Dynamically developing, young domestic company CJSC "PharmFirma "Sotex" introduced the drug "Cereton" to the market, which became its first brand. In 2007, "Sotex" became one of the five companies that received the title of the best domestic manufacturer of pharmaceutical products according to the Pharmexpert Center for Medical Research. Choline alfoscerate, contained in the preparation "Cereton", is an active substance related to nootropic drugs. The dual combined mechanism of action determines the uniqueness of this drug. The effect of the new nootropic was the first to be experienced by a representative of Russian medicine, head of the department of medical genetics, Neurosurgery and Neurology of the State Academy of St. Petersburg (SPbGMA) named after I. I. Mechnikov, M. V. Alexandrov, who is a candidate of medical sciences.

Pro Reviews
After the clinical testing of the drug "Cereton" on the basis of the medical clinicgenetics, neurosurgery and neurology of St. Petersburg State Medical Academy M. V. Alexandrov was asked to talk about her results.
The following comments were received from M. V. Alexandrov, Candidate of Medical Sciences: "Cereton" was indeed tested in comparison with the drug "Gliatilin", which has been used quite successfully by our well-known doctors for a long time. Both of these drugs contain choline alfoscerate, which is the active ingredient. The patients were divided into two groups, each of which consisted of 10 people: in the first, the average age of the patient was 65.2 years, and in the second - 64.3 years. The groups also differed in the severity of the disease. In addition to traditional therapy, the patients of the first group were administered the drug "Cereton" intravenously, starting from the second day, and the patients of the second group - the drug "Gliatilin". Dosages and schedule of application in both groups were identical. No side effects were observed in any patient from both groups during treatment. After 10 days of treatment, the change in the condition of all patients was assessed using the Barthell scale. The functional state of patients from the first group improved on average by 18.9 points, and the second group - by 17.9.

Medication "Cereton" company "Sotex" - a very high quality drug
According to M. V. Alexandrov, it can be assumed that the drug "Cereton" is not inferior to the original drug, on the contrary, the company "Sotex" has released a very high-quality analogue of domestic production, whichis more affordable for Russian patients when compared with the drugs used previously. Thus, this drug received the most flattering reviews. "Cereton", according to M. V. Alexandrov, refers more, if you use the correct terminology, to neuroprotective drugs than to nootropics. They are slightly different in how they work. Available in several dosage forms means "Cereton". Injections, reviews of which are mostly positive, capsules, as well as other drugs that include choline alfoscerate, are distinguished by the fact that they effectively affect the conduction of nerve impulses, which is the most important process in the nervous activity of any person. It is the quality of the conduction of impulses that directly affects the functioning of the brain, the departments responsible for brain trophism, which ensures a much higher recovery rate for lesions of a different nature.
The second difference between drugs of this class is the stabilization of brain activity, and specifically cell membranes. All metabolic activity is focused on the membranes, that is, their functioning directly affects the metabolism and the restoration of brain areas that are damaged proceeds faster.

Membrane stabilization with "Cereton"
Some of the cells in any of the pathologies of the brain die immediately, and unfortunately nothing can be done about it, but quite a large part of them are in a stressful, "half-alive" state. If these cells are not helped, thenLater, they may also die. The only way to save them is to stabilize the membranes, for which Cereton can be recommended. Reviews of doctors about its action are entirely positive. Yes, and research confirms this.

Indications for use
The following is a list of diseases for which Cereton is recommended. Indications for use, reviews of the drug look promising.
- With any vascular pathologies of the brain (especially acute), in particular, with strokes, during the recovery period after a traumatic brain injury.
- With mild mental (cognitive) disorders, as well as an adjuvant, as an important addition to the main therapy, with dementia in various variants.
- In the treatment of elderly patients, when the number of synaptic connections decreases, and this negatively affects mental activity in general. With the help of drugs of this class, the conduction of a nerve impulse through the synapses of neurons improves, which can compensate for aging factors by activating the work of synapses.
- Treatment of chronic pathologies is also extremely successful.
This work was carried out by many specialists who left their positive feedback. "Cereton" in cases of long-term treatment (for two to three months) is used in the form of injections, then it is possible to use the oral form of choline alfoscerate.

Prescribing regimens
The following comments were received on the question of the most common regimens for prescribing this drug:
- "Cereton" is used in the same way as the drug "Gliatilin", its appointment is not difficult for those doctors who are familiar with this medication.
- Switching to regimens using Cereton is very simple: you need to mechanically transfer the old regimens to the new drug.
- Acute vascular pathology and traumatic brain injury are treated by intravenous drip injection of 1000 mg (equal to 1 ampoule - 4 ml of the drug) per day, 1-2 times a day. Duration of treatment - 5-10 days (in some cases - up to 15 days). A package of Cereton contains 5 ampoules, which means that the course will take 2-3 packages.
- Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency allows treatment with intramuscular injection of this drug (4 ml equals 1000 mg per day) for 5-10 days, then you can switch to oral administration.
Means "Cereton" in pediatrics
The use of the drug "Cereton" for children (reviews confirm this) gives excellent results. It should be prescribed by a pediatric neurologist.