Rhinitis and cough occur with respiratory ailments. These symptoms impair a person's quality of life. Cough and snot can be treated at home with medicines prescribed by a doctor and traditional medicine methods. Even if the second option is chosen, coordination with a specialist is still required. Treatment methods are described in the article.
Causes and symptoms
Cough and snot usually appear with a viral or infectious disease. Sometimes these symptoms are allergic in origin. Often, a cough occurs with a runny nose, when mucus flows along the back of the nasopharynx, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, respiratory tract.

Besides cough and runny nose, which are present during illness, there may be other symptoms. Likely to occur:
- nasal congestion;
- dry or wet cough;
- pain or sore throat;
- general weakness;
- itchy nose, frequent sneezing;
- high temperature.
All of these phenomenaare considered the main symptoms of the common cold. Often the signs of allergies are accompanied by them, but the body temperature is normal.
Cure a runny nose much easier than a cough. It often happens that the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, but the cough still manifests itself for 1-2 weeks. If it is dry or wet and persists for several weeks, then you need to see a doctor who will rule out complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia.
When there is a strong cough, snot, many are looking for effective methods to eliminate them. There are many medicines, folk remedies that allow you to get rid of the symptoms of a cold in the shortest possible time. But for effective treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes, and only complex therapy should be used for this.
Diagnostic measures begin with anamnesis. It is necessary to determine what arose first - a cough or a runny nose. The nasal passages are examined. Usually the mucosa is edematous and reddened. Snot can be off-white to yellowish in color. This mucus can also be found on the back of the throat.
If the cough is due to snot, there are no pathologies while listening to the lungs, they are clean. Small changes during the day can be in the trachea and bronchi, where mucus accumulates. If something is alarming when listening to a doctor, a person can be poisoned for an x-ray to exclude the appearance of pneumonia.

Laboratory tests, consisting of blood and urine tests, are ordered as needed. But usually the diagnosis can be made by complaints, examination of the nasal passages and listening to the chest. Only after performing diagnostic procedures, the doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment. The best therapies are listed below.
Cough medicines
If an adult or a child has a cough or snot, how to treat? Symptomatic therapy is necessary, which consists in the use of drugs for local and internal use. Before taking cough medicine, it is required to determine its nature - is it dry or wet.
In the first case, sputum is difficult to separate, so mucolytics, expectorants are needed. These can be tablets, syrups, lozenges and solutions for inhalation. The positive effect is provided by:
- Lozenges and Doctor Mom syrup.
- "Sinekoda".
- "Lazolvana".
- Ambroxol.
- "Bromhexine".
These drugs contain synthetic components or herbal substances that reduce inflammation in the bronchi, thin the sputum, accelerate its release to the outside. The course of taking the drugs is up to 10 days. The norm is set for each person individually.
If there is a wet cough and snot flows down the back of the nasopharynx, what is used? This usually indicates recovery. To get rid of a wet cough, special remedies are used:
- Tusin.
- Gerbion.
- "Prospan".
- "Libeksin".
Drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will select the appropriatedosages, will give advice on the treatment of coughs and snot. Following them will allow you to improve your condition faster.
Rhinitis treatment
It is important to remember about the common cold. If an adult or a child has a cough and snot, how to treat this condition? Runny nose is eliminated by vasoconstrictor, antiviral, antibacterial agents. Usually doctors recommend using drops or sprays:
- Galazolin.
- Xilen.
- Sanorin.
- Vibrocil.
- Nazivin.
- Otrivin.

It is necessary to use any remedy from vasoconstrictor drugs after reading the instructions and no more than 5-7 days. In the presence of snot and dry cough, it is important to cure a runny nose. To do this, rinse the nasal mucosa. Medicines in this case will be the following medicines:
- Saline.
- Otrivin.
- Aqualor.
- Aquamaris.
- Dolphin.
The procedure for washing the nose must be combined with other drugs. It helps to clear the nasal passages, eliminate inflammation, get rid of edema. It also moisturizes the nasal cavity. If a strong cough, snot disappear within 5 days, there is a risk of complications, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. He must choose their form.
How to treat snot and cough at home? Inhalations are effective, which favorably affect the functioning of the ENT organs and the respiratory tract. The procedures thin the mucus, moisturize the nasal mucosa, eliminate inflammation,swelling of tissues, negatively affect pathogenic bacteria. Pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies can be a remedy.

When using special solutions for inhalation, a nebulizer is required. The following drugs are used for this treatment:
- Ambrobene.
- Berotek.
- Miramistin.
- "Lazolvan".
- Pulmicort.
- Dekasan.
All solutions used for the nebulizer have different effects. Therefore, before the procedures, it is important to read the instructions, consult a doctor. These remedies are used to eliminate green snot and cough. If the treatment is complex, the effect will be noticeable quickly.
If there is snot, cough, what if there is no nebulizer? Inhalations then need to be performed over a pan with steam. Potato steam, herbal decoctions, soda and other effective means are suitable for this. Inhalations can cure rhinitis, dry cough, and also speed up the excretion of sputum.
For a quick treatment of a cold, you need to rub a person's back, chest and legs 2 times a day. For this, pharmacy rubbing is used - "Doctor Mom", "Doctor Theiss", "Eucabal" and turpentine ointment. Animal fats are also effective - bear, goat, badger.
For children under 1 year old, Pulmex baby, turpentine ointment and goat fat are used for rubbing. Turpentine ointment is pre-mixed with a fat baby cream. Before using any product, it is important to read the instructions.
Yard plasters
Get rid of a runny nose and cough in 1 day with the help of mustard plasters. They are applied to the back, chest and calf muscles. It is important to avoid exposure to the area of the heart, kidneys and thyroid gland, moles and birthmarks. It is forbidden to put them on wounds and ulcers.

Mustard plasters are set before going to bed. Adults can keep them for 15 minutes, and for children they are placed on a layer of gauze or on the reverse side for no more than 3 minutes. If during the procedure the child has anxiety, mustard plasters are removed, the back is treated with a damp cloth.
Warming up
If you have a cough and a runny nose, warming up helps. To get rid of nasal congestion several times a day, warm the bridge of the nose with heated s alt, boiled eggs or a blue lamp.
Breasts are also allowed to be heated with heated cereals or s alt, which are poured into a linen bag. Dry heat is applied to the back and chest for 15 minutes, avoiding exposure to the heart and kidneys. It is forbidden to heat the skin with moles, abscesses and birthmarks.
Compresses are used for coughing. This method allows you to eliminate the disease of various etiologies. But it is important to consider that compresses can only complement drug therapy, but not replace it:
- You will need 2 large potatoes that need to be boiled and mashed. Then aloe, honey (1 tsp each) and "Eufillin" (1/2 ampoule) are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, laid out on cellophane and applied to the back. From above it is necessary to insulate with a sheet and a scarf. are holdingcompress 3-4 hours.
- Requires rye flour (2 handfuls). Hot water, honey, aloe juice (1 tablespoon each) are added to it. You need to knead the dough, create a cake and attach to the chest. Keep it for 2 hours, and then wipe the skin with a napkin.
- Effective warming compresses based on cottage cheese. The product pack is heated on a steam bath. Then it must be put in cellophane and attached to the chest. The top needs to be insulated with a scarf. When cooling, the cottage cheese is changed to fresh. To enhance the effect, a little honey or aloe juice is added to this compress.

Compresses and other warming treatments can be performed at normal body temperature. If hyperthermia is observed during the disease, then the use of antipyretics is required.
Folk remedies
Snot, cough in an adult and a child can be eliminated with traditional medicine recipes. Effective decoctions and infused with medicinal herbs, improvised means and beekeeping products. In order for the treatment to bring results, it must be started at the first signs of the disease. In the presence of cough, snot, fever, how to treat? The best recipes are:
- You will need 2 large aloe leaves to grind. You also need melted pork fat (200 g) and honey (250 g). The components are mixed, cocoa is added (1 tsp). The tool is transferred to a glass jar, put in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp. l. one hour before meals.
- Get rid of cough, runny nose allow onion drops that are taken orally or instilled intonose. You need to chop 1 vegetable, squeeze out the juice, refrigerate for 2 hours. Before use, the composition is diluted with water in an amount of 1:1. Apply for cough should be 1 tbsp. l. or for a cold, 2 drops in each nostril.
- Effective infusion of plantain. Need 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of the plant, boiling water (0.5 l). They are poured with boiling water, insisted for an hour, and then filtered and taken 2 tbsp. l. three times a day. Honey or lemon juice (1 tsp) can improve the taste and therapeutic effect.
The use of folk remedies quickly leads to an improvement in a person's well-being. They allow you to get rid of cough and runny nose for adults and children.
If green snot and fever occur, this means that high-quality treatment was not performed at the initial stage of the disease. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, then complications are likely to appear in the form of:
- Sinusitis. In addition to green snot, severe headaches appear, which intensify during a change in body position. With the disease, there is a deterioration in the susceptibility of taste buds, fever, inflammation of the lower edge of the eye.
- Etmoiditis, or suppuration of the sinuses. Thick snot and cough do not disappear for a long time. The temperature also rises, there are severe pains in the bridge of the nose.
- Sinusitis. With this ailment, green or yellow snot is released. Often there are facial cramps, redness of the skin near the sinuses, a wet cough occurs.
- Otitis. Inflammation of the ear canal is manifested by vomiting, hoarseness, pain,which give to the temple and head. The disease is complicated by inflammation of the brain.
- Purulent rhinitis.
- Frontitis - acute inflammation of the frontal sinuses. With this pathology, purulent accumulations are observed that flow from the nose. Mucus spreads to the larynx.
To prevent these complications, it is necessary to treat cough and runny nose in a timely manner. An integrated approach allows you to quickly improve a person's well-being. But it is necessary to use medicines and traditional medicine after their appointment by a doctor.
Recommendations for treatment and prevention
How to quickly cure a cough, runny nose and other symptoms of a cold? It's best to talk to your doctor about this. But usually the patient is advised to follow the following recommendations:
- In the first days of the disease, bed rest is needed.
- Must drink plenty of water.
- Food should be fortified and balanced.
- Requires proper rest and he althy sleep.
- You need to follow the dosage of prescribed drugs.
- It is important to avoid contact with sick people.
- Don't visit crowded places.
- It is necessary to ventilate the room.
- Wet cleaning is important.

Some adults don't take the symptoms of a cold seriously. And many even "carry it on their feet." In this case, even a runny nose and cough can lead to serious he alth problems.