Why is baby's stool white?

Why is baby's stool white?
Why is baby's stool white?

New parents always pay special attention to a small member of the family. So, even the most insignificant changes can frighten them, not to mention serious ailments. Very often, changes of this kind concern the baby's stool. It's no secret that in the first few months its color can change almost every day. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why a child has white feces. And whether it is necessary to deal with this problem.


white stool
white stool
  • Most often, the stool acquires a light shade at the moment when the mother begins to feed the crumbs or he is not breastfeeding at all. Indeed, some mixtures have this characteristic, and there is practically nothing surprising in this. It is noteworthy that not always white feces in a child should not cause concern.
  • So, according to experts, if the stool has a lightish tint for quite a long time, there are probably malfunctions in some internal organ systems, or rather, the digestive tract. If white feces have been observed for several days, parents can begin to sound the alarm. Shouldconsult a specialist and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.
  • baby white stool
    baby white stool
  • On the other hand, white feces can indicate a very unpleasant disease - hepatitis. Even if a yellowish tint is not present in the whites of the eyes, it does not mean at all that the baby is completely he althy, because some symptoms appear after a longer period of time. However, it is still not recommended to draw hasty conclusions, because only a qualified doctor can confirm the diagnosis after a detailed examination.
  • White feces in a child often occurs when there is a malfunction of the gallbladder, or rather, when the paths are obstructed. Feces and take on such a characteristic shade.
  • It often happens that a change in color occurs due to the intake of certain groups of drugs. In this kind of situation, immediately after the end of the course, the stool should acquire a normal shade.
white stool causes
white stool causes


Of course, in no case should you risk the he alth of a small child. If you find the primary symptoms described in this article, you should immediately seek qualified help. Only an experienced doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and then prescribe an individual course of treatment. In no case is it recommended to self-medicate. So you will not only start the disease, but also significantly lubricate the entire clinical picture, the doctor may subsequently simply misdiagnose the disease, therefore,and the therapy itself will not help the baby.


In this article, we looked at the question of why there may be white feces. The reasons given in the material are not the only ones of their kind, on the contrary, experts distinguish a great many of them. Carefully monitor your he alth and the he alth of children!
