Oncocytology: what is it and in what case is it necessary to take an analysis?

Oncocytology: what is it and in what case is it necessary to take an analysis?
Oncocytology: what is it and in what case is it necessary to take an analysis?

The task of every modern woman of any age is to carefully monitor her he alth, and gynecological, of course, too. To do this, once a year it is required to undergo a complete medical examination, take all the recommended tests, including such a study as oncocytology. What is it and why is the result of this analysis so important? This will be discussed in this article.

what is oncocytology
what is oncocytology

Oncocytology-what is it?

Cervical cancer is one of the most common female diseases that doctors and scientists around the world are fighting. Taking a smear for oncocytology allows you to detect precancerous cells and start appropriate treatment as soon as possible, which is why such an analysis is considered extremely important.

smear for oncocytology inflammation
smear for oncocytology inflammation

Oncocytological examination involves taking a smear from the vagina and cervix, as well as examination and analysis of the bilayer epithelium covering the cervix.

The first layer of the epithelium, a cylindrical single layer, covers the cervix from the side of the cervical canal. Secondlayer, flat and multi-layered, covers the vagina.

Studying the structure of these layers of the epithelium under a microscope allows you to see how he althy the cells are and determine if any of them are mutated, that is, cancerous.

Analysis for oncocytology of the cervix detects not only the presence of altered cells, but also shows the presence of any inflammatory process or any other changes in the epithelium. Many diseases found at an early stage can be successfully treated.

Indications for taking an analysis for oncocytology

Pap smear for oncocytology is indicated for all women from the age of 18.

taking a smear for oncocytology
taking a smear for oncocytology

According to statistics, even women who do not have bad habits, play sports and lead a he althy lifestyle, nevertheless, are prone to cancer.

Therefore, all women who have reached the age of majority are required to take an analysis for oncocytology of the cervix. This should be done both when suspicions arise, and for prevention purposes.

If a pathology of the cervix is detected, the analysis should be taken at least 2 times a year. For preventive purposes, one study every 12 months is sufficient.

Human papillomavirus is a mandatory indication for oncocytological examination, since it is this virus that most often causes the formation of cancerous processes.

In addition to the main indications, a cervical smear for oncocytology is prescribed for women with menstrual irregularities, infertility,complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, with prolonged hormonal treatment. Women who have close relatives with cancer are also at risk.

Oncocytology for older women

There is an erroneous opinion that after the onset of menopause, problems with the sexual sphere disappear in women. This misconception leads doctors to discover deeply advanced cancers that are sometimes impossible to cure. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to remind mothers and grandmothers that an analysis for oncocytology is required to be taken annually, regardless of old age and he alth status.

Oncocytology for pregnant women

To know about the need for such an analysis as oncocytology, what it is and why it is needed, every woman should still at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The most correct thing would be to take a single test before the expected pregnancy, especially for women who have reached the age of thirty and older. Indeed, during pregnancy, all diseases tend to worsen sharply, which can lead to fetal loss and various complications.

cervical smear for oncocytology
cervical smear for oncocytology

During pregnancy, the doctor prescribes oncocytological examinations three times. However, in case of a threatened miscarriage, the doctor may cancel the procedure, since taking this kind of analysis involves some intervention, which can damage the bearing of the fetus. In each case, the doctor makes a decision individually.

How is an oncocytology test taken?

The analysis is taken in the treatment room ingynecological chair by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Cell collection is done by pinching off a small amount of epithelium from the surface of the cervix. To do this, the midwife uses a set of sterile instruments, consisting of a brush and a special spatula.

The procedure does not require the introduction of painkillers, as it is completely painless. However, many patients are afraid of some deformation of the surface of the epithelium and pain, but this is fundamentally wrong.

The area of the vagina is not damaged in any way, the structure of the epithelium remains intact, since there is no trace left from the sampling of the analysis. The analysis is absolutely non-traumatic and will not cause the woman to experience pain or discomfort.

After taking the test, spotting may occur within one to two days, which disappear without treatment.

The collected analysis is located on a sterile piece of glass, glasses can be up to 3 pieces. Then they are processed with a fixative solution and staining solutions are added.

In the laboratory, a morphologist examines cells under a microscope and issues his opinion. According to the results of the cytological conclusion, the attending physician prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Preparing for the procedure

The he alth and life of the patient depends on the results of any analysis, and a smear for oncocytology is no exception. The results of the analysis will depend, among other things, on how well the woman prepared for the procedure.

preparation for the procedure
preparation for the procedure

It’s worth mentioning right away that you can’t take an analysis duringthe time of the menstrual cycle, as well as in the presence of any other bleeding. Immediately before the start of menstruation or immediately after it ends, the best time is when it is recommended to take a smear for oncocytology. Inflammation of the external genital organs will also be a contraindication.

In order to get the most reliable result, two days before the examination, it is recommended to exclude sexual intercourse, exclude douching, do not use a tampon, any creams, ointments and vaginal suppositories.

Before taking a smear for oncocytology, the results of which will largely depend on how carefully the woman has prepared, it is not recommended to visit a gynecologist for 48 hours and perform any manipulations on the gynecological chair. All visits to the doctor must be rescheduled for any time after the test.

Taking a bath is also not recommended two days before the study, it is better to do with a shower.

Types of oncocytology

The type of analysis for oncytology can be of two forms:

  • simple oncocytology;
  • liquid oncocytology.

When conducting liquid oncocytology, the material taken is not smeared on the glass, as during simple oncocytology, but is lowered into a vial with a special medium on a special brush. The analysis is preserved inside the liquid, turning into an even layer of washed cells.

This method of taking the analysis is innovative, it is not used in all clinics. Liquid oncocytology allows the cytologist to obtain the most reliableresult.

Transcription of analysis

After oncocytology has been performed on a woman in the treatment room, the analysis is transcribed in the laboratory by a cytologist, usually it takes about two weeks.

smear for oncocytology results
smear for oncocytology results

There are five classes of cervical condition:

  1. First class is the norm. This means that no atypical cells were found in the smear. All cells are of normal shape and size.
  2. Second class - there is an inflammatory process, for example, colpitis.
  3. Third class - there are atypical cells in a small amount in the smear. Re-analysis required without fail.
  4. Fourth grade - there are malignant cells in the smear.
  5. Fifth grade - all cells in the smear are atypical. The likelihood of cancer is high.

However, it is worth knowing that the oncocytology test is not an accurate indicator of cancer, it only indicates changes occurring in the cells for further study.

oncocytology inflammation
oncocytology inflammation

The final diagnosis is made by the doctor after a series of tests and studies, as well as monitoring of symptoms.

Cytological examination also contains the following data:

  1. Cervical smear from the canal - the condition of the squamous epithelium is assessed from the side of the vagina and from the side of the cervical canal.
  2. Smear from the vaginal part - the cells of the stratified squamous epithelium are examined, coveringthe vaginal part of the cervix.
analysis for oncocytology of the cervix
analysis for oncocytology of the cervix

For a reliable result, a sufficient amount of the test material is required. Otherwise, the doctor in the conclusion indicates an inadequate (insufficient for the study) amount of the drug.

Oncocytology during inflammation

For preventive purposes or if a gynecological disease is suspected, a doctor prescribes oncocytology. Inflammation, if present, can interfere with the identification of cancer cells.

oncocytology transcript
oncocytology transcript

In this case, it is required to take a simple smear for microflora to determine the source of infection, as well as to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

After the treatment, the analysis for oncocytology should be repeated. It will show if the treatment has helped and will reliably determine the presence of cancer cells in the smear.

Negative results

If the analysis for oncocytology shows the presence of cancer cells, first of all, you need not to panic. Deviation from the norm most often does not mean that a woman develops malignant neoplasms and that the situation cannot be corrected.

Research shows that poor Pap smear is quite common, and cervical cancer is much rarer.

oncocytology for all
oncocytology for all

A qualified doctor will explain what kind of abnormalities have been identified and prescribe additional tests, such as a colposcopy or biopsy.

In any case, you shouldremember that an abnormal smear for oncocytology is not always proof of a woman having cancer.

Every modern woman should be informed about the importance of such an analysis as oncocytology, what it is and why the analysis is so necessary for the timely detection of cancer.
