As you know, man became upright in the process of evolution. In other words, initially its hind limbs were not adapted to carry the load of the entire body. Although several million years have passed since then, our legs, and more specifically, our knee joints, still have a hard time today. As a result, over the years, a person begins to feel pain when walking, and then other problems appear that can even lead to disability. In order not to be in a similar situation, it is necessary to start treatment of the knee joint in time. With folk remedies, the problem can be de alt with quite easily, but first things first.

Since knee pain can be caused by various reasons, treatment should be targeted. In particular, the knee joint may hurt due to:
- arthrosis;
- arthritis;
- synovitis;
- meniscopathy;
- periarthritis.
For each of these diseases, traditional medicine offers its own treatment option.
This diseaseaccompanied by constant aching pain and a crunch in the joint, which is caused by the destruction of its tissues. To get rid of these symptoms, sophora tincture is widely used. The berries of this plant should be poured into a glass jar in such an amount that they fill it ¼, pour vodka and, closing the lid, put in a dark place for 20 days. After the drug is ready, it is recommended to drink 1 tsp. three times a day, washed down with a small amount of rosehip broth.

Sophora tincture is not the only remedy used to treat arthrosis. For example, good results can be achieved using lilac buds, which should be harvested in the spring. They need to tightly fill the bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. Then such an amount of vodka is added there so that the container is completely filled, and the infusion is filtered, which is used for regular rubbing of the knee joint.
Usually this disease occurs as a result of other diseases, but sometimes its independent variety can also be observed. The main symptom of arthritis, in addition to pain, is a strong swelling of the knee joint and an increase in the temperature of the tissues surrounding it.
To alleviate the patient's condition, it is recommended to use ordinary mustard plasters. Treatment of the knee joint with folk remedies for arthritis is also carried out using a chalk-kefir bandage. To prepare it, chalk must be turned into powder and mixed with kefir, taken in such an amount that a mass is obtained that resembles toothpaste in consistency.paste. This composition should lubricate the joint before going to bed, wrap the knee with a waterproof material, such as polyethylene, and apply a warm bandage on top.
An effective mask is also obtained if you beat with a mixer 1 chicken egg with 2 tbsp. l. ordinary table s alt. She needs to lubricate the knee, wrap it with gauze on top, and then, when the first layer dries, apply the second one on top. The total duration of the procedure should be 2 hours, after which the bandage should be removed and the mask washed off with warm water.

Unfortunately, no person, regardless of age, is immune from injury. In this case, the knee is often damaged, because when falling, people instinctively try to defend themselves, exposing it to a blow. In such cases, serious fractures often occur. However, even if they were avoided, synovitis of the knee joint may develop. Treatment with folk remedies for this disease can be organized in several ways. It should be understood that all these methods are aimed only at relieving symptoms and cannot lead to a radical solution to the problem.
Synovitis of the knee joint: treatment with folk remedies
Comfrey has proven itself well. It is used as follows: the root is crushed and mixed with lard in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting ointment is used for pain in the knee joint caused by a disease such as synovitis.
It has been established that the treatment of this pathology should be complex, i.e., in addition to ointments and compresses,use drugs intended for internal use, which will contribute to the overall improvement of the body. For example, during the day, in between meals, you can drink an infusion of yarrow, tansy, thyme, mistletoe, echinacea, oregano, eucalyptus and birch leaves. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. this mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for about an hour and filtered. In addition, it is believed that with synovitis it is very important to cleanse the body of helminths. For this purpose, you can also use traditional medicine recipes. In particular, it is recommended to take a nut tincture (1 tsp before meals), which, among other things, helps cleanse the blood.

Meniscopathy is a flattening, tearing or other damage to the meniscus. Most often they suffer from people leading an active lifestyle, and professional athletes. In cases where a person is diagnosed with this particular disease, the treatment of the knee joint with folk remedies made on the basis of bee products has shown itself well. For example, a warming honey compress has a good effect, which, however, can only be used after consulting a traumatologist.
To prepare this remedy, medical alcohol and natural honey are taken in equal proportions, heated in a water bath, applied to the knee, covered with plastic wrap, wrapped with a woolen scarf, and a tightening bandage is put on top. Forthe best effect is better to carry out course treatment. To do this, for 1 month, in the morning and evening, a honey compress is applied to the knee and left for 2 hours.
Judging by the reviews, with meniscopathy, propolis can be of great benefit, the instructions for using it are quite simple: you need to melt 50 grams of this excellent beekeeping product, add 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil and leave for 2 days. The result is an effective ointment.
With pain in the knee joint, bee stinging also helps. However, before starting such therapy, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the poison of these insects.

This disease occurs due to joint injury, excessive stress or hypothermia. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the joint capsule, its ligaments, as well as the surrounding muscles and tendons. Usually, periarthritis is diagnosed in older people.
Treatment of the knee joint with folk remedies in case of this disease is carried out with the help of ointments, infusions and compresses. For example, a prescription for a pain reliever might be recommended:
- 2 tsp dry flowers of pharmaceutical chamomile are mixed with 2 tsp. medicinal sweet clover and 1 tsp. marshmallow leaves;
- add so much boiling water to make a composition resembling thick porridge;
- applied hot to the affected joint.
In parallel with local treatment, it is recommended to drink an infusion from a mixture of leaves of ordinary raspberries, lingonberries,blackcurrant, as well as brown rose hips, taken in equal proportions. The ingredients are brewed like regular tea and drink 2 cups between meals. Judging by the reviews, taking such a tincture helps to quickly relieve inflammation and improve the body as a whole.

Universal recipes: decoction of oats
There are folk remedies that are used for all problems with the knee and other joints, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence. These include a decoction of oats, the recipe of which is quite simple:
- boil 1 liter. water;
- add 2 tbsp. sorted and washed oats;
- insist 12 hours;
- bring to a simmer;
- continue to boil for 1.5 hours, constantly adding water;
- the broth is filtered;
- boiled grains are ground;
- add the resulting mass to the broth;
- boil again and cook for 20 minutes.
A decoction of oats (see recipe above) drink 200 grams three times a day.

Universal Recipes: Flaxseed Remedies
Many joint diseases can be cured, or at least relieved of pain and inflammation, if special lotions are applied. For example, flax (seeds) is suitable for this. The medicinal properties of this fibrous plant were known to our ancestors. To relieve symptoms caused by diseases of the joints, crushed flax seeds are placed in a bag of cotton fabric and placed in a bowl of boiling water. After 10 minutes masstaken out and applied to the affected area. After some time, when the bag is at room temperature, it is again placed in boiling water and the procedure is repeated.
Flax (seeds), whose healing properties help with a variety of diseases, is also used to make oil. Its use on an empty stomach in the amount of 1 tsp. helps to normalize many processes in the body, which has a beneficial effect, including on the condition of the joints.

As a rule, on any issue you can hear both positive and negative opinions. So, in response to the question of whether it is worth treating the knee joint with folk remedies, negative comments can be heard extremely rarely. Another thing is that you need to resort to the help of alternative medicine only after consulting with specialists. In addition, it is very important not to get involved in self-medication and in serious cases not to refuse surgical intervention, as some folk remedies only relieve symptoms, but do not solve the problem.
Now you know why the knee joint can hurt. Symptoms of such an ailment cannot be called pleasant, so it is not surprising that people try to get rid of discomfort as soon as possible. We discussed what folk remedies can help overcome the disease. Stay he althy!