The drug for hair loss "Generolon": reviews and methods of application

The drug for hair loss "Generolon": reviews and methods of application
The drug for hair loss "Generolon": reviews and methods of application

He althy and beautiful hair is an indicator that the human body is functioning normally. As soon as the hair begins to fall out, becomes brittle and dull, you need to see a doctor.

Generolon reviews
Generolon reviews

In most cases, these problems are caused by a lack of vitamins or nervous breakdowns. However, hair loss is often a sign of a more serious condition.

What is alopecia

Pathological hair loss, which leads to their thinning or complete disappearance in some areas of the head or body, is called alopecia. There are focal, diffuse and androgenic forms of this disease. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient. One of the effective remedies for the treatment of local hair loss and baldness is the drug "Generolon". Feedback from patients who have used it testifies to the effectiveness of the product, although some side effects have been noted in the form of scalp dermatitis and allergic reactions.

Generolon reviews of women
Generolon reviews of women

Female hair loss

Both men and women are prone to alopecia. For the fair sex, the problems associated with hair loss are muchmore sensitive than men. This is due, first of all, to female psychology and the desire to always look attractive. For many men, baldness causes a lot of unrest and anxiety, and for women it can turn into a real tragedy. There are many reasons for hair loss in women. The main ones are associated with pregnancy and the postpartum recovery period, as well as vitamin deficiency. Treatment is carried out with different methods and drugs. In most cases, doctors prescribe the drug "Generolon". Reviews of women about this medicine note that it noticeably stops the process of hair loss and strengthens their roots.

The effectiveness of the drug "Generolon"

Generolon spray reviews
Generolon spray reviews

This medication is based on the substance minoxidil, which improves the blood circulation of hair follicles, including the so-called sleeping ones, and activates their growth. The drug is produced in the form of a spray for external use in a 2% and 5% solution of minoxidil. For the treatment of androgenetic and focal alopecia, "Generolon" is used - a spray, patient reviews of which during systemic therapy were positive.

How to use the drug

The "Generolon" remedy is used externally, applied to the treated damaged area of the head with a special dispenser 2 times a day. Sprayed with 6-7 sprays. It is not necessary to rinse off the spray, the product is completely absorbed within 4 hours.

The effectiveness of the drug "Generolon"

Reviews of doctors indicate an increase in hair loss inthe initial stage of treatment with this medicine. This is normal, because minoxidil stimulates the hair follicles, and new ones grow in place of the old hair that has fallen out. This period lasts about 2-6 weeks from the start of the course of treatment. Duration of admission is 1 year.

The drug "Generolon" is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women, women during lactation and the elderly. About the drug "Generolon" reviews are contradictory: not all patients received the desired result. This is due to the fact that before use, an appropriate examination was not carried out and all the necessary analyzes were not made. In addition, if the spray is not used systematically and the treatment period is shortened, it is impossible to obtain the desired effect.

Generolon reviews of doctors
Generolon reviews of doctors

In various forms of androgenetic alopecia, a spray of different intensity is prescribed. Patients in whom a 2% solution did not cause satisfactory hair growth, as well as those who want a faster restoration of hair follicles, are prescribed a 5% drug "Generolon". Reviews after using such a solution are positive: there was a fairly rapid hair growth and the resumption of the functions of "sleeping" follicles.

It should be noted that any medicines only eliminate the consequences of the disease. Therefore, for a complete cure, it is necessary to find out the cause of hair loss and conduct a course of treatment in complex therapy.

It is necessary to follow proper nutrition, avoid nervous overload, use natural cosmetics.

Excellentstimulates hair growth scalp massage. In a word, the effectiveness of systemic and complex treatment using various methods and means together with the drug "Generolon" is confirmed by the reviews.