleeps for at least 8 hours a day, and spends a lot of time outdoors, the risk of complications will be minimized.

In the event that the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" has been made for a long time, any unpleasant symptoms should be reported to your endocrinologist. It is possible that the patient will have to be transferred to insulin. Burning in the urethra may indicate a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.


This is a common sexually transmitted disease. The organs of the urinary and reproductive systems are most often affected. If symptoms such as burning of the urethra, discharge with an unpleasant odor appear, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. Chlamydia is a disease that cannot be contracted through the household. The infection enters the body through unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner. However, it is not always possible to understand exactly when the infection occurred. After all, the incubation period of the disease can last up to three weeks. People who are promiscuous are more susceptible to pathology.

Medicine intramuscularly
Medicine intramuscularly

In addition to burning in the urethra, other symptoms may be present. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen are often observed, women may have intermenstrual bleeding. Men may have yellowdischarge from the urethra. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic. In this case, the patient is a carrier of pathogenic microflora and can infect his partners.

Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. Good results are shown by "Azithromycin", administered intramuscularly. In the most difficult cases, additional immunological therapy is carried out.


The disease leads to the formation of kidney or bladder stones. Almost every person has sand in the kidneys. In this case, there are no unpleasant symptoms. With malnutrition, metabolic disorders, small formations are layered on top of each other. Thus, larger calculi (stones) appear in different parts of the urinary system. At the same time, unpleasant symptoms already appear, such as burning in the urethra. Treatment should begin immediately.

Kidney stones most often appear on the background of malnutrition. If the patient consumes little fluid, prefers spicy and s alty foods, the risk of developing pathology increases. Urolithiasis can also develop against the background of diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease. Patients with anomalies in the development of the genitourinary system are at risk for the appearance of stones.

The choice of method of therapy for the disease depends on the type of calculus. If the stones are small (up to 4 mm), they can be removed with medication. Large formations are eliminated only through surgical intervention.

Let's bring it downtotal

Burning in the urethra can be present in many diseases. In no case should you self-medicate. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist after instrumental and laboratory studies. The sooner therapy is started, the lower the risk of developing serious complications.
