To ensure the full operation of all systems, the body needs various useful microelements, since their deficiency disrupts metabolic processes. Drops "Akvadetrim" - a drug. They are used to replenish vitamin D3 and normalize the regulation of phosphorus and calcium metabolism.
The drug "Akvadetrim" is produced in the form of transparent drops with an anise flavor, the drug is used orally. The solution is available in vials of ten milliliters.

One milliliter of "Akvadetrim" contains the active active ingredient - colecalciferol. In addition to the main component, the drug contains a number of additional trace elements:
- sucrose;
- macrogolglyceryl ricinoleate;
- tribasic carboxylic acid;
- sodium phosphate;
- phenylcarbinol;
- water.
Using a drug, you can increase the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestine, and it also promotes the mineralization of the skeleton, ensures the functioning of the parathyroid gland. According to reviews, Aquadetrim helps to form teeth and bones inchildren.
The drug is prescribed both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of diseases:
- Rickets (a disease of infants and young children with a disorder of bone formation and lack of bone mineralization).
- Rickets-like diseases (a complex of hereditary diseases that mimic rickets, but are not related to a deficiency of vitamin D entering the body).
- Vitamin D deficiency.
- Osteomalacia (a systemic disease characterized by insufficient bone mineralization).
- Hypocalcemic tetany (instantly developing pathology, a condition that occurs during a decrease in the production of parathyroid hormone as a result of parathyroid insufficiency, which leads to an instant decrease in calcium in the blood).
- Hypoparathyroidism (a disease resulting from insufficient secretion of parathyroid hormone or impaired susceptibility to parathyroid hormone).
- Pseudohypoparathyroidism (hereditary pathology, which is caused by resistance of peripheral tissues to parathyroid hormone, which is accompanied by a violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, as well as a delay in physical and mental development).
- Osteoporosis (a long-term progressive metabolic disease of the skeleton, which manifests itself in other diseases characterized by a decrease in bone density, increased fragility as a result of impaired bone metabolism, characterized by a decrease in strength and an increased risk of fractures).

According to the instructions, Aquadetrim has a number of prohibitions on its use:
- Vitamin D hypervitaminosis (an acute disorder resulting from intoxication with an overdose of one or more vitamins).
- Hypercalcemia (increased plasma calcium concentration).
- Hypercalciuria (high calcium in the urine).
- Urolithiasis (occurs when calcium oxalate stones form in the kidneys).
- Sarcoidosis (an inflammatory disease that can affect many organs and systems).
- Pyelonephritis (an inflammatory disease of the kidney, very common as infections often enter the kidney with blood).
- Liver failure (a complication of most liver diseases associated with cell death in this organ).
- Pulmonary tuberculosis (an infectious disease caused by Koch's wand).
- Increased sensitivity to vitamin D3.
Aquadetrim is not prescribed for children under one month old.
Also, the drug should be taken with caution in the presence of the following conditions and ailments:
- Patients with immobility in an injured or diseased part of the body.
- Together with thiazide diuretics, cardiac heterosides.
- During pregnancy.
- For breastfeeding mothers.
- Babies with a predisposition to early overgrowth of fontanelles.
How to use Aquadetrim correctly?
According to the instructions, the drug is taken orally, it must bepre-dissolve in a spoonful of water. One drop of the drug contains 500 microunits of cholecalciferol. The dosage of the medication is determined by the attending physician, who takes into account the intake of vitamin D with food.
A dosage of 5000 microunits is usually prescribed for severe bone changes. After a certain result occurs, the dosage is reduced to prophylactic (one to three drops per day).
For prophylactic purposes, from four weeks of life to full-term babies, as a rule, the following dosage of Aquadetrim is recommended: for children under one year old - 1000 microunits (one or two drops) per day, and in summer - 500 microunits per day. The use of this drug is allowed for children under two to three years old, the dosage must be observed under the condition of prolonged exposure to fresh air.
If there are indications and there are certain factors, expectant mothers use the drug according to one of two schemes:
- 500 microunits throughout pregnancy;
- starting from week 28, 1000 microunits per day.
According to Aquadetrim reviews, you can increase the dosage to 1500 microunits with improper care, as well as premature babies, twins and children living in disadvantaged conditions.

In the treatment of rickets-like diseases, depending on weight, age, and the severity of the disease, 20,000-30,000 microunits per day are prescribed, but under the systematic control of biochemical parameters. The duration of therapy isusually is a month and a half.
In complex treatment against the background of postmenopausal osteoporosis, one or two drops of medication per day are recommended for use. According to the reviews for Aquadetrim, during the treatment period it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the patient and his biochemical parameters.
Side effects
According to the instructions and reviews for Aquadetrim, if the drug is taken in excessively high dosages, then some negative reactions of the body may occur:
- Lack of appetite.
- Feeling sick.
- Gagging.
- Head or joint pain.
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Dry mouth.
- Polyuria (increased amount of urine produced by a person).
- General weakness.
- Impaired mental state.
- Depression (a mental disorder characterized by a decrease in mood and loss of the ability to experience joy, impaired thinking).
- Weight loss.
- Sleep problems.
- Increased body temperature and blood calcium levels.
- Presence of protein and leukocytes in the urine.
- Precipitation of calcium s alts from blood vessels, kidneys, lungs.
If these symptoms are present, Aquadetrim drops are discontinued, in rare cases hypersensitivity may occur.
When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account all possible sources of vitamin D intake.
Children need to use Aquadetrim (according to instructions)only under the supervision of a doctor. Depending on the tests received, the dosage of the drug may vary.
You need to know that prolonged use of the drug in high portions can lead to vitamin D3 hypervitaminosis.
Aquadetrim is not allowed to be used in conjunction with calcium.
During treatment, you need to control the level of calcium in the blood and urine.
The shelf life of Aquadetrim is three years, the drug must be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
The cost of the drug is 150-300 rubles.
Substitute drugs
Analogues of Aquadetrim for adults are the following medicines:
- Vigantol.
- "Vitamin D3".
- AlfaD3-Teva.
- Van Alpha.
- Alfadol-Sa.
- Osteotriol.
- "Oxidevit".
- "Videohole".
- Alphadol.
- "Dihydrotachysterol".
- Ergocalciferol.
- Etalfa.

Vitamin D3
The drug is used to treat and prevent certain diseases, namely:
- rickets;
- vitamin D3 deficiency;
- osteoporosis;
- treatment of osteomalacia;
- hypoparathyroidism;
- pseudohypoparathyroidism.
The drug (like Aquadetrim) is produced in the form of drops for oral administration. Contraindications for use are the same. In the prevention of rickets, full-term babies should be given one drop every day. Premature babies are given two drops daily.
For the treatment of rickets, two to eight drops are prescribed at a time, the duration of treatment is one year.
Vitamin D3 is involved in the control of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the intestine. The toxic effect of cholecalciferol weakens retinol, thiamine, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, riboflavin.
The drug belongs to the regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. "Oxidevit" is available in the form of drops for oral administration. One drop contains:
- alfacalcidol;
- ionol (butylhydroxytoluene);
- soybean oil.

The drug regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, compensates for the lack of vitamin D3. In addition, "Oxidevite" increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine, enhances bone mineralization. The effect of the drug lasts about 48 hours.
According to the instructions, the drug should be taken on a piece of rye bread after meals. Drops are prescribed for babies with milk and porridge.
Adult patients are initially prescribed four drops a day, then the dosage is increased to 12 drops a day. The duration of therapy is 60 days, the treatment can be repeated two to three times a year.
Feedback about Oksidevit is positive, patients note its effectiveness, easy tolerability, lack of allergic reactions to the medication and affordable price. The cost of the drug is 280 rubles.
Combineda drug that controls calcium metabolism, and also compensates for the lack of vitamin D. The drug is available in the form of capsules for oral use. There are thirty tablets in the package, all of them are packaged in blisters.

Indications for use are the following violations:
- Osteoporosis.
- Chronic renal failure.
- Hyperparathyroidism.
- Hypoparathyroidism.
- Renal osteodystrophy.
"Alfadol" is prescribed with caution to patients who are on hemodialysis. With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to control the calcium content in urine and blood.
Recommended dosage regimen:
- For osteoporosis, take one to two tablets a day.
- Osteodystrophy: two capsules a day are prescribed.
- Duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
Shelf life - two years, the drug is released strictly by prescription. The cost of Alfadol is 400 rubles.
A multivitamin preparation that compensates for the deficiency of calciferol. It is released in pharmacies in the form of an oily solution for oral administration. "Vigantol" ensures normal calcium-phosphorus metabolism, activates the destruction of phosphates in the kidneys and the absorption of calcium in the intestines also promotes bone mineralization.

The period of reaching maximum formation in tissues is four to five hours, after which the concentration of the microelementslightly decreases and remains in a constant state for a long time. In case of overdose, hypercalciuria may occur. The cost of the drug varies from 150 to 240 rubles.