Darkening in the lungs on x-ray: what does it mean, causes

Darkening in the lungs on x-ray: what does it mean, causes
Darkening in the lungs on x-ray: what does it mean, causes

The structure of the lungs, as well as the air inside them, allows the use of x-rays for medical diagnosis. A fairly common problem is darkening in the lungs on x-rays. However, you should not panic right away. This may indicate problems not with the lungs, but, for example, with some other organs that are located directly next to them. This is due to the fact that the images are simply superimposed on each other. That is why, when such a phenomenon is detected on an x-ray, it is necessary to delve into understanding what darkening in the lungs means. It is thanks to this that you can choose the right therapy and get rid of the source of inflammation.

darkening in the lungs
darkening in the lungs


On an x-ray, if taken from the front, you can see the contours of the lungs. They form special fields that are intersected by edges. There is a big shadow here. This is a projection of the heart and arteries superimposed on each other. Apart fromthis, you can notice a slight darkening in the lungs in the picture, which is located near the 2nd and 4th ribs. It speaks of a rich vascular network. Next, consider the abnormal changes that can be seen on x-rays.

blackout in lungs on x-ray
blackout in lungs on x-ray


Darkening appears on the picture in cases where a he althy place in the lungs is affected. This is due to the fact that due to pathological changes, air is displaced. This is observed with blockage of the bronchi, accumulation of fluid, that is, pneumonia, as well as with tumors.

what does darkening in the lungs mean
what does darkening in the lungs mean

Lung pattern problems

Such problems are the most common. They occur in various types of diseases. It should be noted that several groups are classified as such violations at once. There are blackouts in the lungs of a focal type, a rounded shadow, total or subtotal, limited.

what does darkening in the lungs mean
what does darkening in the lungs mean


Enlightenment indicates the presence of any problems associated with a decrease in the volume and density of lung tissues. This is associated with the development of a disease such as pneumothorax. It is characterized by the fact that an air cavity has arisen in the lung. On an x-ray, places that are easily translucent will have a darker color, otherwise there is a light color. It should be noted that when it comes to darkening in the lungs during x-rays, then in fact they are talking about a bright area in the picture.

Total blackout

Ifto talk about what darkening in the lungs means, it is necessary to consider the main problems. One of these is the total type of shadow. It is a partial or complete covering of the lung. There may be gaps either in the lower or in the upper part of the organ. The reason for this is the lack of air, an increase in the density of tissues, as well as the presence of fluid.

This phenomenon can cause cirrhosis, pleurisy and some other diseases. Pneumonia should also be included here.

Lung obscuration is fairly easy to diagnose. First you need to make an assessment of the location of the organs, because sometimes there may be some displacement. The landmark is the shadow of the heart. The second sign is an assessment of the uniformity of the darkening. If it is homogeneous, then, most likely, the problem with the occurrence of atelectasis, heterogeneous - cirrhosis. After receiving a snapshot, the interpretation of the result always depends entirely on the state of the person and directly on the characteristics of his body.

lung opacity photograph
lung opacity photograph

Limited Dimming

Next, consider the causes of darkening in the lungs of a limited type. In order to understand what factors led to this, it is necessary to take an x-ray in two directions. Be sure to scan the front and side. After the images are taken, it is important to pay attention to where the darkening is localized. If it is located inside the lung field, then most likely we are talking about diseases associated with the lungs. If the dimming is slightly adjacent to the aperture, then they maydiagnose other diseases that are in no way connected with this organ.

Another important criterion for diagnosis is size. Darkening can follow the contours of the lung, which indicates inflammation. If we are talking about cirrhosis or blockage, then its size will be less than normal. Sometimes in the latter case there are small gaps. They may appear due to the presence of fluid. That is why it is necessary to take a series of shots in different poses in order to understand how serious the condition is. If fluid is present, then the person most likely develops an abscess, if not, then tuberculosis. However, these diagnoses are inaccurate. For each patient, they will be set depending on the characteristics of his body and complaints.

pneumonia darkening in the lungs
pneumonia darkening in the lungs

Round shadow

Darkening in the lungs of a round shape are diagnosed in cases where the shadow has an oval shape. In order to decipher the results, it is necessary to rely on several factors at once. It is about clarity, thickness, localization, shape and structure. Sometimes the shadow may not be related to the lung field, so a lot of diagnostic information can be obtained from shape assessment. Most often, the round shape occurs with various intrapulmonary formations. It can be a cyst, a tumor, and so on. If a person has heterogeneity, then we are talking about cancer or tuberculosis. Clear and flat contours are inherent in the cyst. Round blackouts include only those that have a diameter of at least 1 centimeter. Otherwise, they are called foci.

Ring shadow

Blackouts in the annular lungs are the easiest to diagnose. This happens due to the fact that a cavity is formed in the lungs in which there is air. An annular shadow is such only if the shape of a closed ring is preserved in any projection. If there is no closed ring on one of the pictures, then the blackout is an optical illusion.

When a similar cavity is found in the lung, it is necessary to examine it in detail. Particular attention should be paid to uniformity and thickness. Tuberculosis can be suspected if a large and uniform wall thickness is visible in the picture. With an abscess, a similar picture is observed. However, the latter disease is confirmed quite rarely. This is due to the fact that pus is rarely removed through the bronchi on its own, therefore, it cannot cause a darkening of such a form in the picture.

If the ring has wide walls, then the person has lung cancer. Tumor formations can cause similar effects on the pictures. However, due to the fact that the necrosis is uneven, the ring may not be perfectly even.

It is also important to pay attention to the location of this ring. The fact is that often it speaks of various diseases that have nothing to do with the lungs.

lung problems
lung problems

Focus shading

It is necessary to consider what constitutes focal blackout. Spots are considered to be lesions that are larger than 1 mm and less than 1 cm. Sometimes in the picture you can see several similar formations at once, which are either next to each other or randomly. If the distribution of foci does not exceed 2 spaces between the ribs, then such focal inflammation is limited, otherwise it is diffuse. In order to conduct an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consider the contours, intensity and area over which the foci are distributed. If there are similar symptoms in the upper lungs, then the person most likely develops tuberculosis. With pneumonia, a huge number of foci will be visible in the picture. A round or annular shadow may also appear.

If we are talking about a single darkening, then the doctor may assume that these are metastases from a tumor or cancer. If the contours are as clear as possible, then this confirms the diagnosis. Fuzzy outlines indicate the development of inflammation. In order to assess the intensity of darkening, it is necessary to compare it with the vessels that are visible in the picture. If the severity of blackout is less, then we are talking about pneumonia of a focal type.
