Drops "Sofradex": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drops "Sofradex": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Drops "Sofradex": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Sofradex" is a drug for local use in the elimination of otolaryngological diseases. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

sofradex instruction
sofradex instruction


According to the instructions, "Sofradex" is produced in the form of drops that are intended for instillation of the eyes and ears. The solution is limited to a dark glass bottle with a volume of five milliliters, the kit includes a dropper-dropper.

The main active components of Sofradex are:

  1. Framycetin sulfate.
  2. Gramicidin.
  3. Dexamethasone.

As additional trace elements of the drug are:

  • lithium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • ethanol;
  • water.


According to the instructions for "Sofradex", drops in the ears and eyes must be used to eliminate the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Blepharitis (bilateral recurrent inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelids).
  2. Conjunctivitis(inflammatory lesion of the conjunctiva - mucous membrane).
  3. Iridocyclitis or anterior uveitis (inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eyeball).
  4. Keratitis (inflammatory process of the cornea, manifested mainly by its opacity, ulceration, pain and redness of the protein).
  5. Scleritis (an inflammatory process that affects the entire thickness of the outer connective tissue membrane of the eyeball).
  6. Eczema of the skin of the eyelids (an inflammatory disease that affects the skin of the eyelids).
  7. Otitis infections of infectious etiology (acute or chronic inflammation in various parts of the ear).
sofradex drops instruction
sofradex drops instruction


Before starting therapy, it is important to thoroughly study the instructions for "Sofradex" (ear drops), since the drug has a number of restrictions for use:

  1. Individual intolerance to drug substances.
  2. Eye and ear infections of viral and fungal origin.
  3. Tuberculosis (an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria).
  4. Trachoma (a chronic infectious eye disease caused by chlamydia and characterized by damage to the conjunctiva and cornea with the outcome of scarring of the conjunctiva, cartilage of the eyelids and total blindness).
  5. Loss of the mucous membrane of the visual organ.
  6. Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of the eye, which mainly provokes its clouding, pain and redness).
  7. Glaucoma (a disease of the visual organ, which is characterized by periodic ora constant increase in intraocular pressure).
  8. Perforation of the tympanic membrane (a condition in which there is a violation of the integrity of the membrane).
  9. Pregnancy.
  10. Lactation.
  11. Babies up to two years old.

According to the instructions, "Sofradex" for children of primary preschool age can be used, but only with extreme caution, since prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug can provoke the appearance of various negative reactions, in particular, from the adrenal glands.

"Sofradex": instructions

Eye drops for lesions of the visual organ are used for topically. The dosage of the medication is determined by the doctor on an individual basis for each patient.

According to the instructions, it is known that in case of inflammation and infection of the eyes, the drug is instilled one or two drops into the cavity, which is located between the eyeball and the back of the eyelid (four times a day with an interval of six hours).

In the inflammatory process in the hearing organs, "Sofradex" is dripped into the external auditory canal, two drops four times a day. If necessary, you can moisten a cotton swab with the solution and insert it into the affected ear canal for fifteen minutes.

According to the instructions for Sofradex drops, it is known that the duration of therapy is about one week, but if during this time a person has not noticed the healing process, then you need to contact a medical specialist again, perhaps the diagnosis was made incorrectly.

sofradexdrops instruction analogues
sofradexdrops instruction analogues

Can Sofradex be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Since the drug is used topically, a small part of "Sofradex" is still absorbed into the bloodstream and may have a general effect on the patient's body, especially if the drug is used for a long time. Women in an "interesting position" should not be treated with Sofradex, since there is no reliable information on the use of drops during pregnancy.

Since the main trace elements of the drug enter the bloodstream, they can also be excreted in breast milk. As a result, Sofradex treatment is not recommended during lactation. If there is an urgent need for therapy with this medicine, then the nursing mother should stop breastfeeding.

Is it possible to apply drops to children with a cold? According to the instructions "Sofradex" it is forbidden to drip into the child's nose. Some pediatric otolaryngologists have known for a long time that the medicine does a great job with the common cold. Although it is recommended to use drops only for the eyes and ears, in most situations it is possible to bury them in the nasal passages of a small patient.

Side effects

As a rule, "Sofradex" is well tolerated by people. Patients with hypersensitivity may develop local adverse reactions after applying the drops, for example:

  • burning;
  • irritation;
  • pain syndrome;
  • blurred vision.

These side effectsare not dangerous to he alth and do not require discontinuation of therapy, in most cases they disappear after fifteen minutes.

With prolonged use of the drug, patients may experience systemic side effects:

  • dullness of hearing;
  • glaucoma;
  • inflammation of the optic nerve;
  • deterioration of visual acuity.

If such reactions develop, a person should immediately contact a medical specialist.


Poisoning by the drug, possibly when using Sofradex for more than one week, as dexamethasone is addictive. In this situation, one can observe an increase in the severity of negative reactions.

If these signs occur, discontinue therapy with the drug and contact a medical specialist.

sofradex instruction analogues
sofradex instruction analogues

Interaction with other drugs

"Sofradex" is not recommended for patients to use simultaneously with the drugs "Monomycin", "Gentamicin", and "Streptomycin", since such an interaction has a pronounced toxic and nephrotoxic effect.

If drops are prescribed to a person together with other approved drugs (in the form of a solution) in the eyes or ears, then it is important to maintain an interval between procedures of at least ten minutes.


When using the drug "Sofradex" for more than ten days, the patient increases the likelihood of superinfection as a result of addictionorganism to active trace elements drops.

Prolonged use of the medication in the organs of vision can lead to thinning of the cornea, which in most cases is the cause of its perforation. In addition, the use of the drug in medical practice (ophthalmology) for more than ten days contributes to the formation of glaucoma.

In case of severe reddening of the mucous membrane of the cavity of the visual organ of unknown origin, it is not recommended to use drops until certain studies are carried out.

The structure of the drug includes the main active trace element, which belongs to the group of substances that cause toxic effects on the auditory organ and kidneys. The likelihood of applying a negative lesion increases if the drug is instilled into open wounds.

When instilling Sofradex drops, do not touch the pipette with your fingers, as this leads to the growth of bacteria inside the vial.

People who use the drug "Sofradex" to eliminate diseases of the visual organ, you need to refrain from driving, because after instillation of the medicine, blurred vision may be observed for some time.

Medical experts consider the drug one of the most effective means in the treatment of otitis media. According to patients, it is "Sofradex" that contributes to the rapid elimination of the disease. People noted that the ear drops started working after the first instillation.

Storage conditions

"Sofradex" can bepurchase at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. The medication should be stored in a cool place, away from children. The shelf life of Sofradex is two years.

Opened medicinal product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than twenty-eight days from the date of opening the vial. After this time, the drops must be discarded.

When a precipitate forms in the solution, the drug "Sofradex" is categorically not recommended to use, even if their expiration date is still in order.


According to the instructions, "Sofradex" drops have the following substitute drugs, for example:

  1. "Aurisan".
  2. "Garazon".
  3. "Otipax".
  4. "Tsipromed".
  5. "Otizol".
  6. "Dexon".
  7. "Galazolin".
  8. "Otinum".
  9. "Neladex".

Before changing "Sofradex" analogue, the patient needs to consult a doctor. The cost of drops is 350 rubles.


Ear drops contain several active ingredients:

  • lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • phenazone.
sofradex instructions for children
sofradex instructions for children

The drug "Otipax" has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect.

"Otipax" is used topically, instilled into the external auditory canal two to three times a day, three to four drops. Bottlemust be warmed in hands before use. The duration of therapy should be no longer than ten days, after which it is necessary to review the treatment (in the absence of positive dynamics).

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. The cost of the drops is 200 rubles.


Eye and ear drops belong to the therapeutic group of antibacterial medicines for local use in ophthalmology. The drug is used to eliminate an infectious lesion of the visual organ, which is caused by bacteria sensitive to the main substance.

sofradex in ears instruction
sofradex in ears instruction

In its structure, "Tsipromed" contains ciprofloxacin, which belongs to the antibacterial drugs of the fluoroquinolone group. The medicine has a bactericidal effect.

After applying eye drops, the active trace element spreads to their mucous cavity, where it has a pharmacological effect. Ear drops are practically not absorbed.

The main medical contraindication for the use of the drug "Tsipromed" is pregnancy. In addition, the drug is not recommended for use during lactation. Before you start using "Tsipromed" you need to make sure that there are no prohibitions on the use.

Eye drops are for topical external use. They are instilled into the cavity formed by the eyeball and the back of the eyelid of the affected eye. The mode of instillation and dosing depend on the severityinflammatory process.

The medication is used exclusively to eliminate external lesions of the auditory or visual organ. It is strictly forbidden to take drops inside. According to the instructions, you can drip drops into the nose with rhinitis. The standard dosage is two drops in the nose two to three times a day. For ear and eye diseases, the dosage of the solution depends on the type of disease and the patient's individual response to therapy. The cost of the drug is 160 rubles.


The drug belongs to the therapeutic group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for external use. Drops "Otinum" is used as a symptomatic treatment in otolaryngology.

sofradex ophthalmic instructions
sofradex ophthalmic instructions

After instillation of drops into the ear, the main active trace element has a local effect and is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

The use of ear drops is allowed to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in case of damage to the middle and outer ear, eardrum. In addition, the drug is used to soften sulfur plugs before washing the ear canal. The cost of the medicine is 200 rubles.
