The bruise on the spine appears as a result of a bruise. It is easy to get such an injury, since the spinal column, despite its importance, is not so reliably protected. This is due to the small amount of protective muscle tissue in the back.
The essence of the problem
Is it necessary to go to the doctor if there are bruises on the spine? Before answering this question, you need to find out what a bruise is. In medical terminology, it is called a hematoma, probably, everyone has had it in life.
Hematoma is an outpouring from a vessel and accumulation of a certain amount of blood under the skin. But bruises are not only subcutaneous. There are hematomas of internal organs, including in the region of the spinal column.
Don't take this phenomenon lightly. Since in some cases spinal hematomas threaten not only complications, but sometimes can be life-threatening.
Of course, when a bruise was preceded by a bruise, but if a bruise on the spine appeared for no apparent reason, this is a reason to sound the alarm.

The most common cause of bruising on the back is a spinal injury. But it happens that a bruise on the spine appeared for no apparent reason.
Perhaps in the human body there is a problem with blood clotting or vascular disorders. For example, vascular anomalies of the spinal column, which is a congenital pathology. Some medications (anticoagulants) can also affect the development of this problem. As a result of increased pressure in the vessels in the region of the spine, hematomas appear.
Sometimes this picture is observed in women after childbirth. In this case, nothing supernatural happens, the treatment is not particularly carried out, and the bruises go away on their own over time.
Another common cause of a bruise on the spine is increased physical activity. For example, weight lifting, power and extreme sports, etc.
Thus, summarizing what has been said, we can identify the main causes of bruising along the spine:
- vascular disorders;
- hematomas after childbirth;
- poor blood clotting;
- anomalies in the development of the vessels of the spinal column;
- tumors in the spine;
- taking certain medications;
- injuries of the spinal column;
- increased pressure in the vessels of the spine;
- sitting in one position for a long time, in an uncomfortable position;
- increased loads of the physical plane;
- extreme sports.
Spinal hematoma: symptoms

If the cause of the hematoma is not an injury, then at the beginning of the disease, a person does not complain of any discomfort in the region of the spine. As the disease progresses, the pain increases. The nature of the pain can be different, sharp or aching, have a local or girdle effect.
Neurological problems follow later, such as muscle weakness or numbness in the arms or legs. Over time, the work of internal organs is disrupted, convulsions occur, and in severe cases, paralysis develops.
Urgently you should consult a doctor if, along with the appearance of hematomas on the back, the following problems also appear:
- Decrease in visual acuity.
- Low blood pressure.
- Breathing problems.
Symptoms of spinal bruises

Since the spine is divided into three sections (cervical, thoracic and lumbar), the symptoms will appear depending on the location of the bruise.
- Cervical injury - breathing difficulties, dizziness and nausea, sometimes loss of consciousness. Pain in the back of the head or neck, instability of blood pressure. Impaired muscle reflexes, pupillary constriction, dry skin.
- Thoracic region - pain in the thoracic region, which radiates to other organs, often to the heart muscle. Muscle weakness, erectile dysfunction, problems with bowel movements and urination, girdle pain.
- Lumbar - pain in the back and buttocks. Discomfort during urination. Loss of tendon reflexes, pain in the legs, weakness, numbness of the lower extremities, sometimes paralysis.
First aid to the victim

First aid in case of injury is very important, as the entire subsequent recovery process will depend on it. Before the arrival of an ambulance, which must be called, it is necessary to provide first aid. This is for pain relief and overall relief.
Do not try to lift a person, let alone put him on his feet, this is fraught with complications. It is necessary to provide complete rest to the patient, if possible, bandage the site of injury with a not very tight bandage. To reduce pain and reduce swelling, ice wrapped in a cloth is applied to the injured area. If it is not available, you can use any cold item.
Ice should not come into contact with the skin, otherwise it will be damaged. Cold is applied for 15 minutes, after which a break is made, and you can again apply it to the injured area. And so throughout the day.
If the pain does not give rest, then it is recommended that the patient take such drugs as Spazmalgon, Analgin, Pentalgin, etc.
If the injury is severe, then the person may experience cardiac and respiratory arrest. In this case, urgent ventilation of the lungs is done through artificial respiration and chest compressions.
Diagnostic measures

Diagnostic measures for bruises on the spine, both in a child and in an adult, are as follows:
- Conversation with the patient about the symptoms of the disease and possible injuries, bruises.
- Visual examination of the patient, which allows you to identify the localization of hematomas, curvature of the spine, etc.
- Checking nerve reactions. It is carried out with the help of special tools that allow you to determine the reflexes of a person and tactile sensations.
- Palpation of the spinal column.
- Donating blood and urine for general analysis. Thanks to this study, you can learn about the general condition of the body and the presence of inflammatory processes.
- X-ray. Will determine the location of the damage and its nature.
- CT and MRI will more accurately illuminate the picture of what is happening, damage to the spinal cord, vertebrae and intervertebral discs.
- Lumbar puncture can confirm or disprove the presence of hemorrhage in the spinal cord.
Only after determining the pathology, you can start the therapy prescribed by the doctor.
How to treat bruises on the back in the spine area?

First of all, you should visit a doctor. Such hematomas should be treated conservatively and systematically. Only under the condition of complex therapy it will be possible to eliminate the trouble in a short time.
Do not allow the patient to move a lot, ideally bed rest is prescribed. Usually prescribed drugs that improve blood clotting and drugs forstop bleeding.
Antibacterial therapy is often needed, sometimes nooprotectors are prescribed.
During the rehabilitation period, according to the doctor's indications, the patient is prescribed a course of restorative gymnastics and massage. Essential vitamins and minerals play an important role during the recovery period.

If a severe bruise of the spine occurs, the patient will be forced to stay in bed for a long time. At this time, there is a threat of formation of bedsores. So that they do not appear, as well as to treat the initial inflammation, you need to use drugs such as Chlorhexidine, Levomekol, Solcoseryl.
Surgical treatment
If the bruise on the spine cannot be eliminated by conservative methods, then a surgical intervention is performed, the task of which is to create a vacuum and then pump out the leaked blood by establishing drainage. This prevents recurrence of the hematoma.
In order not to develop an inflammatory process, a person is prescribed a course of antibiotics. In the next six months, any load on the back is excluded.
Folk treatment
From folk recipes, the following can be advised:
- Mint bath. A decoction of mint leaves is poured into the bath, you should spend 20-30 minutes in it.
- Beans. It must be boiled, ground and applied to a sore spot.
- Potato starch. Starch should be diluted in water and applied as a compress to the bruise.
What doctors say whenthere are bruises on the spine for no reason
Doctors on this occasion say that you should be more careful about your he alth. If you find a bruise on the spine - on the lower back, closer to the neck or in another close area, for no apparent reason, do not panic. You need to see a doctor who will send you for an examination, after which he will prescribe adequate treatment. If the specialist decided that they do not carry anything serious, you can use home methods to quickly resolve them.