In the article, we will consider what a brown spot on the tongue means.
Language is a kind of indicator of the state of the human body. The appearance of spots of brown or other color on it is often puzzling to most people, but this phenomenon is by no means uncommon.
Dark spots on the tongue can appear in adults and children, their color can vary from dark brown to light gray.
Brown spots on the tongue in an adult can be located on the lateral or upper surface, may have a bumpy structure, affect other areas of the oral cavity, lips, and sometimes the face. They can appear for a variety of reasons.

Spots on the tongue may be permanent, may appear once and then disappear on their own, or have a periodic character. Sometimes they are accompanied by discomfort or soreness. In such a case, there is a possibility of developing cancer of the tongue orserious infection.
Causes of a brown spot on the tongue
If multiple or single, small or large dots appear on the surface of the tongue, you need to think about the reasons for their occurrence. You should not worry prematurely, since in many cases such spots do not carry any harm, however, provoking factors should still be found out in order to exclude possible complications.
Brown spots on the tongue in an adult may occur due to hyperpigmentation. This happens due to the high concentration of melanin in the body. It is this substance that colors the hair, eyes, skin. If a large amount of melanin accumulates in the tissues of the tongue, harmless dark spots begin to appear. Hyperpigmentation of the tongue is caused by melanocytes - pigment cells.
However, sometimes brown spots on the tip of the tongue, due to hyperpigmentation, are evidence of the development of melanoma, a type of cancer. As a rule, melanoma develops under the influence of solar UV rays. The risk group includes people over the age of 40, in particular women. As a rule, melanomas are brown or black, however, they can also be purple, red, pink.

Photo of brown spot on tongue provided.
Traditional medicine involves the removal of pigmentation with a laser. In folk medicine, to lighten the darkened tongue and skin, rosehip juices, aloe vera, cucumber, lemon,potatoes.
Melanin production is reduced by hydroquinone. It contains calcium, kojic and azelaic acids, cucumbers, soy milk.
The appearance of brown spots on the tongue during pregnancy
In some cases, spots occur in women taking contraceptives that provoke hormonal changes and affect the activity of the endocrine system. It also happens during pregnancy.
What other possible causes of brown spots on the tongue in adults?
Oral fibroma
Fibroma is a tumor of a benign nature, having the shape of a polyp or a dome, that is, it is a formation resembling a hard, smooth lump of a rounded shape, which is attached to the tissues of the oral cavity with its base or leg. They look like moles and freckles, may be dark in color. Fibroma can occur for various reasons, for example, due to irritation provoked by exposure to dental appliances, piercings, teeth.
Therapy of such a tumor can only be surgical, however, surgery does not guarantee that the neoplasm will not reappear in the same place. Treatment should not be neglected, since fibroids are able to multiply and grow. In addition, damage to the tongue should be avoided, in particular, in the area where the fibroma was previously located. Injury can trigger her growth again.

Cancerous tumor of the oral cavity
Melanoma of the tongue is a rare type of oral cancermouth. Brown spots on the tongue, provoked by oral cancer, are extremely rare. It is possible to assume the occurrence of cancer if its appearance is accompanied by other symptoms - difficulty in moving the jaw when talking, swallowing, bleeding wounds on the face, neck, mouth, hoarseness, chronic sore throat.
You should not panic in this case, cancerous tumors can be treated with chemical drugs, radiation, which destroys carcinogenic cells, and also by surgical intervention aimed at removing the neoplasm.
Tongue piercing
In some cases, pigmentation disappears in the piercing area on the tongue, only dark spots remain. They can occur not only due to bleeding that occurs during a puncture, but due to the presence of jewelry in the oral cavity.
If an infection occurs during the piercing, then it should be treated in a timely manner. In addition, it is important to perform all the necessary postoperative manipulations, use only gold or titanium jewelry, as they are the least allergenic.
Black hairy tongue
What does it mean if a brown hairy spot appears on the tongue? Smoking, drinking alcohol, poor oral hygiene, and excessive use of antibiotic medications can provoke this phenomenon. Similar spots appear due to the growth of papillae on the tongue.
Science has not fully figured out the exact causes of brown spots on the tongue, however, as practice shows, the problem is over timedisappears if the patient carefully monitors oral hygiene, refuses to smoke and drink alcohol.
They can be lightened or made pink by eating mints or using mouthwashes.
In addition, the phenomenon of black hairy tongue may be due to the development of candidiasis in the mouth. It is important to make sure that the diagnosis is correct and then start treating these spots with antifungal medicines.
Tongue injuries

Dark red or dark brown blisters may appear on the tongue as a result of injury. They have this color due to the fact that there is blood inside.
Dark spots can occur as a result of injury to the tongue, especially if sores result. For example, due to piercings, dental interventions, tongue biting.
What else can cause a brown spot on the tongue?
Allergic manifestations and the result of exposure to certain medications
Certain chemicals, such as bismuth, can cause stains in the mouth. In addition, some medicines that are allergens can cause spotting of the tongue.
To solve this problem, it is important to prevent contact with the allergen, take antihistamines, continue therapy if the spots do not disappear.

Some cancer patientspatients, brown spots on the tongue appear during the course of a chemotherapy course. Similar spots can also occur under the nails. Moreover, the phenomenon can be observed both during the course of chemotherapy and after its completion.
One of the causes of dark spots on the tongue is anemia. Dark zones can be scattered, or grouped on the tongue. However, the most classic symptom of this pathology is the pallor of the tongue.
Sexually transmitted diseases
It is known that white, and sometimes dark spots and sores, can occur on the tongue, lips, mouth and other parts of the body with some sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital warts or HIV. Before assuming infection with such diseases, other symptoms should be identified that will confirm the diagnosis. If it is absent, then the reason for the appearance of spots lies, most likely, in something else.
Other diseases
Brown spots on the tongue may be hereditary, may occur as a result of dysbacteriosis, the development of Peutz-Jegherz syndrome, Laugier-Hunziker syndrome, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, insufficient individual oral hygiene, dilation of blood vessels, especially those located under the tongue.

In childhood
A brown spot on the tongue of a child may occur due to an allergic reaction, oral candidiasis (as a rule, white spots occur with candidiasisspots, but sometimes they can be dark), use of antibiotic medicines during therapy, layers that have accumulated as a result of breastfeeding.
If a person has dark brown spots on the tongue, it is important to consult a doctor and be examined for oncological pathology, since timely therapy in this case will solve the problem. Temporary stains, in particular those resulting from chemical exposure, can be removed with proper oral hygiene.
Oral hygiene involves gently cleaning the deposits on the tongue with a soft brush. In addition, it is important to eat he althy roughage, fruits, vegetables.

Many pathologies accompanied by the indicated symptom respond well to therapy with medications, vitamin complexes.
Treatment of the surface of the tongue can be carried out with the help of effective medicines for resorption - "Imudon", "Lizobakt". You can also make oral baths based on decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage) or antiseptic solutions of pharmaceutical origin ("Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine").
If the spots on the tongue are caused by a fungal infection, the patient is prescribed bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, probiotics to normalize the microflora. In addition, the use of antifungal drugs - Livarol, Fluconazole, Nystatin, Diflucan - is shown. For local treatment of the oral cavityantiseptic solutions.
In some cases, experts recommend treating the mouth with liquid nitrogen. Such a procedure should be carried out exclusively in a medical institution and only under the supervision of a physician. Self-treatment with nitrogen is unacceptable. It should be noted that in the field of dentistry, this method of therapeutic effect has not been widely used.
In cases where conservative therapy in the form of drug exposure does not bring the desired result, experts recommend surgery.
You can also remove such spots if you suck on a small piece of pineapple, and then hold it on the root of the tongue for 40 seconds and chew for 8 minutes. This should be done twice a day for 14 days.

The first and most important preventive rule is the observance of the norms of individual oral hygiene. To clean the tongue, you should use special tools, such as scrapers. It is also important to eat right, saturate your own diet with iron-rich foods. Avoid alcohol and smoking.
It is necessary to visit the dentist in a timely manner if suspicious symptoms appear, eliminate dental diseases, remove tartar.
It is important to remember that such a phenomenon as brown spots on the tongue is not only unaesthetic, but it can indicate the development of probable serious diseases in the body, which can only be detectedqualified person.
We looked at why a brown spot on the tongue can occur.