Dyskinesia is a violation of motor acts of smooth muscles of various internal organs of a person. Dyskinesia of the stomach is one of the most common pathologies in gastroenterology, which is expressed in a functional impairment of the motor function of the stomach.
Characteristics of the disease
The main function of the stomach is to take food from the esophagus, digest it and push the resulting mass further into the intestines. Therefore, a violation of its work is expressed in slowing down the passage of food during the contraction of smooth muscles. Usually the muscles of the stomach make undulating movements from top to bottom.
And with dyskinesia of the stomach (Latin dyskinesia; gaster), the food entering it moves in the opposite direction. As a result of improper functioning of the organ, the patient experiences discomfort: nausea, belching and vomiting.
At this time, the bile produced by the liver, after passing through the gallbladder, with contraction with the correct reflexes of the ducts, enters the stomach through a special passage - the sphincter. Here it is mixed with the contents (food, etc.) tothen after digestion enter the intestines. A disruption in this sequence occurs when the sphincter contracts incorrectly. This is possible with diseases of the bile ducts, liver or dyskinesia: bile accumulates in the stomach and, when released back, enters the esophagus and oral cavity. The result is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth (heartburn).

Dyskinesia is most often diagnosed in children and young people, as well as in patients with functional and organic diseases of the central nervous system.
Causes of disease
The development of the disease can be provoked by external and internal factors and diseases:
- genetic predisposition;
- CNS diseases;
- pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, viral hepatitis, enteritis);
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- food allergy (to eggs, milk or fish);
- rheumatic diseases;
- diseases of the kidneys, lungs or endocrine glands (improper production of hormones and enzymes);
- malnutrition (systematic consumption of dry food, quick snacks, consumption of large amounts of spicy, smoked and fatty foods, carbohydrates);
- chronic alcoholism and smoking;
- stress situations;
- wrong sedentary lifestyle;
- deficiency in the body of vitamins, proteins and trace elements;
- too hot climate in the country of residence;
- as a result of prolonged exposure to radiation;
- taking medications.

However, most often the pathology of closely located organs has a sharp influence on the development of the disease:
- gastric and duodenal ulcer;
- diseases of the biliary tract;
- presence of parasites (worms) in the stomach and intestines;
- pancreatitis;
- peritonitis (purulent inflammatory process);
- thrombosis of gastric vessels;
- pneumonia;
- myocardial infarction;
- severe infections (typhoid fever, etc.);
- injuries to the stomach or spinal cord.
Disease forms
Forms of the disease are divided depending on the type of violation of gastric motility:
- Hypomotor dyskinesia of the stomach - manifests itself in a decrease in the activity of this organ. As a result, food accumulates and undigested wastes stagnate, the process of fermentation and accumulation of gases (pneumatosis) develops. It manifests itself in fetid belching and a feeling of constriction.
- Hypermotor dyskinesia of the stomach - characterized by strong motor activity and a condition when the contents of the stomach and duodenum are thrown into the esophagus, which is manifested by heartburn, acid belching and gag reflex due to spasms.
- Atonic form - manifested in a violation of the evacuation (removal) of food masses from the body, expressed by pain (heaviness, etc.), weakening of the muscles, resulting in chronic constipation and accumulation of toxins in the body.
All three forms of the disease can lead not only to violations of the digestive process, but becomethe reason for the lack of essential nutrients by the body, the development of beriberi and the deterioration of he alth.

Classification of types of dyskinesias
The development of dyskinesia in adults and children is often provoked by a change in the volume of the stomach (omission, expansion), its position when an organ dysfunction occurs.
Omissions are of two types:
- primary - for congenital anomalies;
- secondary, when the position of the stomach changes due to any factors (pregnancy, etc.).
The latter can occur for several reasons:
- with acute atony or paresis of the muscles - the walls of the stomach are compressed / unclenched in pathology reflexively (with inflammation, heart attack, after surgery or as a result of injury);
- pneumatosis is the accumulation of a large volume of gases in the body due to the negative activity of bacteria, in which its contractile function changes.
There are several types of gastric dyskinesia that differ in the course and development of the disease:
- cardiospasm, in which there is a sharp contraction of the cardio, due to which there is a violation of the swallowing function and severe pain appears in the retrosternal zone;
- pylorospasm is characterized by the appearance of spasms in the pyloric region of the stomach, resulting in a violation of the evacuation of the contents, which is accompanied by discomfort, belching and an acid taste in the mouth;
- tetany - the development of spasms in the form of convulsions, whichprovokes severe pain and gastrocardiac syndrome;
- acute expansion of the stomach - occurs when the tone of the walls decreases with constant overeating, excessive gas formation or as a result of surgical intervention;
- aerophagia - disturbances in the work of the stomach occur due to the high speed of eating food along with air bubbles.

Symptoms of gastric dyskinesia
Manifestations of the disease are diverse, the main ones are:
- pain and cramps in the abdomen (in the epigastric region, hypochondrium, near the navel);
- an attack can last from 2-3 minutes to several weeks;
- different pains (cramping, pressing, aching);
- manifestations of flatulence;
- regular constipation or diarrhea;
- feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
- hiccups, sour belching, heartburn, nausea;
- vomiting copious greenish mass, repeated periodically.
In many patients, attacks of pain or vomiting can be observed against the background of the development of stress or psychological trauma, strong emotional experiences. Symptoms usually improve at night.
Diagnosis of disease
To establish the exact form of gastric dyskinesia, you should consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a full examination:
- examination and palpation of the abdomen - allows you to determine the soreness or expansion of the organ;
- take blood tests (biochemical), urine and feces;
- electrogastrography (for motor disorders)– allows you to determine the electrical potentials during contraction of the muscles of the stomach (strong variability is manifested);
- fluoroscopy - helps identify spasm, pylorospasm, cardiospasm, prolapse;
- ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
- gastroscopy - a visual examination of the digestive tract through a probe with a camera;
- esophagogastroduodenoscopy (in parallel, a biopsy is taken to examine tissues and determine organic disorders).
Examination allows you to determine the form of the disease, the degree and clarify the subsequent treatment.

In any form of the disease, whether it is dyskinesia of the stomach, intestines, biliary tract or other organs, you must follow a diet:
- meal is carried out fractionally (in small portions), overeating should be excluded;
- you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
- Spicy, smoked, fatty foods, spicy foods, etc. are not recommended;
- no alcoholic beverages allowed;
- should limit high fiber foods (vegetables, berries and fruits, bread, cereals and pasta, legumes and nuts).

To restore normal functioning and balance, it is recommended to follow a stricter diet for two weeks, consuming food only in minced or pureed form (meat in the form of minced meat); dilute fruit juices with water, and exclude vegetable juices from the menu; add chopped greens.
How to treatgastric dyskinesia
Complex therapy includes the main directions:
- diet;
- medication;
- physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy;
- phytotherapy;
- in extreme cases, surgery.
The list of medicines includes the following groups of medicines:
- sedatives - neurotropic and psychotropic drugs are prescribed to restore the nervous system and normalize motor skills;
- M-cholinolytics - allow for the correction of the contractile function of the stomach in hypersyndrome;
- with hypomotor dyskinesia of the stomach - means of stimulating the contraction of the walls of the muscles ("Eufillin", "Caffeine");
- with atonic form - drugs to start peristalsis ("Prozerin");
- special enzymes ("Acidin-pepsin") are prescribed as replacement therapy.
Physiotherapy in the treatment of dyskinesia
Physiotherapeutic methods have a positive effect in the treatment of gastric dyskinesia, helping to relieve cramps and pain.
Main Events:
- electrophoresis in the stomach area with novocaine helps relieve pain;
- mud applications;
- warming procedures (ozokerite, paraffin therapy, etc.);
- diathermy - hardware warming and stimulation of blood circulation using high frequency alternating electric current, which promotes tissue repair;
- mineral water baths;
- UHF and microwave.

During therapy, doctors advise patients to avoid all negative factors that can provoke a worsening of the condition. These include primarily a violation in the diet menu and nervous tension. It is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle, eat right and avoid any stressful situations.
Dyskinesia in children
The disease is considered rare in childhood. However, dyskinesia of the stomach is sometimes manifested in children in the first months of life (more often in boys). At the initial stage, the disease usually does not manifest itself.
Symptoms of the disease that are present in children:
- pain in the abdomen, belching with the smell of rotten eggs;
- child completely refuses to eat;
- may cause constipation;
- sudden vomiting (greenish mass);
- respiratory disorder (due to an increase in the concentration of gases and pressure on the diaphragm) - breathing failures and pain in the retrosternal region may occur;
- squeezing sensation in the stomach.
Examination and diagnosis in children are carried out by the same methods as in adults. The treatment of the disease is carried out in a similar way, however, the implementation of recommendations for dietary nutrition falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents. You can eat a child only in small portions and often, adhering to the above restrictions and the advice of doctors.

Forecasts and reviews
If all the recommendations of doctors are followed, in most cases the prognosis in the treatment of gastric dyskinesiapositive. Deterioration of he alth can occur only if the patient has been suffering from this disease for many years and refuses to be treated.
According to the feedback from patients, after the course of treatment, the state of he alth improves, all discomfort and pain disappear. Subject to the rules of dietary nutrition, subsequent relapses of the disease can be avoided.