Strong hair climbs: what to do?

Strong hair climbs: what to do?
Strong hair climbs: what to do?

He althy hair is considered the most expensive accessory for a woman. What horror can be experienced when you find that your hair is climbing in bunches. What to do in such a situation? The body signals in this way about the presence of he alth problems. After all, the condition of hair and nails fully reflect our well-being.

hair climb in bunches what to do
hair climb in bunches what to do

If your hair is falling out, what should you do?

We all know that a small amount of hair falls out daily, and this is considered a normal physiological process. However, when this process becomes intense, and the hairstyle loses its splendor, you should not think that the problem will be solved by itself.

Firstly, these symptoms may indicate a serious illness that you may not be aware of. Therefore, first go to the doctor, take the appropriate tests to rule out the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

Second, get checked out by a dermatologist. Trichologists deal with the condition of the hairline.

terrible hair climb what to do
terrible hair climb what to do

After all, such a banal phenomenon as dandruff is not just an aestheticflaw. The presence of dandruff indicates a fungal infection of the skin. It often causes a situation where hair falls terribly. What to do? Should I buy dandruff shampoo? Such actions will not kill the fungus. These should be specialized products that the doctor will prescribe.

If he alth is normal, but still hair climbs, what should I do? Pay close attention to your lifestyle. Try to rest more, avoid stressful situations, eat a balanced diet. It is recommended to drink a special course of multivitamins. Give your hair a break from the effects of aggressive factors. Minimize or eliminate coloring, perms, hair extensions, hair dryers, flat irons, or curling irons.

Hair falls: what to do at home?

Make more time for your hair. In addition to hygiene procedures, use folk recipes as therapy.

hair climbs what to do
hair climbs what to do

Rinse with a decoction of nettle has a strengthening effect on the hair roots, which stops their death. To do this, use young plants that have not yet entered the flowering period. Fill the herb with water, boil for a few minutes, cool and use as a rinse. Daily treatments will help save the remaining curls, as well as have a stimulating effect on the growth of new hairs.

Carrot juice try to drink every day. In addition, rub it into the scalp.

If your hair is falling out, what should you do besides rinsing with nettle decoction? Masks based on castor orburdock oils will be a good way to stop hair loss. Rub a small amount of warm oil (warmed up in a water bath) into the scalp. Massage it for a few minutes, put on a cap and warm it with a cap. After 2-5 hours, rinse your hair thoroughly with a gentle shampoo. These oils can be used for masks in combination with alcohol. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and use in the same way as in the first option. For maximum effect, carry out procedures for two months, making masks once a week.