Bruise on chest: causes, symptoms, how to treat, what to do

Bruise on chest: causes, symptoms, how to treat, what to do
Bruise on chest: causes, symptoms, how to treat, what to do

When a bruise appears on the chest, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination, since a hemorrhage in the chest often provokes the development of pathologies. A hematoma is the most common bruise that anyone can have. Any, even a minor injury, can cause severe harm to the general state of human he alth. So don't take it lightly.

For what reasons can a hematoma appear?

A bruise on a woman's chest
A bruise on a woman's chest

Hemorrhage in the human body can occur under the influence of various factors, but most often it appears due to a blow. As medical practice shows, most often a bruise on the chest appears due to a bruise. The accumulation of blood in a certain place can lead to the development of painful swelling. If small vessels are damaged, the hemorrhage stops without medical help.

You should know that blood is a breeding ground for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. That is why, after an injury, care must be taken. It is important that infections do not enter the body.

If the infection enters the breast tissue, suppuration may appear. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Mammologist will help to solve such problems. In frequent cases, when a bruise appears on the chest, there are no complications, but sometimes the nipple or areola is damaged. In this case, the woman experiences incredible soreness. Very dangerous are those hematomas that have formed due to damage to many vessels.

Symptoms of a hematoma

Soreness in the chest
Soreness in the chest

Bruises form on the human body from early childhood, so almost everyone knows what a hematoma is. Despite this, you should familiarize yourself with the main symptoms of hematoma of the mammary glands. These include:

  1. Deep or subcutaneous hemorrhage, which appeared due to damage to the capillaries. Such a hematoma has a clear outline. Due to the process of cell regeneration, bruises lose their saturated color over time and gradually dissolve. In rare cases, a necrotic wound forms at the site of the bruise. If infections get into the blood that has spilled, this can provoke the development of a rapid inflammatory process.
  2. Due to injury to the mammary gland, women feel soreness and swelling in the damaged area. Unpleasant sensations can cause discomfort to their mistress for a long time. When the milk ducts and nipples are damaged, a transparentfluid or other secretions. In this case, it is important to immediately contact a mammologist.
  3. The shape of the mammary glands is deformed if the blood cells are reshaped into tissue compounds.

One of the main symptoms of a bruise on the chest is a change in skin tone in the injured area. This is due to hemorrhage.

Common cause

Breast puncture
Breast puncture

In some cases, hematomas appear on the mammary glands after a puncture, but still this phenomenon is very rare. In frequent cases, such a hemorrhage is not life-threatening, does not cause the development of serious consequences. A pathological change can only occur if the elementary rules of hygiene are violated.

If a breast biopsy is necessary, it is important to properly prepare for this process. Most often, doctors recommend not taking aspirin and drugs that belong to anticoagulants a week before the procedure. This will positively affect blood clotting.

In the event that the elementary rules for a biopsy are not followed, the wall of the mammary glands is often injured. As medical practice shows, conducting a biopsy of the breast is a fairly harmless process. If after this procedure liquid secretions come out of the wound, then do not worry - this is a normal phenomenon that does not require surgical intervention. If there are bruises on the chest, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of their treatment.

Thankspuncture, it is possible to accurately determine the nature of neoplasms. The procedure can be used to find out if cancer cells are present. Based on the result of the analysis, the doctor prescribes an effective therapy. Due to bruising of the chest, a bruise can cause severe discomfort. In this case, it is important to familiarize yourself with the methods of its treatment.

Home Therapy

Ice cubes
Ice cubes

Hematoma can be reduced at home. To do this, use compresses or special absorbable ointments, which are sold at any pharmacy. If harmful microorganisms get into the blood, then the woman experiences severe pain in the chest area, and the body temperature rises. In this case, medications should be prescribed exclusively by a mammologist or gynecologist.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of the procedure, it is important to follow the basic rules of hygiene and antiseptics. If you take into account these recommendations of the doctor, then a dark blue spot will not appear. A bruise on the chest is undesirable to treat on its own. Doctors do not recommend buying any drugs at the pharmacy on their own and self-medicating, since most often this only aggravates the course of the disease. Before starting therapy, it is important to be examined by a doctor. He will prescribe the appropriate and effective treatment for your case.

Treatment process

If a woman has injured her chest, then you must immediately fix the affected area using bandages. Damaged mammary glands must be immobilized and slightly raised. It is important to apply ice to the injured area. Doctors recommend using special compresses using ice. The compress should be kept for about 25 minutes. Thanks to a simple technique, you can stop the hemorrhage, since the cold activates the process of vasoconstriction. In addition, soreness will also decrease.

You should know that ice compresses do not need to be kept for a long time when a bruise appears on the chest in women. Otherwise, the skin may be damaged. To prevent hypothermia, ice should be removed from the chest from time to time, and then applied again. If the nipple is damaged during the blow, and the woman has a pain shock, it is necessary to take an anesthetic. Doctors are of the opinion that "No-shpa" is the best pain medication that does not cause side effects and effectively eliminates discomfort.

If the soreness has not disappeared, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialist. In particular cases, medical workers anesthetize the mammary glands by injecting novocaine into the muscle tissue. After novocaine treatment, the soreness should decrease, and the development of the hematoma will stop.

Only after anesthesia, the doctor begins conservative therapy. Specialist prescribes:

  • ultrasound treatment;
  • doctor applies Troxevasin or Heparin ointment to the injured area.

It is important to rub the ointment with smooth and massaging movements. After a few hours, the pain will subside a bit.

If the bruise on the chest is yellow, then this may indicate that a long time has passedafter injury. Doctors are of the opinion that the hematoma changes color over time - this is a normal physiological reaction of the body.

Effective remedies for bruises

With the help of "Troxevasin" ointment, you can eliminate pain after trauma to the chest. If there is a scratch or ulcer, then this remedy is prohibited. In the absence of violations of the skin, the ointment must be applied to the injured area. It is important to use a small amount of ointment and massage the breasts lightly.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined strictly by the doctor. In frequent cases, the course of therapy is approximately 7 days. Use the ointment 2 times a day.

Ointment Troxevasin
Ointment Troxevasin

If there is an allergy, then it is advisable not to use Troxevasin, as it often provokes allergic reactions.

In case of bacterial infection, it is important to carry out antibacterial treatment.

Drug "Klabaks"

Why are there bruises on my chest? This question interests many. As the practice of doctors shows, the most common cause is trauma. Sometimes a hematoma appears after a puncture or injection.

In this case, Klabaks capsules are used, which reduce pain. It is necessary to take the remedy with food, without chewing. The dosage and duration of the course of treatment is determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The drug "Doxycycline"

The drug "Doxycycline" is prohibiteduse during pregnancy. The dosage is approximately 0.2 g. On the second day, the dose is reduced. The duration of the course of treatment is determined strictly by a specialist. In the event that the hemorrhage process is not stopped, then therapy is carried out using a surgical method.

If there is pus at the site of the hematoma, then antibiotics prescribed by the doctor should be taken. With the help of antibiotics, you can improve the general condition of the patient, remove the inflammatory process.

Ointment "Bactroban"

Ointment Baktroban
Ointment Baktroban

Bactroban ointment can eliminate pain. It is forbidden to use the drug during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. In the presence of kidney disease, it is also forbidden to use the medicine for a bruise on the chest.

The cause of severe pain in the chest area can only be determined by a doctor after a complete examination of the patient.

Doctor's conclusion

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

Despite the fact that a bruise is an almost harmless phenomenon, it is important to pay special attention to your he alth. It must also be remembered that trauma is a common cause of the development of tumors. Any drug should be used strictly according to the doctor's recommendations.
