Microstroke is characterized as a sharp disturbance in the circulation of the brain. Symptoms disappear immediately or within a day. The main cause of the disease is a violation of the state of the blood vessels of the brain due to many reasons. A blood clot or a sharp spasm can become a direct impetus.

Microstroke is such a disease when it is impossible to say for sure how it will affect a person's later life. Maybe everything will work out, or maybe you will have to apply for disability.
Microstroke: symptoms and consequences
It is difficult to notice and therefore prevent. This is why a microstroke is dangerous, the consequences and symptoms of which everyone should know. Most often, the headache, which is the main symptom, is ignored. At this time, the brain cells become numb. If you do not detect a microstroke, the consequences and treatment will be very serious. However, it can happen at any age. This needs to be handled with care.

Microstroke: consequences
Probable option when outwardly no consequencescan not see. However, in reality, the vessels of the brain will be damaged, which can lead to death or significant complications in human life and he alth. Decreased performance and mental activity. A microstroke has different consequences. The concentration of speech and attention is disturbed, memory worsens, motor activity decreases. There are mental disorders, sudden aggression, irritability appear, dementia may begin to develop. Similar consequences most often occur in older people who have experienced a microstroke. Within 72 hours, a disease such as a severe ischemic stroke with serious consequences may well develop.
Microstroke: consequences in children

Today, this disease has become common even in children and adolescents. In this case, this is mainly due to malnutrition, which awakens obesity, diabetes and other endocrine disorders of the body. If microstrokes occur in newborns, then these are often the consequences of congenital heart defects or possible birth injuries. Previously, children with such diagnoses died, but now, with the right treatment, it is possible to extend their life as much as possible, and if you pay special attention to physical and mental development, then the guys will not lag behind their peers. But in the absence of proper treatment and care, the consequences of this disease will manifest themselves throughout life. A microstroke in children of adolescence and school age is quite oftena consequence of the initially incorrect structure of some vessels of the brain. It can also be provoked by inflammatory processes in the walls of blood vessels, as well as recently common diseases and conditions such as obesity, diabetes, congenital heart defects.