At the end of the 19th century, a highway was built on the desert plain of Sokolnichesky field, which became known as Sokolnichesky. Yards were located along this highway, there were not many of them. The settlement was small and inconspicuous, but it was here, among the magnificent birch grove, that the construction of a model children's hospital began. Tsarist times were distinguished by the fact that almost all medical institutions were built on private donations, and no exception was made for this. Already after the revolution, the Bolsheviks successfully renamed the highway into Rusakovskaya Street (in honor of their comrade-in-arms, a doctor by vocation), and the hospital became known as Rusakovskaya. But whatever the name, St. Vladimir's Hospital in Sokolniki has always maintained its exemplary title.
Pavel Grigoryevich von Derviz
The main inspiration andThe Russified German industrialist Pavel Gigorievich von Derviz became a patron of the construction of a children's hospital. He, with the permission of the Governor-General Prince Dolgoruky, donated 400 thousand rubles to charity, paying tribute to the memory of his first-born who died in Russia. Pavel Grigorievich insisted that the hospital bear the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, widely known for his good deeds in favor of the sick, crippled and simply needy people.

Children small and large, but not older than 12 years old, were admitted to the hospital of St. Vladimir in Sokolniki. And a prerequisite for its existence was the maintenance of a hundred beds for children from those families who could not pay for treatment. Doctors received patients every day, regardless of holidays and weekends, from 8 to 12 noon, and the rest of the time they treated with attention and diligence.
Departments of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Children's Hospital of St. Vladimir in Sokolniki is one of the oldest in Moscow. For many years now, she has been holding the status of an exemplary one, her doctors have the title of candidate of science and the highest qualification in their profession.

Here they provide emergency assistance to all those in need. And, perhaps, one of the first departments that was opened in the hospital was traumatology. The little man, restless and inquisitive, quickly learns the world, so much so that sometimes you need the help of a doctor.
The city clinical hospital of St. Vladimir is workingspecialists who know how fragile children's bones are, how easily injuries and bruises appear. Sergey V. Rassovsky, Head of the 3rd Department of Traumatology, and his team are actively involved in the development of low-traumatic methods of healing fractures, in the search for new methods of treating intra-articular fractures, diagnosing and successfully treating compression fractures of the spine. In this department, which was opened on the basis of the Department of Pediatric Surgery TSOLIUV back in 1959, bruises, dislocations, fractures, craniocerebral and neurotrauma, bone cysts, congenital and acquired pathologies of bones and skull are not ignored. In addition, all departments of the hospital of St. Vladimir, including traumatology, are also supervised by other doctors: a pediatrician, an oculist, a neuropathologist. They are ready to help every child at any time of the day.
Surgery for newborns and premature babies
One of the most difficult departments of St. Vladimir's hospital in Sokolniki is surgery for newborns and premature babies. Such children often need not only intensive care, but also a difficult operation and care. Due to underweight, inguinal hernia is common in premature babies. It happens that the doctor at the place of residence manages to set it.

And it also happens that only a surgeon can fix an inguinal pinching. Subject to surgical intervention and hemangioma, and umbilical hernia, and many other troubles - congenital and acquired. Doctors of the surgical department headed by Kartseva Elena Vasilievna,MD, are helping to give their tiny patients and their parents hope for recovery.
Mother and Child Chambers
The clinic has "Mother and Child" wards, and mothers take care of their children themselves. It is close proximity to parents, their unconditional love that stabilizes even the most difficult conditions and significantly affects the recovery process. The department is equipped with the most modern equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of young patients.
Resuscitation - a department where they return to life
Resuscitation in the language of doctors is a return to life. Here are the most severe patients who need urgent help in restoring the fading functions of the body.

The head of the department I. A. Stroganov and his subordinates are sometimes unequal struggle with clinical death, sometimes at the peak of their abilities. The department opened in 1970, but the number of lives saved exceeds tens of thousands. Small patients admitted with various malformations, newborns with intrauterine infection or in a state of shock fall into the reliable hands of highly qualified resuscitators.
Victory over a terrible disease
With the help of modern equipment, they determine how serious the condition of the child is. This complex, but giving hope for salvation, department works around the clock, as do doctors who sometimes nurse hopeless patients, giving parents the joy of victory over a terribledisease.

Children from all over the country are admitted to the children's hospital of St. Vladimir, each is assigned a personal doctor. With complex diagnoses and concomitant diseases, other specialists from various departments of the hospital itself or from others come to the rescue.
Center for Gravitational Blood Surgery and Hemodialysis
On the territory of the clinic there is a Hemodialysis Center, which has been headed by Zverev Dmitry Vladimirovich for 40 years. This department accepts children with severe disorders of the kidneys. On the most modern equipment, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, plasmapheresis are carried out. They are constantly working on improving the method of treating children with such a difficult diagnosis as kidney failure.

The center has been engaged in scientific developments throughout its existence. Leading experts are working to improve the methods of treatment of hemato-uremic syndrome. There are also more difficult situations when a kidney transplant is needed. Eminent doctors of the center carry out all the necessary preparations and activities for organ transplantation. The doctors of the center pass on the invaluable experience gained over the years in the treatment of such diseases to their colleagues.
Words of gratitude about the exemplary hospital of St. Vladimir
Children's Clinical Hospital of St. Vladimir was opened on August 1, 1876 and for more than one hundred and forty years it has been the largest hospital wherechildren with severe developmental pathologies, injuries, bruises. Thousands of young patients receive emergency qualified care and live in clean rooms during therapy. Many parents respectfully write reviews about the hospital of St. Vladimir, in which they do not skimp on kind words of gratitude. From the bottom of our hearts we thank the resuscitators and surgeons. Even a high workload does not prevent them from being attentive to their wards, they try to answer all the questions of parents related to the treatment or the condition of a sick child, they readily prompt and advise. And all this without haste and irritation. These are true professionals in their field, who can be trusted with the most precious thing that parents have - the he alth and life of their children.