Hypotrophy in children and its symptoms

Hypotrophy in children and its symptoms
Hypotrophy in children and its symptoms

Hypotrophy in children is a disease accompanied by chronic eating disorders, in which there is a loss of body weight and a delay in physical development. It can be both primary (occurs as a result of malnutrition and malnutrition) and secondary (associated with impaired metabolism and absorption of substances). In addition, the disease can appear both during fetal development and after the birth of the baby.

Hypotrophy in children and its causes

In fact, there are many reasons for the development of malnutrition, which can be associated with both external and internal factors. Here are just a few:

  • hypotrophy of the 1st degree
    hypotrophy of the 1st degree
  • Underfeeding or nutritional deficiencies from breast milk or formula.
  • Infectious and chronic diseases that deplete the baby's body.
  • Intestinal damage followed by malabsorption of nutrients.
  • Prolonged exposure to certain toxins and drugs.
  • Hereditary metabolic disorders.
  • Diseases of the immune system.
  • Congenital pathologies in structure and functionsdigestive system.
  • Frequent bowel surgery.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Underdevelopment of lung tissue, which leads to oxygen starvation.
  • Encephalopathy in utero.

Hypotrophy of the 1st degree and its symptoms

Hypotrophy of the first degree is accompanied by very characteristic symptoms. The fact is that even during fetal development, the fetal body is trying to compensate for the lack of nutrients by depositing energy in subcutaneous fat deposits. The initial growth of the child after birth is normal, but gradually the store of fat dries up. In the future, there is a decrease in body weight up to 20% of the norm. In addition, you can notice that the child's skin becomes less elastic, flabby, and the muscles gradually lose their tone. And although the baby's he alth is normal, he quickly gets tired. During sleep, he often wakes up and cries.

hypotrophy of the 2nd degree
hypotrophy of the 2nd degree

Hypotrophy 2 degrees: symptoms

Symptoms in children with this diagnosis are more noticeable than in the first stage of the disease. The skin, as in the previous case, becomes flabby, pale and dry, the muscles are weak, and the subcutaneous adipose tissue on the abdomen and limbs is quickly consumed. Growth retardation is observed. In addition, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are violated - such children quickly freeze and overheat. Due to problems with the work of the intestines, babies often suffer from dysbacteriosis. Such children are irritable, do not sleep well and often act up, but as they grow they become lethargic and lethargic.

malnutrition in children
malnutrition in children

Hypotrophy in children of the 3rd degree

Such symptoms are immediately evident. In children with this diagnosis, there is practically no subcutaneous fat layer. The skin loses elasticity - if you gather it into a fold, it will not immediately take on its original shape. Muscle atrophy is also observed. Due to metabolic disorders, anemia and vitamin deficiency develop. Quite often there is bleeding of the mucous membranes due to a lack of vitamins A and C. The immune system is very weak, so these children are prone to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Due to muscle weakness, the abdomen is greatly stretched and sags. The thermoregulatory centers also do not work properly, so the body temperature fluctuates constantly.

Hypotrophy in children is an extremely dangerous disease that requires proper treatment. In no case should you neglect medical recommendations.
