"Strix" - dietary supplement. Refers to antioxidant drugs produced to effectively reduce eye fatigue, which can lead not only to visual impairment, but also to serious diseases.
Issue form
The drug is produced in the form of chewable tablets. One package contains thirty capsules, which are packaged in blisters. There are three types of vitamins:
- Strix.
- Strix Forte.
- Strix Kids.
The dietary supplement contains the following active ingredients:
- blueberry dry extract;
- lutein;
- zinc;
- retinol;
- tocopherol;
- selenium.
Additional trace elements are the following components:
- croscarmellose;
- calcium phosphate;
- cornstarch;
- methylcellulose;
- silica;
- gelatin;
- magnesium stearate.
Lutein has a strong antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect.
Pharmacological action
The drug "Strix" is developedDanish scientists. It is based on two standardized active substances - blueberry extract and beta-carotene.
Standardization is evidence that each capsule contains a certain number of active ingredients. The dietary supplement contains colored plant glycosides, which the body absorbs in full. In this regard, the trace elements that make up the drug can reach any of the smallest blood vessels of the visual organ in an unchanged form.
Colored vegetable glycosides (anthocyanosides) extracted from blueberries are considered natural antioxidants that can eliminate the negative effects of oxidizing agents.
Anthocyanins activate the formation of rhodopsin, which can increase twilight visual acuity and eliminate eye fatigue.
Provitamin A, which has strong antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, can improve color perception. In addition, beta-carotene improves visual acuity at night.
According to the instructions for use and reviews, "Strix" improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of the eye. In addition, it has an angioprotective effect - it strengthens blood vessels and their walls.
A number of components that make up the drug are used to relieve fatigue and prevent eye diseases.

Dietary supplement is used when one of the following symptoms is present ordiseases:
- Eye fatigue from prolonged exertion.
- Myopia (a defect in vision caused by an elongated eyeball).
- Hemeralopia (a sharp decrease in vision in conditions of excessive illumination, insufficient adaptation to bright light).
- Diabetic retinopathy (vascular damage to the retina of the eyeball. This is a severe and very common complication of diabetes).
- As an adjunct in the treatment of primary glaucoma (a large group of eye diseases characterized by persistent or intermittent increases in intraocular pressure).
- Peripheral or central retinal dystrophy (the name of a large group of heterogeneous diseases of the retina).
- Recovery after eye surgery.
Contraindications to the use of vitamins for the eyes "Strix" are the following conditions:
- hypersensitivity to drug components;
- Children under seven years of age.
How to use a dietary supplement correctly?
According to the instructions and reviews, "Strix" eye vitamins are used as follows:
- Children 7 years of age and older are recommended to take one tablet daily.
- Adults are allowed to take two tablets daily.
- Dietary supplement to be taken with food and water.
- Duration of therapy is determined by the treating doctor.
"Strix Kids" is intended for children from four to six years old. The child should take one tablet daily.
According to reviews, "Strix" tablets must be taken strictly following the instructions.
Dietary supplement should be stored in a dark, cool place and away from children.
The drug is not recommended to be combined with other vitamin-mineral complexes to avoid hypervitaminosis.
You can use vitamins during pregnancy and lactation with the permission of your doctor.
"Strix" is not a toxic drug, as adverse reactions - a manifestation of allergies. Shelf life - three years. The cost of "Strix" is from 500 to 800 rubles.

Substitute drugs
The vitamin-mineral complex described above has a number of analogues:
- "Mirtilene Forte".
- Okuwait.
- Vitalux Plus.
- "Doppelhertz: OphthalmoVit".
- Vitrum: Vision.
- Visio balance Opti.
- "Lutein-Complex".
Doppelhertz: OphthalmoVit
This dietary supplement comes in capsule form. The package contains sixty tablets, packed in blisters of ten. According to reviews, the analogue of "Strix" "OphthalmoVit" contains trace elements that help maintain visual function, protect the visual organ and help moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye.

Brown capsules, they include the following activeitems:
- fish oil;
- ascorbic acid;
- lutein;
- zinc;
- tocopherol;
- retinol;
- pyridoxine;
- xanthophyll;
- selenium;
- cobalamin.
How to use:
- Dietary supplement taken by mouth.
- Adults are advised to take one capsule once daily with food.
- Duration of therapy - two months.
- After a break of one month, you can repeat the course.
- The vitamin-mineral complex is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy and in case of individual intolerance.
The drug is sold without a prescription, the expiration date is three years. The cost of the drug varies from 690 to 800 rubles.
Vitrum: Vision
Vitamin-mineral complex contains natural carotenoids and beneficial trace elements. "Vitrum: Vision" is taken with heavy eye strain.

Dietary supplement comes in tablet form. The package can contain from thirty to one hundred and twenty capsules. The composition of the drug includes the following active elements:
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherol;
- zinc;
- lutein;
- betacarotene;
- copper;
- zeaxanthin.
Additional trace elements are:
- silicon;
- magnesium stearate;
- calcium sulfate;
- stearic acid;
- croscarmellosodium;
- cellulose;
- propylene glycol;
- titanium dioxide;
- riboflavin;
- hypromellose.
"Vitrum: Vision" contains vitamins and minerals, as well as carotenoids, antioxidants, which are necessary for organisms with heavy eye strain.

Vitamin-mineral complex helps to normalize vision, improves visual perception in low light conditions, slows down the aging process of the inner shell of the eye, reduces the possibility of clouding of the lens, has an antioxidant effect.
The drug is allowed to be taken by children from the age of twelve. Teenagers and adults are advised to take one tablet twice a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. The cost of the drug is 800-1200 rubles.
Vitamin-mineral complex refers to antioxidant drugs. It is an additional source of zinc, retinol, ascorbic acid and tocopherol. Okuvayt helps maintain visual acuity and increase the density of macular pigment.

The dietary supplement comes in the form of tablets for oral use. The package contains thirty tablets. The composition of the drug includes the following active ingredients:
- lutein;
- zeaxanthin;
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherol;
- zinc;
- selenium.
"Okuwait" refers to the combined vitamin complexes that haveantioxidant properties. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the visual organ.
How to use:
- The drug is taken orally.
- Adults are prescribed two tablets a day.
- The duration of treatment is thirty days.
Contraindications are pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitivity to the components. The cost of the drug varies from 550 to 900 rubles.
Vitalux Plus
It is a dietary supplement. The drug is produced in the form of tablets. The package is from six to eighty-four pieces. "Vitalux Plus" compensates for the lack of vitamins and mineral components.
Designed to relieve the symptom of eye fatigue and other purposes, for example, the use of this vitamin-mineral complex stimulates the healing process after surgery. In addition, vitamins help reduce the negative impact of the environment on the organs of vision, soften the effects of stress.

The cost of the drug is 1500 rubles.
"Strix": reviews of ophthalmologists
Unfortunately, the dietary supplement does not help improve vision for all patients, so consumer reviews about Strix are very different. In most cases, the medication helps. However, some people do not recommend it, because they note its uselessness, possible allergic reactions and high price.
According to reviews, "Strix" for the eyes is effectiveacts on the symptoms of irritation, eliminating fatigue and redness in most patients.