If you have enlarged ovaries

If you have enlarged ovaries
If you have enlarged ovaries

Diseases in the female part are among the most unpredictable, while any woman who monitors her he alth is simply obliged to undergo regular gynecological examinations. In its course, not only the composition of the discharge is assessed using a smear, but also the dimensions of the external and internal organs themselves.

enlarged ovaries
enlarged ovaries

For example, if a gynecologist diagnosed that you have enlarged ovaries, this may indicate the presence of various problems that require monitoring. For the most accurate study of this organ, the so-called "internal" ultrasound should be carried out regularly, during which the study of the pelvic organs takes place. It is worth noting that the ovaries can also be enlarged at a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, this is due to the growth of the follicle containing the egg. After maturation, it bursts and releases the egg outside, at which point pregnancy is the most possible.

However, do not forget that the size of the ovaries in the norm, as a rule, is always approximately the same, if you do not take into account the dimensions of the follicles. Temhowever, when conducting a study by means of ultrasound, a significant increase in the right organ can be detected. Don't panic though, as the left side of the gonads is usually always slightly smaller than the right side, and any qualified specialist will be able to confirm this.

greatly enlarged ovaries
greatly enlarged ovaries

If you have greatly enlarged ovaries, then this most likely indicates the presence of certain diseases, the nature of which may be different.

Most often, a significant discrepancy in size with reference indicators indicates the presence of formations, for example, cysts. Most of these tumors are benign and are removed through simple operations. You should not run such neoplasms, since most cysts tend to grow and subsequently rupture. A more complex form of the disease is polycystic. In this case, there are several cysts all over the surface of the ovaries.

what to do if the ovary is enlarged
what to do if the ovary is enlarged

In this case, conservative treatment of such a phenomenon is often used, which includes exclusively taking hormonal medications. If there is a running case, then the need for an operation is unconditional. However, it is worth remembering that only a specialist can tell what to do if the ovary is enlarged. No self-medication is absolutely unacceptable.

Often the ovaries are often enlarged in the event that a certain stimulation was carried out before IVF artificial insemination. This procedure is necessary to get immediatelyseveral follicles with mature eggs ready to receive the male seed.

It should be borne in mind that ultrasound checks should be carried out exclusively on certain days of the cycle, preferably 6-7 days from the start. Otherwise, the ovaries may be enlarged directly due to the preparation of the body for the onset of ovulation, in which such a state of the pelvic organs is the norm.
