Bandage for kidney prolapse: how to choose and how to wear

Bandage for kidney prolapse: how to choose and how to wear
Bandage for kidney prolapse: how to choose and how to wear

Bandage for kidney prolapse is widely used as one of the options for conservative therapy. This method of treatment is effective if nephroptosis is at an early stage of development. The decision to use such an accessory is made solely by the attending urologist. Therefore, if there is an intention to purchase such a device, it is necessary to obtain a recommendation from a specialist. The article describes tips for choosing and using a corset.

Kidney nephroptosis
Kidney nephroptosis

Kidney disease

Renal nephroptosis - what is it and how to treat pathology? This can only be advised by a qualified doctor. Nephroptosis is a condition in which the kidney moves down from the lumbar region, sometimes the kidney can even "fall" into the small pelvis. This condition is often referred to as "prolapsed kidney."

According to WHO statistics, nephroptosis occurs in men 15 times less often thanamong women. This is because women have a wider pelvis and ligaments that support the kidneys. Over time, a woman's ligaments that support her organs lose their elasticity due to pregnancy. It is also worth noting that the omission of the right kidney occurs several times more often than the left one.

The kidneys should not move more than 5 cm in the body, even when breathing and exercising. Often, a pathological displacement is detected during an abdominal ultrasound quite incidentally (for example, when checking the liver and gallbladder). A person is unaware of the disease, since the pathology causes pain in only 10% of cases.

Pain in the kidney area
Pain in the kidney area

Symptomatics of nephroptosis

The severity of symptoms directly depends on the severity of the disease:

  • 1 degree - the lower pole of the kidney is felt only when inhaled.
  • 2 degrees - the entire kidney is palpable in a vertical state.
  • 3 degrees - the organ completely leaves the hypochondrium and goes to any other part of the body. The kidney rarely descends into the pelvis.

In the initial stages, the symptoms are mostly absent or not pronounced. Patients feel mild pain in the lumbar region in the direction of the pathology. At the first stage of nephroptosis, pain usually occurs after physical exertion or intense coughing.

A characteristic feature is the disappearance of pain symptoms in the supine position or on the side, where pain is felt. At the second stage of nephroptosis, the frequency and intensity of tinglingincrease. At the third stage, a pronounced kink of the ureter can form with the formation of renal colic, while the intensity of pain is pronounced. At the peak of the pain syndrome, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Bandage when lowering the kidneys
Bandage when lowering the kidneys

What is a kidney prolapse bandage?

Support bandage is a bandage with a certain design, thanks to which it becomes possible to fix the position of the internal organs, preventing them from moving under moderate loads in everyday life. It is necessary to wear such a corrective accessory only with early nephroptosis, if there are no complications, that is, severe pain and concomitant diseases.

How to put on and wear a brace?

To achieve a positive result, wearing a corset should be long - from one year or more. Recommendations on how to wear a bandage when the kidney is lowered: fixation of the corset should be performed when exhaling and only in a horizontal position. It is allowed to wear a belt both over clothes and on the body.

Corsets are made of elastic dense tape or natural cotton fabric. The second option is chosen when the bandage must be worn on the naked body, since the natural material does not cause irritation.

Corset for prolapsed kidneys
Corset for prolapsed kidneys

How to choose a brace?

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of bandages that have all kinds of characteristics. When choosing a bandage when lowering the kidney, you need to pay attention to its size,to match your personal preferences. Most kidney belts are available in one size.

The patient independently adjusts the length of such a corset using Velcro or straps, which are equipped with a brace design. Some manufacturers produce a bandage to support the kidneys in several sizes at the same time, depending on the waist.

How to choose a bandage when the kidney is lowered, the attending physician will tell you. If the prolapse of the organ is accompanied by an inflammatory process, it is recommended to purchase a special bandage with a warming effect based on natural wool.


Bandage when lowering the kidney has contraindications for use, which should not be neglected. There are many positive reviews about corsets from patients, but there are times when it is not recommended to use it. Such contraindications are damage to the integrity of the skin in those places where the belt is attached. Also, the brace cannot be worn if:

  • pain;
  • there are serious complications that threaten the life of the patient;
  • with a strong displacement of the kidney compared to the anatomically correct position.
Kidney prolapse exercises
Kidney prolapse exercises

Advice to patients

Some doctors say that wearing a bandage when the kidney is lowered is harmful to the patient's he alth. The constant use of a corset directly affects the back muscles, which leads to a loss of their tone. This negatively affects the condition of the kidney itself in the future.

According to reviews, a bandage for kidney prolapseIt is important to use in conjunction with physiotherapy exercises. Gymnastics does not have to be done in the gym, you can do it yourself at home. In addition, there are special exercises that are suitable for bedridden patients.

Wearing a corset will not completely eliminate the problem, but will only help maintain the kidneys in their anatomically correct state. Treatment must be carried out without fail.

If you turn to a specialist in time, who will explain what kidney nephroptosis is, prescribe the necessary laboratory tests and prescribe effective treatment, you can avoid the development of a serious pathology. Severe pain should not be ignored. Self-medication, folk remedies (without consulting a specialist) are unacceptable in this situation.
