Firstly, the true cause of the condition when the egg itches can only be identified by an experienced dermatologist. To do this, you need to at least come to his reception! After passing the tests that the doctor will prescribe for you, he will objectively tell you what is happening to you. But many of the "real men" do not immediately run to the doctor (status does not allow!), Therefore, in this article we will literally guess about the causes of the condition when the egg itches. After all, the characteristic itching in the testicles in the groin sometimes occurs for the simplest reasons. Here are just a few of them.
In adolescence
If in adolescence the eggs itch and peel off, then this is age-related, which means it will pass! The young body develops, puberty occurs, accompanied by an increase in the size of the testicles and the appearance of pubic hair. Moreover, the growth of pubic hair itself causes the eggs to itch. Treatment in this case is not necessary: everything will pass by itself as soon as the body is fully formed.

Violation of personal hygiene
One of the most "popular" reasons why an egg itches is a violation of personal hygiene. A characteristic itching in the testicles simply occurs when a personinsufficiently monitors the cleanliness of the body. You must take a shower once a day. And preferably in the morning and in the evening! Also change your underwear more often.
As an adult
If your testicles itch in adulthood, it may be caused by an allergy to the material from which your clothes are sewn, underwear, or jeans that are too tight. Try wearing looser-fitting clothes made from natural materials such as cotton, linen, and wool. It is worth changing underwear to less tight, also made from natural materials.

Itching in the testicles often occurs against the background of general stress or neurological disorders. It happens that the whole body or its separate parts (for example, the groin area, testicles) itch. In addition to domestic causes of the condition when the egg itches, skin diseases, as well as urological diseases, may be present. It can be lichen, blockage of the sebaceous glands or pubic lice, which often cause itching.
Pubic pediculosis
Today, pubic pediculosis, or, in a popular way, "lice", can be quite rare. However, as they say, no one is immune from it! Usually, infection occurs from a partner with pediculosis during intercourse. From one partner to another, lice move along the hairs.

But this is not the only way to get infected. You can also become infected through bedding or underwear. Pubic lice can also be picked up in swimming pools, saunas,baths, baths. Be carefull! Although pubic pediculosis is treated quite simply, it is often accompanied by a whole bunch of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Lice usually damage the skin in the genital area. A variety of infections usually penetrate through these parts of the body as concomitant diseases, which, as a rule, are much more difficult to cure than pediculosis. That's why it's best to see a doctor when an egg itches.