The modern rhythm of life and a large amount of information overload the brain and lead to stress and neuroses. As a result, many people suffer from insomnia and nervous tension. All over the world, preparations based on a safe substance, glycine, are used to eliminate such symptoms. This is an amino acid that is produced in the human body, but not always in the right amount. Now there are several different preparations containing this substance. The best of them, according to doctors and patients, is "Glycine Forte Evalar". It is a complex preparation that perfectly helps to cope with stress, improves mental activity and calms.
What is glycine
All processes in the human body are regulated by amino acids. There are 20 of them, without which normal life is impossible. These amino acids include glycine. It is part of many proteins and biologically active compounds. Glycine is an aminoacetic or aminoethanoic acid. It is one of the neurotransmitters found in the brain andhuman spinal cord. With its help, signal transmission from neurons improves, and the production of excitatory amino acids decreases. In addition, glycine is involved in many metabolic processes.
Aminoacetic acid is constantly present in the human body, it is also found in some products. But sometimes there is a lack of it. In this case, sleep worsens, concentration of attention decreases, anxiety and irritability occur. A person gets tired faster, becomes nervous. Sufficient intake of this amino acid can solve these problems.
Thanks to these properties, glycine is included in many drugs used in neurological practice. These are such means as Glycine, Eltacin, Glycine Bio, Glycine Forte Evalar. Why do people need them? These drugs are used as sedatives, anti-anxiety and antidepressants. In addition, glycine has nootropic properties that improve memory and mental performance.

Characteristics of the drug
Tablets "Glycine Forte" from "Evalar" are a complex drug related to biologically active additives. It is a neuroprotective, sedative and metabolic agent. In addition to the amino acid, the drug contains B vitamins, which complement and enhance its effect. Compared to the usual preparation "Glycine", the concentration of the active substance in which is 100 mg, in "Glycine Forte Evalar" it is 300mg. This contributes to the fact that the drug does not need to be taken so often, and its effect is more effective. Therefore, despite the fact that its price is 2-3 times higher than that of Glycine, it is more profitable to buy it. Packaging costs from 40 to 140 rubles, depending on the number of tablets. But since their action begins already on the second day, it is not necessary to drink it for a long time.
This medicine comes in the form of round white tablets. They are designed to be absorbed under the tongue or behind the cheek. This method of use increases the rate of absorption of glycine. After all, there are many blood vessels on the oral mucosa, through which the amino acid enters directly into the blood. In addition, it protects the digestive tract and reduces side effects. The drug enters all cells, penetrates the blood-brain barrier. This amino acid, after exposure to nerve receptors, quickly breaks down without accumulating in the body.

What is included in it
The drug "Glycine Forte" from "Evalar" differs from many similar products containing glycine in its composition. In addition to an increased amount of amino acids (300 mg per tablet), the drug contains three B vitamins. They have an additional effect on the nervous system, normalizing its work.
- Vitamin B1 is part of the preparation in the amount of 5 mg. It is involved in the metabolic processes of nervous tissue, improves mental activity and performance.
- Vitamin B6 improvesbrain function, prevents sleep disturbances, irritability. It is contained in tablets of 6 mg.
- Vitamin B12 is involved in the renewal of nerve cells. It improves memory and concentration. The preparation contains 9 micrograms of this vitamin.
In addition, the product contains additional safe substances. These are calcium stearate, sorbitol, silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, citric acid. These additives do not affect the effect of the drug in any way.

Features of the action of the drug
With various functional or organic damage to the nervous system, the production of aminoacetic acid decreases. Therefore, its additional intake through medication helps to cope with many disorders. Most often used in such cases, "Glycine Forte Evalar". Thanks to the increased concentration of amino acids and the content of B vitamins, this preparation has the following properties:
- improves metabolic processes in nerve cells;
- normalizes sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep;
- reduces anxiety, aggressiveness;
- reduces conflict and eliminates deviant behavior in adolescents;
- improves mental activity;
- uplifts mood;
- improves the condition in violation of cerebral circulation;
- reduces the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders;
- reduces psycho-emotional stress;
- blocks the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine;
- reduces the toxic effects of alcohol.
"Glycine Forte Evalar" has a complex effect on the human nervous system. On the one hand, it is an antidepressant that stimulates mental and physical performance. On the other hand, glycine has a sedative effect, helps fight stress, and can be used as a sleep aid.

Indications for use
The drug "Glycine Forte Evalar" is often prescribed by therapists or neurologists for adults and children. It improves a person's condition with psycho-emotional stress, irritability, sleep disturbance, low mental performance. It is prescribed to adolescents to reduce conflict and improve mood. It prevents aggressive or deviant behavior, which is often observed at this age, helps to adapt in a team, improves memory and learning. In children, the drug reduces cravings for sweets, and in adults it helps to overcome alcohol addiction.
In addition, the use of "Glycine Forte Evalar" is indicated for complex therapy in such cases:
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- atherosclerosis and hypertension;
- ischemic stroke;
- consequences of traumatic brain injury;
- neuroses;
- psychoneurotic disorders;
- encephalopathy;
- meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess;
- consequences of a parasitic lesion;
- strong stress;
- insomnia;
- alcoholism;
- epilepsy.
This drug is effective in any pathology associated with an organic or functional disorder of nervous activity. It helps with depression, stress, memory impairment, decreased mental performance. It is recommended to use it during periods of increased psychoemotional overstrain, before an exam or serious work.

Glycine is prescribed even for small children, it is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. It is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance, which is quite rare, since this amino acid is natural for the body. But the drug "Glycine Forte Evalar" is used a little differently. Instructions for use do not recommend taking the drug to children under 3 years of age, as well as women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, it is possible to use the product only as directed by a doctor and in an individual dosage.
Side effects
The drug is well tolerated by all patients. It does not affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions, does not accumulate in the body and is not addictive. Side effects of "Glycine Forte Evalar" may be associated with its sedative effect. Most often it is weakness, lethargy, drowsiness. Sometimes there may be a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, it should be used with caution in people with hypotension. When treating with the drug in this case, it is necessary to constantlymonitor pressure indicators.
In addition, it is very rare, but it is still possible to develop allergic reactions due to the use of the drug. This is itching, redness of the skin, swelling. And with an overdose, headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness and weakness sometimes appear. Diarrhea is sometimes possible, as the tablets contain sorbitol, which has a laxative effect.

"Glycine Forte Evalar": instructions
Tablets are used regardless of the meal. They need to dissolve under the tongue or behind the cheek. There is no need to drink water afterwards. Usually the instruction for "Glycine Forte Evalar" recommends taking 0.5 to 1 tablet twice a day. But the dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the age of the patient and the purpose of taking the drug. This treatment regimen is used for various neuroses, decreased mental performance and mood disorders. To improve sleep, you need to dissolve 0.5-1 tablet 10-15 minutes before bedtime. The course of treatment is usually 2 to 4 weeks.
Increased dosage should be taken in ischemic stroke. It is recommended to immediately dissolve 3 tablets. Then take 1 three times a day for 5 days. After that, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day, the course of treatment is a month.
Use for kids
This amino acid is often prescribed even to infants with birth trauma or perinatal encephalopathy. But "Glycine Forte Evalar" is prescribed to children with caution and only after 3 years. After allit contains an increased dosage of the active substance, in addition, B vitamins are included in the product in doses that can cause overdose symptoms in a child. Therefore, children are most often prescribed a quarter or half a tablet 2 times a day and only under medical supervision. An overdose of the drug in children can lead to syncope. This is loss of consciousness due to low blood pressure and drowsiness.
Special Instructions
Despite the fact that this remedy is relatively safe, you should still consult your doctor before using it. He will recommend how to take Glycine Forte Evalar correctly, at what dosage, and tell you what drugs it can be combined with. Care must be taken in patients with hypotension. It is best for them to take a reduced dosage of medication and constantly monitor their blood pressure levels. With a strong decrease in its treatment should be stopped.
This drug can be combined with antidepressants and antipsychotics. At the same time, it reduces the manifestation of side effects from them. It also reduces the toxic effect of alcohol, so it can be used to overcome alcohol dependence. And when used together with sleeping pills, tranquilizers and neuroleptics, their effect is enhanced.

Analogues of the drug
There are many preparations based on glycine now. These are "Glycine", "Glycine Bio", "Eltacin", "Glicised" and others. They possessless pronounced effect than "Glycine Forte Evalar", since it additionally includes B vitamins. But after consulting with a specialist, you can choose a stronger, but equally safe drug with a different composition. These drugs are:
- "Fezam".
- "Phenibut".
- "Afobazol".
- "Tenotin".
- "Nooklerin".
"Glycine Forte Evalar": reviews of doctors and patients
Many specialists often prescribe this medicine to their patients. They note that the condition improves quickly, even after a traumatic brain injury or ischemic stroke. And the drug is easily tolerated, side effects are very rare. Many positive reviews about this tool are also from patients. People note that "Glycine Forte Evalar" is more effective than other sedatives. Students like it because of its ability to improve mental activity and memory, it helps women during menopause to cope with autonomic disorders. A low price, high efficiency and lack of addiction make this drug the most popular among similar drugs.