Medicine is rich in a wide variety of terms. Some of them are simple and understandable to ordinary people. Others require some explanation. This article will tell you about what a spermatozoon is. You will learn about the structural features of this cell. You can also find out how long a sperm is alive outside a man's body. It is worth explaining about the main functions of the gamete.

What is a sperm cell?
This cell is present in the body of males of different species. However, most often the gamete is studied in humans. If you have a question, what is a spermatozoon, then this article will tell you about it.
Sperm is a reproductive cell, without which it is impossible to continue the genus. It is formed in the testicles of a man and is released during ejaculation. Sperm production is influenced by many factors. This is the work of the hormonal system of a man, his lifestyle, emotional and physical state. The structure of the gamete is very interesting. What is a sperm cell? This is a cell that has a head, main body and tail. Gametes have a fairly high speed. This is what allows fertilization. Those cells that do not have onefrom parts or move incorrectly, are often called sperm. It is worth saying that it is the sperm that determines the sex of the unborn child. This fact depends on the content of certain chromosomes in the gamete. The set may contain an X or a Y chromosome. Accordingly, at conception, a female or male fetus is formed.
Cell structure
As you already know, a spermatozoon consists of a head, a body and a tail. These parts, in turn, have their own characteristics. Consider them.

- Head. This part contains the nucleus, which has a certain set of chromosomes. It is very important for fertilization. In addition, there is an acrosome here. This substance is not involved in the process of zygote formation. However, it allows you to dissolve the shell of the egg and penetrate inside. The centrosome is an important detail that allows you to organize the correct movement of the tail.
- Body. There are no important parts for fertilization. However, the cytoskeleton is located in the body of the spermatozoon. It is this part that helps the cell to move forward and achieve its goal.
- Ponytail. This part does not carry chromosomes. But it is worth saying that without it, the male gamete simply cannot advance. The work of the tail is regulated by the centrosome, which is located in the head of the cell. There is one feature. If male cells do not have tails, then fertilization can occur through a test tube.
The correct structure of the sperm is very important for fertilization. That is why doctors pay special attention to this item.
Main Tasks
What is a spermatozoon, you already know. What is this small cell of the male body for? The main feature of the gamete is that it can exist outside the host body. At the same time, in a favorable environment, spermatozoa live up to ten days.
The main task of the male gamete is fertilization. It can occur naturally or artificially. The cells enter the body of the fairer sex and overcome the cervical canal. It is worth noting that one cell will not be enough in this case. Although a single sperm cell and egg cell fuse during conception, many such cells are needed for the movement of the male gamete.
After overcoming the female genital organs, the sperm enters the egg. Further division begins. The zygote travels through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus. Here, the already formed substance is called the fetal egg.

Possible problems
The male sperm does not always have the correct structure. Often, the representatives of the stronger sex have to face problems. Pathologies are detected after an analysis called a spermogram.
Thus, some cells may have an incorrect structure or disturbed movement. Sometimes there are partial damage to the head or tail of the sperm. In medicine, there are certain norms that male gametes must comply with. In case of violations and pathologies, corrections are carried out. Treatment restores he althspermatozoa and improve the male reproductive function.

Summing up
Now you know what a spermatozoon is. This cell is the smallest in the body of a man, but it performs very important functions. Also, the gamete has its own individual characteristics. It is the sperm that allows a man to continue his race and reproduce offspring. It is worth noting that the structure and functions of this cell are studied in the school curriculum. Every person, especially a man, should know what a spermatozoon is. Check the quality of your reproductive cells. Good luck!