The eryngium flatleaf is a perennial plant that has a blue tint and can reach 80 centimeters in height. Its root is straight and taproot, the stem is branched, bare, green near the soil itself. The leaves of this plant are oblong, toothed, leathery and hard. The flowers are panicles of a blue hue. They are more like oval heads, surrounded by prickly, but not large leaves. The people call the eryngium flat-leaved in a different way - blue thistle.

Chemical composition of the plant
The flat-leaved eryngium has a unique composition. This explains the beneficial properties of the plant. Such raw materials are often used in folk medicine. For several centuries, this plant has proven its benefits. However, the composition of the eryngium flat-leaved has not yet been fully studied. This plant contains vitamin C, sucrose, fructose, glucose, tannins, essential oil, glycolic,malonic, oxalic, citric and malic acids, phenol carboxylic compounds, tannins, polysaccharides, flavonoids, saponins.
Healing properties
The eryngium flat-leaved, the magical properties of which were attributed by ancient healers, allows you to get rid of many ailments. This plant has antitoxic, astringent, anticonvulsant, antibacterial action. The cypress has a blood-purifying, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic, tonic and sedative effect.

Where the plant is used
For what ailments can the eryngium flat-leaved be used? The medicinal properties of this plant allow the use of preparations based on it for the treatment of many diseases. Preparations based on such raw materials can cure various nervous disorders, headache, insomnia, fear, overexcitation and anxiety. Decoctions and infusions for rinsing are used to relieve toothache, eliminate stomatitis, as well as the inflammatory process localized on the oral mucosa. In addition, eryngium is often used to combat nervous tics, convulsions, anemia and anemia.
It is worth noting that this plant is also useful for children. Especially if the child has diathesis. Preparations from this plant are used to treat epilepsy, cardioneurosis and various heart diseases, as well as a tonic and analgesic. The eryngium flat-leaved allows you to remove from the urinary, gallbladder andkidney stones, cure liver disease, kidney and stomach ailments, and colic.

This plant is also excellent for joint diseases, rheumatism, rickets, arthritis and hemorrhoids, as well as skin diseases such as dermatosis, edema, jaundice, scrofula and dropsy. Do not forget that the eryngium has an antitoxic effect, which allows it to be used for various poisonings. This plant helps the body to remove even snake venom.
Preparations based on eryngium flat-leaved are used to treat asthma, whooping cough, persistent cough, tracheitis, bronchitis, as well as other diseases of the lungs and respiratory organs. The plant is used for the treatment of scrofula, spasmophilia, ascites, and fever. The eryngium tones the body, eliminates pain in the abdomen and chest. It is often used as a diuretic and also for blood stasis.
It is worth noting that the use of preparations based on this plant can increase milk production in nursing mothers and increase menstruation. For men, eryngium is also useful. It normalizes the metabolic processes of the prostate gland.

Some traditional medicine recipes
Roots, flowers, stems and leaves of the plant are commonly used to make medicines. To cure tuberculosis, it is necessary to take the juice of the eryngium flat-leaved in a tablespoon, preferably three times a day. itBefore use, the product should be diluted in half a glass of water. You can add some honey to the drink.
To cope with toothache, as well as relieve the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, you can use a rinse solution. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of stems and leaves of the eryngium with a glass of high-quality vodka. Use the drug only after brushing your teeth.
Plant for sciatica and migraine
The erysipelas is also used for radiculitis, migraine, osteochondrosis and toothache. An extract can be made from this plant. To do this, you need to pour 4 large spoons of leaves, stems and flowers of the eryngium into a liter of water. Place the container with the drug on fire and bring to a boil. After that, you need to evaporate ½ of the original volume. The finished product should be filtered into a dark glass container. You can use the extract three times a day for 20-25 drops. The shelf life of such a tool is 1.5 years. You can store the extract in the refrigerator.

The eryngium flat-leaved, the use of which is very wide, like any medicinal raw material, has contraindications. Experts do not recommend the use of drugs based on it during lactation, pregnancy and menstruation. It is also undesirable to take medicines from this plant for those who have hypertension. It is worth noting that some people have an individual intolerance. This is another contraindication.