Progesterone in men: norm, pathology and influence on the body

Progesterone in men: norm, pathology and influence on the body
Progesterone in men: norm, pathology and influence on the body

For the normal functioning of the body, not only vitamins and minerals are required, but also hormones. Some of them are very specific. These include pregnancy hormone. However, as numerous studies have shown, progesterone is found in men. They also need this hormone. After all, progesterone plays an important role in the activity of the body of both women and men.

progesterone in men
progesterone in men

What are the functions of the hormone

What is progesterone for? The hormone in men and women is synthesized in the adrenal cortex, as well as in the seminal vesicles. This substance is involved in the production of many important components for the body. In fact, this hormone is the precursor of other hormones. In other words, this is the building block, thanks to which cortisol, neurosteroids, testosterone, and so on are formed in the body. In addition, progesterone affects nervous activity.

The effect of the hormone on the body of men

Many men have high levels of estrogen around the age of 50. As a result, obesity occurs, there is a decrease in sexual function,feminization of the figure and breast enlargement are manifested. The hormone progesterone in such cases affects the production of estrogen, inhibiting the process, as well as preventing the excess content of this substance.

It is worth noting that testosterone in men can produce forms that can provoke the development of such a phenomenon as prostatic hyperplasia. In such situations, prostate tissue begins to grow actively. Often a tumor develops. Progesterone in men plays the role of a blocker in the formation of hormonal forms of testosterone. This prevents the development of prostate tissue cancer and their hyperplasia.

progesterone is elevated in men
progesterone is elevated in men

What effect does progesterone have on the body of men

Progesterone in men affects many processes in the body. This hormone has many positive effects, including:

  1. Suppression of the active transition of testosterone and a hormonal form dangerous for the body.
  2. Prevents the rise in estrogen levels.
  3. Strengthens bones.
  4. Participates in the regulation of fluid metabolism.
  5. Prevents the occurrence of cancerous processes in the tissues of the prostate gland. It is worth noting that in the treatment of such diseases, drugs containing progesterone are prescribed.
  6. The hormone controls the amount of sugar in the body.
  7. Supports libido.
  8. Improves sleep.
  9. Prevents the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  11. Protects brain activity.
  12. Improves the condition of the skin.

What should be the level of the hormone

Is progesterone dangerous? The norm for men of this hormone should be from 0.3 to 0.6 nmol / l. If this indicator noticeably increases or decreases by half, then this may affect the state of the body.

Minor deviations from the norm are almost imperceptible. There are currently no specific pathologies that can affect the level of progesterone. However, there are a number of factors that cause deviations from the norm: daily diet, lifestyle, climatic conditions, the development of certain diseases, and so on.

normal progesterone in men
normal progesterone in men

If progesterone levels are low

If progesterone in men is low and deviations from the norm are significant, then a similar phenomenon can be caused by:

  1. The presence of diabetes, thyroid hyperfunction, brain tumors.
  2. Erectile function.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system: orchitis, epididymitis, prostatitis and others.
  4. Abuse of cleansing the intestines and gallbladder, diets in which the diet includes a lot of fiber foods and almost no meat and fat.
  5. Chronic form of renal failure.
  6. Surgical intervention associated with the removal of a benign pituitary formation.
  7. X-ray studies of malignant neoplasms.
  8. Removal of the ovaries, ovarian torsion, which provokedtissue necrosis, prostate cancer.
  9. Long-term use of penicillin and anticonvulsant drugs, as well as Danazol or Ciprterone drugs.
  10. Violation of the functions of the adrenal cortex.
  11. progesterone hormone in men
    progesterone hormone in men

Symptoms of low progesterone

If progesterone in men is reduced, then symptoms characteristic of this phenomenon appear. Often there is a lack of appetite, increased fatigue, weight fluctuations, mood swings, problems in the genital area, as well as increased irritability. With such deviations, men often have an explosive mood. He can break loose, fall into a deep depression for no particular reason, freak out.

It is worth noting that a decrease in progesterone levels can provoke a decrease in the amount of androgenic hormones. Such a phenomenon is fraught with a violation of sexual desire and sexual functions. That is why it is important to regularly conduct laboratory tests and monitor the level of the hormone.

If progesterone is elevated in men

The increased content of this hormone can also adversely affect the state of the body. With this phenomenon, atrophy of the testicles often develops, as well as infertility, which is caused by a violation of metabolic processes and malfunctions in spermatogenesis.

It is worth noting that causeless depression and weakness are signs of elevated progesterone. In this case, serotonin - the hormone of joy - is suppressed. Therefore, with deviations in men, the feeling of joy and love of life disappears. As a resulta person tries to compensate for such a lack by often abusing alcohol or tobacco.

low progesterone in men
low progesterone in men

Symptoms of High Progesterone

The main signs of such a deviation include a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, nervous breakdowns, depression, mood swings, headache, fatigue, irritability. In addition, a man may experience various visual impairments, acne, acne and other skin manifestations, lower blood pressure, and more.

It is worth noting that the increase in progesterone also has a negative effect on sexual desire. In the last century, drugs that can increase the production of the hormone were used to chemically castrate criminals. Their sex drive completely disappeared as a result of taking such a remedy.

male progesterone levels
male progesterone levels

How to normalize

How to increase progesterone in men, and in some cases - to lower it? To normalize the level of the hormone in the body, hormone therapy is often used. To reduce the concentration of progesterone, various drugs are used. They are prescribed only by a doctor, after a thorough examination. The intake of drugs such as Leupromide, Epostan, Goserelin, Ampicillin, Cyproterone leads to a decrease in hormone production.

If the level of progesterone in men is lowered, then its concentration can be increased by taking drugs such as Corticotropin, Mifepristone,Tamoxifen, Clomiphene and so on.

how to increase progesterone in men
how to increase progesterone in men

Is it possible to do without hormonal drugs

Progesterone in men is most often normalized by taking hormonal drugs. However, it is no secret that such drugs are unsafe. They often result in serious complications. It is for this reason that many use alternative medicine.

To normalize progesterone, preparations based on a plant such as the red brush are often used. It has many positive properties. It is worth noting that the plant can not only reduce the level of progesterone, but also save a man from adenoma and inflammation of the prostate. However, before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
