Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies. Herbal treatment reviews

Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies. Herbal treatment reviews
Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies. Herbal treatment reviews

Endometriosis is one of the most widespread and mysterious diseases. Where endometrial proliferation can occur, when and for what reasons, no one knows. But most often this disease affects the uterus. Approximately 10% of gynecological patients are women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis of varying degrees. The disease is accompanied by pain, profuse menstruation, hormonal disruptions, threatens with infertility, degeneration into a tumor. Treatment in a conservative way is often lengthy and does not always give the desired results. Therefore, women resort to folk remedies to cure endometriosis. Alternative treatment in combination with a conservative one gives a good result.

treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies reviews
treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies reviews

Treatment of endometriosisfolk remedies. Reviews

Most often, the endometrium grows in the body of the uterus. It brings great complications during the period of menstruation. Blood stagnates in the endometrial tissue, because it has nowhere to go. As a result - severe pain, inflammation. After the inflammatory process, scars remain, which grow more and more every month. To avoid this, to prevent the growth of unnecessary tissues, the treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies will help. Reviews about it are mostly positive. Treatment of endometriosis is a very long process. Collections of medicinal herbs, tinctures, extracts, essential oils from them are good helpers to stop its spread, relieve inflammation and pain.

Endometriosis. Alternative treatment

In the treatment of endometriosis, traditional medicine recommends: hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), the use of gray or blue clay, diet, increased immunity, and strengthening of the nervous system are of no small importance. It's no secret that "all diseases come from the nerves." Herbs (fees, tinctures, extracts, juices) are given the greatest importance in such a difficult matter as the treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies. Feedback from patients note their positive impact on the course of the disease.

Common barberry

Used for endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining) and bleeding.

  1. Prepare a tincture with 40% alcohol. Ratio - 1: 5.
  2. Drink 30 drops twice a day for three weeks.

Folk treatment of endometriosis of the uterus with hemophilic drug

Used whenvarious diseases of the uterus, accompanied by heavy bleeding. Prepare a decoction: grind the rhizomes of the plant, pour two tablespoons into a bowl, pour boiling water (200 ml), boil for 3 minutes, cool. Take a decoction during the day 6 times 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cuff close

endometriosis alternative treatment
endometriosis alternative treatment

It is recommended for pain to douche with infusion. Prepare an infusion from the leaves: pour 1 full (with top) tablespoon of the plant with boiling water (300 ml), let it brew for an hour.

Camomile officinalis

Decoction of inflorescences is good for inflammatory processes. Prepare a decoction: 4 tbsp. pour spoons of inflorescences into a glass jar, pour a glass of boiling water. Wrap with a warm towel. Let it brew for an hour. Take half a glass twice a day.

White locust

It is used as a prevention of inflammation of the female reproductive system. Prepare a tincture of kidneys: scroll 200 grams of kidneys in a meat grinder, pour red wine (0.5 l), preferably Cahors, put in the sun for a month. Take after meals twice a day for the fourth part of a glass of tincture. Many women who have been diagnosed with this disease are looking for an answer to the question, what is the treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies? Reviews of patients distinguish among many medicinal herbs the upland uterus. Tincture on the upland uterus acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent, has a positive effect on the hormonal background. Prepare a tincture of two tablespoons of chopped herbs and vodka or alcohol (0.5 l). Pour the grass with vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Drink 20-30 minutes before meals, 30 drops three times a day.

But no matter how good the recommended methods are, consult your doctor first!
