One of the most terrible diseases of our time is cancer. Until now, they can not find a remedy that helps to completely get rid of this disease. The patient has to go through many procedures to alleviate his condition and prolong life. After some of them, negative, as we think, symptoms appear. Let's talk about one thing now - about the temperature after chemotherapy.

A little about the procedure
Chemotherapy is the most effective method of fighting malignant tumors. Special preparations are used that destroy tumors. Before proceeding with the use of this method, the patient's body is carefully examined. The patient's condition and his reserve capabilities are assessed. Depending on the type of disease and its stage, the procedure is used for:
- Complete destruction of malignant formation.
- Getting rid of affected cells that can move to other organs.
- Reducing the process of increasing formations.
- Reduce tumor size.
- Obtaining conditions conducive to favorable deliverancefrom surgical formation.
- Destruction of affected cells remaining in the human body after surgery.
Most often, chemotherapy is used in combination with radiation therapy or surgery. Now you know a little about what chemotherapy is. But the patient's problems do not always end with this procedure.

Side effects
According to the severity of the patient's condition after chemotherapy, the World He alth Organization divides the side effects that have appeared into several classes:
- Zero degree - the patient's condition has not changed, the tests too.
- First - small changes, but they do not affect the general condition of the patient.
- Second - analyzes are noticeably changing, the patient's condition and activity have also changed, but moderately. Corrective action required.
- Third degree. There were serious violations. Requires intensive somatic treatment. Scheduled chemotherapy sessions are cancelled.
- Fourth degree. There were side effects of chemotherapy that threaten the life of the patient. The procedure should be canceled immediately.
Side effects include:

- Hematopoietic system and gastrointestinal tract damage.
- The appearance of kidney disorders.
- Immune weakening.
- Respiratory and nervous system damage.
- Hair loss.
- The appearance of allergies and dermatitis.
Reasons for rising temperatures
Chemotherapy has a negative effect on the bone marrow. The level of leukocytes in the blood decreases. There is no one to fight the infection. In addition to white blood cells, erythrocytes, platelets and hemoglobin are suppressed. All this leads to pancytopenia. Any infection, even the smallest one, can enter the patient's body without any barriers. It remains in the body for a long time even after chemotherapy. The immune system is weakened. If treatment is not started, sepsis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis may develop.
Inflammatory processes occurring in the patient's body contribute to an increase in temperature after chemotherapy. This reaction indicates that the infection continues to develop. During this period, all blood counts are at a low level.
High body temperature for several days indicates that a person can no longer cope with the disease on his own. Additional treatment will be required.

Effect of drugs
The body temperature can also rise under the influence of medications. These include anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used for pain relief, itching and swelling.
Most often, patients with oncology are prescribed strong anticancer drugs. They are the cause of fever after chemotherapy. These drugs include:platinum, "Floracid", "Docetaxel", "Gemcitabine", "Paclitaxel", "Halavelon". In addition to intolerance to these drugs, the patient may develop necrosis, ulcers on the body and non-healing abscesses.
The use of the above medicines may cause the patient to:
- Painful feeling in the chest.
- Violation of the intestines and genitourinary system.
- Swelling of the ankles and discomfort in the joints and muscles.
- Fever and allergies.
When these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact an oncologist.

So the norm or pathology?
Temperature after chemotherapy is considered normal within 36-37 degrees. The doctor can state that the procedure was transferred normally. If the fever rises to 37, 5-38, then we can talk about the appearance of side effects after chemotherapy. The most dangerous temperature is considered to be from 38 to 39 degrees. Such a symptom may indicate agranulocytosis (a complication in which a person requires immediate hospitalization).
An increase in temperature to 41 degrees is a threat not only to the he alth of the patient, but also to his life. In the presence of jumps in body temperature, we can talk about the development of serious pathologies in the human body:
- sepsis;
- infectious pneumonia;
- kidney disease.
Heat is one of the mainsigns that indicate the presence of complications after chemotherapy.
If the temperature rises after the administration of drugs against the tumor, contact an oncologist immediately. Sometimes a little delay can cost a life.
How to act
If there is a temperature after chemotherapy, what should I do? This is the question patients ask themselves and others.
- Watch her jump very carefully.
- Began to feel worse (fever, chills) - immediately pick up a thermometer.
- No antipyretic drugs without specialist advice. Remember: not every medication can have the desired effect on he alth. In addition, the body is trying to warn you about something, and you remove this warning.
- Try to limit contact with people suffering from infectious diseases, be less in the cold. Immunity after chemotherapy is weakened, you can easily catch a cold.
- If you feel pain after chemotherapy, contact your doctor immediately. He will adjust the treatment based on how you feel.
After the procedure, monitor your he alth. If you experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, visit an oncologist

Cancer is not a death sentence. The disease can and must be fought. After the introduction of anticancer drugs, try to avoid crowded places, watch your diet. Turn indiet more protein products, vitamins. More positive emotions and faith that everything will be fine.
If you have a fever after chemotherapy, do not ignore this fact. Call your doctor. He will tell you what to do. Remember that your he alth depends on you.