In the modern world, there are various diseases of the organs of vision, which are sometimes very difficult to fight. Violation of the normal structure of the vitreous body of the eye, in which it loses its transparency, is called the destruction of the fibers of the mesh structure of this part of the visual organ. This condition is characterized by such manifestations as clouding in the eyes, dots and flies flickering in front of the eye.
At first, these manifestations may not even affect the quality of life. However, without proper treatment, destruction can only intensify. This will lead to serious visual impairment. Often such processes occur against the background of age-related changes, as well as under the influence of a number of negative factors. To identify the exact causes of destruction, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination.

How is clouding of the body of the eye treated? You can reduce the destruction with the help of folk remedies. Such therapy is considered safer than traditional medicine. Folk remedies help restore vitreous tissue and normalizecirculatory processes in the eyeball. The use of these procedures helps to slow down the process of vision deterioration. In this review, we will look at the main methods of treatment and their effectiveness.
Problem description
What about the vitreous body of the eye? It is one of the most important parts of the human visual system. Passing through it, the light rays are fixed on the lens. The vitreous body is 99% fluid. The rest is organic structural elements. The vitreous body in a he althy person should be absolutely transparent. Rays of light must pass through it unhindered. However, age-related changes and exposure to negative environmental factors can lead to a loss of clarity of the vitreous body. As a result, opaque elements appear, which are visually perceived as clouding in the eyes, flies or threads.
Disease development

Usually, the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye occurs from its central region. At the initial stage of the disease, a cavity is formed, which is filled with opaque fibers of organic origin. The very structure of the vitreous body changes. As a result, conglomerates of tissue particles appear, which is why clouding of the lens of the eye occurs. Developing destruction can provoke retinal detachment and wrinkling of the vitreous body. This in turn will cause significant impairment of vision, in some cases the person loses it completely.
Why does blurry vision occur? The reasons for suchdestructive changes may consist of the following:
- chronic eye diseases;
- involution;
- farsightedness;
- myopia;
- dystrophic processes;
- glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae;
- worm infestation;
- head injury;
- metabolic disorders;
- psycho-emotional disorders;
- lack of nutrients and vitamins in the diet.
It is worth noting that two large groups of vitreous destruction can be distinguished:
- Injury due to injury.
- Insufficient nourishment of eye tissues leading to structural disorders of the body.
As a rule, changes of this kind occur in people over the age of 40 years. Also, the risk of such violations is much higher in citizens suffering from farsightedness, myopia and other vision pathologies. First of all, this is due to the fact that these diseases lead to impaired blood supply to the tissues of the eyes. This can greatly accelerate the development of destructive changes.
Destructive processes
In medicine, they are divided into several types.
- Filamentous destruction: a person in this condition may experience blurred vision, dizziness. It seems that the threads are stretched before the eye. Destruction of this type usually develops as a result of age-related changes in people suffering from myopia. A doctor with a detailed examination can detect fibers of organic matterbetween the cornea and the retina. The vitreous body at the same time takes on a more liquid consistency.
- Granular destruction: at this stage, vision becomes blurred, its sharpness decreases. Drops of water seem to be constantly visible before the eyes. As a rule, this disease develops as a result of a prolonged infectious process, as well as due to systemic disorders in the body. Destructive processes in the vitreous can cause the formation of small conglomerates of organic matter.
- Crystalline destruction: extremely rare. It occurs due to the high content in the vitreous body of substances such as cholesterol, amino acids, and so on.

Are eye pains, blurred vision and visual disturbances always signs of destruction? After all, similar signs also appear with atherosclerosis of the vessels, various ailments of the nervous system, impaired blood supply to the brain, and so on. To correctly determine the cause of unpleasant symptoms and prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor must conduct an accurate differential diagnosis.
The following symptoms are the most characteristic of this disease:
- flashes and "lightning" before the eyes;
- threads, spots, black flies;
- blurred vision, especially when looking at bright lights or looking at white objects.
It is worth noting that different degrees of destruction are characterized by different symptoms. If its signs are expressed quite clearly, then this may indicateserious pathology. Left untreated, this condition can lead to irreversible changes in the structure of the lens and even blindness.
Danger of surgery
How to overcome clouding of the lens of the eye? Treatment usually involves surgery. This method is getting more and more popular every year. However, everything is not so simple here. The operation can lead to much more serious complications. In addition, in most cases, vision after such manipulation begins to decline again. But the main drawback of this method is that the lenses and glasses do not work on the operated eyes. As a result, the patient begins to have vision problems, and he cannot do anything about it.
Sometimes destruction causes such visual impairment that does not allow a person to live a normal life. In this case, the disease may not cause discomfort in the initial stages. But, if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the destruction will progress rapidly and eventually cause irreversible changes in the structure of the vitreous body. Clouding of the vitreous body of the eye is only the first sign.
Possible severe consequences of this condition include the following:
- visual acuity disappears and complete blindness eventually sets in;
- retina peels off;
- shrinkage of the vitreous body.

What is she like? Before carrying outtreatment of cloudy eyes, it is necessary to understand the methods of diagnosis.
These include:
- examination by an ophthalmologist;
- ultrasound examination of the eyeball;
- tomographic observation;
- examination of living tissues of the eye under a microscope.
These diagnostic methods allow to determine the degree of development of destruction, as well as to identify concomitant pathologies. Sometimes, in order to accurately determine the cause of the changes, it is also necessary to assess the general he alth of the patient.
What therapy is usually prescribed for the diagnosis of vitreous opacity of the eye? Treatment in case of age-related destruction is not provided. Unfortunately, the aging process is irreversible. Modern medicine can only help the patient to maintain vision at the current level. If the disease appeared due to a violation of the blood supply and was detected at an early stage, then with the right therapy, there is a high probability of restoring the structure of the vitreous body.

In the treatment of destructive changes, factors such as lifestyle and nutrition of the patient are of great importance. In some cases, the patient's condition can be improved by a simple change in lifestyle. You need to eat the right foods. Food should be rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The patient should eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Improves the condition of the eyes while still active and performing special exercises. This exercise allowstrain the muscles of the visual organs and improve their blood supply.
Using Alternative Medicine
Clouding of the lens of the eye can also be treated with the use of folk remedies. They help improve the blood supply to the eyeball. Such treatment of destructive processes reduces the symptoms of pathology. In addition, the advantages of folk remedies are that they do not cause side effects.
Here are just some of the recipes:
- Honey drops: for the preparation of this remedy, it is necessary to dilute the sweetness with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. Drops are used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This tool helps to saturate the tissues of the vitreous body with nutrients and beneficial trace elements.
- Aloe is very beneficial for eye tissues. This plant prevents infections. To prepare the medicine, you need to take the lower leaves of a three-year-old aloe, make gruel out of them, squeeze the juice and mix with honey in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and used as eye drops.
- Geranium: This plant also makes an excellent eye remedy. The leaves need to be crushed, squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry, dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 and drip into the eyes.
- Starchweed: for the treatment of eye diseases, compresses with this plant are extremely effective. To prepare them, you need to take two pieces of cotton fabric and roll envelopes out of them. Chopped grass is placed in them. Compresses are dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then removed, cooled andput on the eyes. Keep the compress for 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening every day.
- Clove: one teaspoon of seasoning should be steamed with a quarter cup of boiled water. In the resulting infusion add a quarter teaspoon of aloe juice and honey. These drops should be instilled into the eyes twice a day.
Massage and exercise

How to treat cloudy eyes? A special massage helps to effectively eliminate this symptom. With your fingertips several times a day, you need to make light circular movements around the eye. It is also helpful to apply light pressure on the eyeballs with your fingers for a few seconds.
Many doctors advise to use therapeutic exercises. You can start with just a few cycles of exercises.
Here are just a few of them:
- Blink actively for several minutes without stopping. This will help restore blood flow to the tissues of the eye.
- Focus on objects at different distances. It is most convenient to do this exercise near the window.
- Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then open your eyes sharply. Exercise is performed from 10 to 30 times.
- Movement of the eyes. During this exercise, it is necessary to draw various shapes - eights, circles, rectangles, and so on. It is aimed at developing various eye muscles.

Blurring in the eyes is a rather serious symptom that can be a manifestationserious illnesses. Under no circumstances should it be ignored. If you find yourself with disorders in the functioning of the organs of vision, consult a doctor as soon as possible. This will avoid the development of complications.