Where is the antenatal clinic of Pavlovsky Posad? We propose to write down the address of the medical institution: Pavlovsky Posad, Bolshoy Zheleznodorozhny proezd, house No. 4. For a more convenient location of the hospital, a photo is presented below.

Working hours
Reception of patients is carried out daily (from Monday to Friday) from 8:00 am to 20:00 pm. Unfortunately, the hospital is closed on weekends.
Reception of doctors in the antenatal clinic of Pavlovsky Posad
Those women who are territorially attached to it can be served in this hospital. To get an appointment, you must pre-register on the website of "Gosuslug" or at the reception. You need to take two documents with you - a passport and a medical policy.
As for the professionalism and qualifications of the doctors of the Pavlovsky Posad antenatal clinic, everything here is at the highest level. All professionals are very knowledgeable and experienced. Below is a photo of the head doctor of this clinic. Myagchenkova Marina Mikhailovna is one of those employees about whom they say: "This doctor is fromGod!"

Work of antenatal clinic
Pavlovsky Posad antenatal clinic is equipped with various rooms. There is a procedural department, ultrasound rooms, a cervical pathology department, a small operating room and a testing department.

Doctors of this clinic have been detecting pathologies in women for many years and successfully curing them.
Specialists are able not only to deal with various pathologies of pregnancy, but also to prevent their occurrence, that is, to suggest what is the probability or risk of this or that deviation. All this happens by comparing various factors, by analyzing the condition of the fetus and mother. Here are a number of factors that are determined by the clinic staff and can most severely complicate the course of pregnancy:
- Socio-biological. This includes bad habits of one of the parents, mature age (in women over 30 years old, in men over 40 years old), harmfulness (work in industries that are very harmful to he alth). All of these factors can mainly increase the risk of fetal disease.
- Obstetrics and gynecology. This group includes factors that are not always determined when examining a pregnant woman. They can be found out only in close conversation with a woman. These include: abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, premature births, fetal he alth problems in past pregnancies.
- The presence of diseases in a woman. itacute infections, diseases of external and internal organs, preeclampsia, toxicosis, Rhesus conflict, bleeding of a different nature.
- Presence of diseases in the fetus: malnutrition, paratrophy, hypoxia, etc.
Pregnancy is one of the most long-awaited and happy periods in the life of every woman. Employees of Pavlovsky Posad clinics know about this. And to whom to entrust the observation of pregnancy, each woman chooses for herself. It can be a paid clinic or a regular women's consultation. If you wish, you can register for pregnancy at the Pavlovsky Posad antenatal clinic by choosing a doctor who will observe your pregnancy for 9 months. Each employee of this clinic can be described as a highly qualified and competent specialist.
Reviews about the Pavlovsky Posad antenatal clinic
Despite many negative reviews about this hospital, the opinion about the clinic is positive. First, because it is always clean and comfortable. This is very rare for free hospitals. Secondly, the staff of doctors pleases. Most of them are quite mature. And the doctor, whatever you say, must be experienced. If a specialist is a professional and loves his job, he will work well in both paid and free clinics. Then he will not be afraid to trust his life and pregnancy.