Champignons are delicious and he althy mushrooms. They are used to prepare many dishes. However, mushroom poisoning is often noted. Therefore, the collection of such mushrooms and buying them in the store requires special attention. Sometimes even a fresh product can cause severe intoxication. After all, mushrooms are able to accumulate toxic substances from the environment in the stem and cap. Therefore, each person needs to know about the symptoms and treatment of champignon poisoning in order to help the patient in time. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
Causes of poisoning
Champignons are edible mushrooms and do not contain natural poisons. Toxins in them are formed only under the influence of adverse factors. The following causes of champignon mushroom poisoning can be distinguished:
- Violation of cultivation rules. Some unscrupulous manufacturerscan use chemicals to rapidly grow mushrooms. Such substances cause great harm to he alth.
- Growth of mushrooms in the contaminated area. Mushrooms absorb harmful substances from the environment. As a result, mushrooms are contaminated with exhaust gases, pesticides and nitrates.
- Expiration date. Often there is poisoning with champignons from the store. These mushrooms have a very short shelf life and spoil quickly. Pathogenic microbes are formed in them, which lead to intoxication. Therefore, in no case should you use an expired product. Fresh and high-quality champignons are white in color. Browning mushrooms is a sign of expiration.
- Collecting and eating false champignons. These mushrooms are very similar to real champignons. However, they can be distinguished, when pressed on the pulp, the leg turns yellow or turns orange. False mushrooms cause severe poisoning.
- Insufficient processing of mushrooms. Mushrooms grow in the ground, so they need thorough washing and long-term heat treatment. Violation of these rules can lead to intoxication.
- Poor-quality canned food. Poisoning with such a product is the most dangerous. Canned mushrooms prepared in violation of the rules can lead to a serious illness - botulism. When buying a product, you need to pay attention to the color of brine and mushrooms.

Signs of intoxication
The first signs of mushroom poisoning appear after about 5-6hours after eating mushrooms. Symptoms of intoxication are rapidly increasing, the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating.
First, there are general signs of the effects of toxins on the body: headache, weakness, dizziness. These symptoms of champignon poisoning are especially pronounced if the mushroom grew in polluted conditions and accumulated a lot of harmful substances.
Then comes abdominal pain. It is quite intense and resembles intestinal colic. There is vomiting and diarrhea several times a day. This leads to dehydration of the body. The patient has a fever. With mild poisoning, such symptoms disappear on their own within a few days.

In severe cases, the next stage of intoxication develops in 1-2 days. Dyspeptic phenomena gradually subside. There are signs of damage to the kidneys and liver. The patient has decreased urination. There is heaviness and pain in the right side, the skin turns yellow. If the patient is not helped in time, then a fatal outcome may occur due to insufficient liver and kidney function.
Canned food poisoning
Intoxication with canned food is usually more severe. In this case, the symptoms of champignon mushroom poisoning will depend on the type of toxin or bacteria:
- As already mentioned, champignons can accumulate harmful substances from the environment. When using canned food from such mushrooms, a person develops a headache, weakness, malaise, dizziness. Dyspeptic symptoms are usuallydevelop.
- If bacteria get into a can of food, then there is a clinical picture of food poisoning with abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
- The most dangerous form of canned mushroom poisoning is botulism. This disease is caused by botulinum toxin. Mushrooms can grow in soil contaminated with Clostridium. When canning poorly washed mushrooms, these bacteria enter the jar. Under anaerobic conditions, clostridia produce a toxin that causes botulism. At the first stage, this disease is accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms. Then there are neurological manifestations: double vision, blurred vision, impaired movement, swallowing and breathing.

Poisoning in pregnant women
Mushroom poisoning is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Intoxication can cause developmental abnormalities in the unborn child or miscarriage. Toxic substances cross the placenta and infect the fetus.
During pregnancy, it is better to avoid eating mushrooms collected in the forest or purchased in the market. They may be contaminated with toxins. When buying champignons in a store, you need to pay attention to their appearance and expiration date.

Features of intoxication in children
Mushrooms are rich in protein, which is difficult to digest and assimilate in the child's body. Even a fresh product can lead to intestinal obstruction, gastritis or cholecystitis in a child. Therefore, children under 10 years of age should not be giveneat champignons and other mushrooms.
When eating stale mushrooms, the child's body does not cope well with toxins. Therefore, poisoning is more difficult than in an adult. There are severe pains in the abdomen, repeated vomiting and diarrhea, respiratory disorders. Even a small amount of a poor-quality product in a child can lead to severe impairment of kidney and liver function.

Mushroom poisoning can cause serious complications. The most common effects of intoxication are:
- Dehydration. During vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses large amounts of fluid. This leads to a violation of water-electrolyte metabolism. With dehydration, there is a sharp decrease in urination, tachycardia, weakness, and a drop in blood pressure.
- Gastritis. Due to the defeat of the stomach with toxins, inflammation of the mucosa of the organ occurs. In patients with chronic gastritis, an exacerbation of the disease is possible.
- Pancreatitis. Against the background of intoxication, acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas may occur. This disease is accompanied by girdle pain in the abdominal cavity and fever.
First Aid
Mushroom poisoning requires urgent medical attention. It is impossible to cure intoxication at home. Therefore, if symptoms of poisoning appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. At the pre-medical stage, the following therapeutic measures should be taken:
- Cleansing the stomach. This will help remove residue from the stomach.toxins. You need to drink about 1 liter of water, and then press on the root of the tongue and induce vomiting. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.
- Cleansing enema. This procedure allows you to remove toxic substances from the intestines. For an enema, it is better to use boiled water at room temperature. The procedure is repeated until clean washings come out of the intestines.
- Reception of enterosorbents. The patient is given one of the drugs: activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smektu, Sorbeks, Atoxil. These medicines bind the poison particles and remove it from the body.
- Plentiful drink. After cleansing the stomach, the patient should be given as much liquid as possible. You can drink plain or mineral water, as well as sweet tea. The liquid must be drunk in small sips so as not to induce vomiting.

Treatment of poisoning is carried out in a hospital. Therapy of intoxication is aimed at removing poisons and stabilizing the patient's condition. The patient is injected with antispasmodics, antiemetics ("Cerukal", "Metoclopramide"), drugs to maintain cardiac activity and respiration. To combat dehydration and relieve intoxication, droppers are placed.

If the patient has signs of botulism, then a special serum must be administered. Treatment of this condition is carried out in the intensive care unit.
To avoid mushroom poisoning, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- You can pick champignons yourself only if you can distinguish an edible mushroom from a false one.
- You should not collect the largest and oldest champignons. They usually contain the highest amount of harmful substances from the environment.
- You should try to collect mushrooms in ecologically clean places.
- Champignons can not be stored for a long time.
- When buying canned mushrooms, you need to pay attention to the presence of defects in the jar and the expiration date. If the container is transparent, then you need to check the color of the brine (it should not be cloudy) and the condition of the mushrooms.
- Canning champignons at home is undesirable.
- You can not buy expired mushrooms in the store. If the champignons have darkened, then this indicates their staleness. It is better to refuse such a purchase.
- Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed before cooking.
Following these simple measures will help to avoid serious poisoning and maintain he alth.