How to properly clean your ear: expert advice

How to properly clean your ear: expert advice
How to properly clean your ear: expert advice

Experts often disagree on how to clean ears effectively and safely. You only need to remember that this process must be carried out with precautions.

how to properly clean your ear
how to properly clean your ear

In order to do everything right, you must first get cotton buds and a special tool for cleaning the ears, which is sold in pharmacies. There is a whole scheme on how to properly clean your ear:

  1. Dip a cotton swab in a special product.
  2. Tilt your head so that the ear you are about to clean is pointing up.
  3. First you need to carefully treat the auricle, and then put a few drops of the solution in the ear.
  4. In the treated ear, put a cotton ball and leave it there overnight. A similar procedure must be carried out with the second one.
  5. It is recommended to repeat everything the next evening.

Knowing how to properly clean the ear, a person will protect himself not only from mechanical damage, but also from the accumulation of sulfur. So, otolaryngologists believe that cotton pads or tampons are poor helpers in carrying out this procedure. It is better to wash your ears while taking a bath or shower. Thereafterthis is the perfect moment for cleaning, because the auricle in this case is as moist as possible.

Speaking about how to properly clean your ear, it should be mentioned that cotton buds are quite dangerous in terms of injury. You can not only damage the auricle, but also infect.

If someone advised you to use hairpins, needles or toothpicks, in no case do not follow these recommendations! The risk of infection and damage to the ear canal is too high.

how to clean your baby's ears
how to clean your baby's ears

Many experts raise questions about the fact that cotton swabs are not recommended for cleaning ears from wax. They contribute to the shift of sulfur to the eardrum, so the risk of traffic jams increases. So what is the right way to clean your ear, according to experts?

First of all, you should adhere to personal hygiene. Nature has provided for a natural purification process by moving sulfur. You just need a little help: with your index finger slowly (movements are performed from side to side) and gently remove sulfur, dust and dead cells.

how to clean your ears
how to clean your ears

A very important question that interests all mothers: how to properly clean the ears of a child? First of all, you should abandon cotton buds. It is best for a newborn to clean his ears with gauze flagella about once every 10 days, preferably after bathing. Make sure that the auditory organ is not overly moistened. To do this, you can take small pieces of cotton wool and put them inears after bathing for a few minutes.

If you think that the baby has a sulfur plug, you should not try to remove it yourself. You should immediately seek the advice of a specialist who will correctly remove it, if it is nevertheless formed.

Don't forget that frequent ear cleaning can harm your hearing aid, and wax is not dirt. Therefore, it is not recommended to permanently remove it. It is important not to start the process so that it does not turn out to be too much.
