Today, so many people suffer from various types of allergies that no one calls it a disease anymore. It may seem interesting information that approximately 85% of the world's population suffer from various allergic reactions, and this condition is called the "disease of the century." It is worth noting that this disease requires treatment. But how to correctly identify and not confuse allergy symptoms in adults with something else?

About the disease
Allergies cannot be completely cured. Since this is a special sensitivity of the body to a particular substance or component, to eliminate the symptoms, it is enough to simply exclude the allergen from the patient's environment. However, sometimes it is necessary to get rid of the symptoms with the help of medications. Depending on the type of allergy, symptoms may vary slightly.
What fellow travelers are fraught with allergies? Symptoms in adults may present as rhinitis. It will also be somewhat similar to the fact that a person has a cold: runny nose, tears from the eyes, itchy nose, stuffy nasal passages, sneezing. Most often, such symptoms occur in seasonal allergies to flowering,pollen, poplar fluff. Most often, this reaction goes away on its own, but the symptoms can be relieved and even removed by medications.

What else is an allergy terrible for? Symptoms in adults can be similar to asthma: inability to breathe in and out, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough. This happens as a result of a spasm of the bronchus, when the flow of air into the lungs is limited for a while. This is a more serious allergy symptom than simple rhinitis.
What else can happen if a person has an allergy? Symptoms in adults can manifest as allergic conjunctivitis: redness of the eyeballs, itching in the eyes, tearing. In more severe cases, swelling of the eyelids may occur.
Skin reactions
How else can an allergy manifest itself? Symptoms in adults may be as follows: redness of the skin in the place where it came into contact with the allergen. It can also be accompanied by dry skin, its peeling. This symptom is called allergic dermatitis or allergic eczema. Just like an allergy symptom, urticaria can manifest itself: swelling of the skin in those places where it came into contact with the allergen.

Anaphylactic shock
The most dangerous symptom of an allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock, since it is he who poses a threat to human life. With such a shock, not one, but several body systems suffer at once. Danger can cause swelling of the larynx when there is noair in, a sudden drop in pressure. It is worth noting that with anaphylactic shock, the blood supply to all organs is disrupted, so almost the entire body suffers.
Food allergy
Today, a huge number of people are prone to food allergies, when a dangerous allergen is in the food that a person consumes. So, there are symptoms of food allergies in adults, but it is worth noting that they are quite wide. It may be the usual diarrhea and abdominal pain, or it may be swelling of the tongue, lips, itching in the mouth, difficulty breathing. And in the most severe cases, even anaphylactic shock can occur.