It's hard to argue with the fact that we are all different people. This applies not only to our characters and appearance, but also to body types. Physiologically, there are three types of human constitution: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. The mesomorph has a pronounced musculature. This constitution is not characterized by the presence of subcutaneous fat. Men with this type of physique have a massive torso, wide and thick bones, and voluminous muscles. A more rounded and soft body with a high content of subcutaneous fat is inherent in endomorphs. Ectomorph is a type of body constitution prone to thinness. It is these people that can most often be seen on the covers of glossy magazines. These people have difficulty gaining weight and building muscle.

Features of an ectomorphic physique
Ectomorph is a person with a fairly low level of physical strength. He is characterized by:
- small bones and joints;
- long limbs;
- small shoulders, breasts and buttocks;
- virtually no subcutaneous fat;
- fast metabolism, no risk of overeating;
- difficultyin weight gain;
- high stamina;
- hyperactivity;
- hard and long muscle building process.
Ectomorphic constitution benefits

Good nutrition and a well-chosen training program for an ectomorph are key components of success in how to gain muscle mass without gaining fat. A beautiful, athletic body with a toned silhouette is not an unattainable goal for this body type. Moreover, there are not so many “pure” ectomorphs in nature. Most often, the physique of a person is a mixed set of certain features. And the severity of certain traits is manifested under the influence of nutrition and lifestyle.
Often these people do not have problems with adipose tissue in the abdomen. The cherished abs in ectomorphs appear already at minimal loads and when performing the simplest exercises.
Suitable lifestyle
If you want to correct your appearance, ectomorphs should start with lifestyle adjustments. Any stress is a significant obstacle to weight gain. Representatives of this type of body constitution should reconsider their lives and try to reduce external stressful influences. They don't have to worry about trifles. Massage, meditation, yoga will help relieve nervous tension. Sleep will allow people of this type to relax well. Despite the fact that ectomorphs often suffer from insomnia, you must teach yourself to sleep at least 8 hours a day. In the mode of the day it is worth turning on anddaytime sleep from half an hour to 2 hours. This will help tame a fast metabolism.

Eating system and weight gain
Building mass for ectomorphs is an important but difficult task. Good results in gaining muscle mass can be achieved exclusively by using sports nutrition. The nutrients that enter the body with food are often not enough for ectomorphs to grow mass. An ectomorph is a person who often needs several meals a day. If there is a desire to gain weight, then this habit must be broken. Ectomorphs need to eat 5-6 times a day with an interval of no more than 2.5 hours. At the same time, you need to eat in medium portions. The amount of liquid absorbed should not be less than 2 liters per day.
And a few more tips below to help people with a lean constitution get in better shape:

- The daily intake of vegetable fats should be 20%. It is desirable to consume fish oil, which contains beneficial omega-3 acids.
- Proteins are taken at the rate of 1-1.5 g per 1 kilogram of weight. The source of protein food can be meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish.
- The proportion of protein in the menu should be 30%, carbohydrates - 50%, fat - 20%. The source of carbohydrates will be cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat), vegetables and flour products made from whole grain flour.
- The use of monosaccharides (sugar, jam, etc.) should be replaced with complex polysaccharides, such as starch,rice, potatoes.
- Do not abuse foods that speed up metabolism: nuts, dried fruits, legumes.
- Fruit, greens and additional micronutrients and substances are always needed. But the high amount of fiber present in greens can overload the gastrointestinal tract.
Build muscle mass
The training program for the ectomorph is intense, but short. This is due to the fact that he does not have enough strength and endurance for prolonged physical exertion. The training program for an ectomorph should include a minimum of aerobic and cardio loads. It should be based on heavy basic split-system exercises. What does this mean?
Split-system implies conditional division of the body into 2 or 3 parts. And during the training, which is held 2-3 times a week, on one day we work, for example, on the upper part of the body, on the second - on the lower one. If preference was given to dividing into three parts, then the chest and biceps are worked out on the first day, the legs and shoulders on the second, and the back and triceps on the third.

Ectomorph workouts for each muscle group should include a few basic exercises. Each muscle group is worked out only once a week. The number of repetitions in a set is 7-10 times, the number of approaches for one muscle or muscle group is an average of 7 times. Rest between sets should be at least a minute. Between exercises designed for different muscles, you need to rest at least 5 minutes. Workout intensity forectomorph should be increased solely by increasing the weight, the number of sets and repetitions. But not by reducing the rest intervals between repetitions. Ectomorph muscles take longer to recover, so you should be careful about rest between workouts. You can use additional means for recovery, such as massage, sauna, meditation.
The ectomorph training program has several distinctive features:
- duration is 45 minutes subject to maximum intensity;
- complexes should be changed every month.
In the summer, it is better for ectomorphs to work with their own weight, that is, to do push-ups, pull-ups, exercises that develop flexibility and stretching.
Nutrition before and after training
Before training, you should refresh yourself with porridge (any other than semolina), low-sugar fruits (kiwi, peach, pear, apple, orange) or vegetables (tomato, any cabbage, zucchini, pepper).

All these are slow carbohydrates that will provide the body with glucose during the training period, which maintains performance. Drink during training should be every 15 minutes. Half an hour after training, a hearty meal should follow, with a good content of carbohydrates and proteins.
Ectomorph Muscle Mass: Using Supplements
Supplements can greatly facilitate the process of increasing muscle mass and significantly reduce the time spent on achieving the goal. Very helpful in this case.multivitamins, which are able to fully provide the body with the necessary nutrients. The best "friends" for an ectomorph who wants to overcome his thinness will be gainers, protein-carbohydrate mixtures and protein drinks. Three servings of a gainer added to your regular daily diet and systematic training will contribute to the steady growth of muscle mass.
With intense physical activity, creatine will help increase efficiency, strength and muscle mass. This natural compound, which is involved in energy metabolism in muscle cells, allows the body to withstand extreme loads longer and recover faster between sets. And the intake of enzymes will help the body process and absorb the increased calorie content of the diet. They are not accepted constantly, but on a course. It should also be noted that there are nutritional supplements enriched with enzymes. In this case, their additional application is not required.

Ectomorph and bodybuilding
Despite the innate characteristics of ectomorphs, this sport is not forbidden to them. Purposeful and disciplined people can succeed in any field. Ectomorph bodybuilders note that, as a rule, they do not follow any complex diets, but at the same time, any mesomorph can envy the relief press of these athletes.
Ectomorph is a person with qualitatively dry muscle mass and long muscles that are quite difficult to pump up. But under the guidance of a competent trainer and following a balanced diet withBy consuming high-quality carbohydrates, proteins and the right fats, you can achieve amazing results.