One of the most important organs is the thyroid gland. It regulates many vital processes. In addition, the work of all organs directly depends on the degree of functioning of the thyroid gland. In order to timely detect pathological conditions, an analysis for antibodies to thyroglobulin is prescribed. Based on the results of a laboratory test, a doctor can evaluate the functioning of the thyroid gland and draw up the most effective treatment regimen when any disease is detected.

Thyroglobulin: concept
The thyroid gland continuously produces hormones. The main ones are thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Their formation comes from a protein compound - thyroglobulin. Thus, this substance is, as it were, the "progenitor" of hormones.
The body's defense system, when pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into it, triggersantibody production process. These are substances whose task is to destroy all kinds of infectious agents.
Under the influence of any provoking factors, the work of the immune system is disturbed. As a result, she perceives her own body cells as foreign and begins to attack them. In such situations, it is customary to talk about the development of an autoimmune pathology.
Thus, elevated antibodies to thyroglobulin are the basis for a comprehensive examination of the thyroid gland in order to identify the cause of this condition.

Normal indicators
Different units of measurement may be used in laboratories. As a rule, the indicator is expressed in IU / ml. In this case, the normal value is 4. It is relevant for both adults and children. At the same time, the amount of thyroglobulin itself in the liquid connective tissue should vary between 1.5-59 ng / ml.
If a person has had a thyroidectomy in the past, the concentration of antibodies to thyroglobulin should also not exceed 4 IU/ml.
The indicator sometimes changes slightly. This means that antibodies to thyroglobulin decrease or increase depending on the course of certain physiological processes. For example, its upward deviation occurs in women during the menstrual cycle. It is customary to talk about pathology only if the indicators are several times higher than the norm.
The ideal option is when a person does not have anyantibodies to thyroglobulin. This indicates that the thyroid gland is completely he althy.

Reasons for upward deviation from the norm
If elevated antibodies to thyroglobulin are detected in the blood test, this means that a pathological process is developing in the body. Which one, it is possible to find out only in the process of undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis.
The main reasons for the increase in the concentration of antibodies to thyroglobulin:
- inflammation of the thyroid gland, both acute and chronic;
- primary hypothyroidism;
- neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature;
- sickle cell anemia;
- various neck injuries;
- pathologies of a genetic nature (including Down syndrome);
- toxic diffuse goiter;
- autoimmune diseases of organs, the work of which directly depends on the degree of functioning of the thyroid gland.
In addition, thyroglobulin antibodies are often elevated after a recent biopsy. An increase in their concentration is a kind of response of the thyroid gland to the intervention.

Clinical manifestations
If antibodies to thyroglobulin are elevated, it means that some pathological process is developing in the body. But it does not always proceed with severe clinical manifestations.
In some cases, patients may experience the following symptoms:
- general feeling of weakness;
- apathy;
- sluggishness;
- increased degree of irritability;
- tearfulness;
- an increase in the size of the neck;
- sudden jumps in body weight;
- bug-eyed;
- rashes on the skin, usually localized on the face;
- drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
- dry skin;
- memory deterioration;
- appearance of pain on palpation of the neck.
The presence of any of the above symptoms indicates a malfunction of the thyroid gland and is a reason for further examination.

Factors affecting the result
If the level of antibodies to thyroglobulin is elevated in the blood, there is no need to immediately panic. It is important to exclude all factors that affect their concentration.
The deviation of the indicator from the norm upwards occurs against the background of taking combined oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs. The doctor must be informed in advance about the use of such medicines. At the same time, it is unacceptable to cancel the reception on your own. The doctor will advise doing this only if it is necessary.
It is forbidden to neglect the rules of preparation. Ignoring them also leads to false results. It is important to remember that the biological material is taken on an empty stomach, it is only allowed to drink clean still water. You don't have to overeat the night before. It is also necessary to stop drinking alcohol-containing drinks within 48 hours. It is forbidden to smoke immediately before donating blood.
The level of antibodies is also affected by the psycho-emotional state of a person. At the time of taking the biomaterial, it is important to be as calm as possible.

It must be remembered that elevated antibodies to thyroglobulin are not a disease. This is just a symptom of a pathological condition. It has been proven that there is no decrease in concentration during hormonal therapy.
The indicator will decrease to normal on its own only after the underlying disease has been successfully treated. The treatment regimen directly depends on the pathology, age of the patient, as well as on the characteristics of his he alth. In most cases, taking medication is enough to achieve positive dynamics. In severe situations, the only true method of treatment is surgery.
In conclusion
The term "thyroglobulin" refers to a protein compound from which thyroid hormones are subsequently formed. In the presence of a large number of antibodies to it, it is customary to talk about the development of autoimmune diseases. A slight deviation of the indicator from the norm may be a consequence of the course of natural physiological processes. In some cases, non-compliance with the rules for preparing for the study can lead to false results. A comprehensive examination is prescribed to identify the pathology. Only on the basis of the results of the diagnosis, the doctor can draw up a treatment regimen.