In most cases, the characteristic manifestations of widespread plaque psoriasis, the photo of which is below, are considered scarlet spots of an inflammatory nature slightly raised above the skin. The inflamed areas are covered with a gray peeling layer, which is freely separated from the surface. Under this layer, areas of the skin are freely injured and can bleed. These areas are called psoriatic plaques.

The most common cause of plaque psoriasis vulgaris is hereditary predisposition. The risk of the disease increases if there are relatives in the family who suffer from psoriasis. But genetic predisposition does not mean an automatic manifestation of the disease. For it to appear, the presence of trigger factors is necessary:
- acute or chronic infections (SARS, tonsillitis);
- chronic diseases (diabetes, diseases of the digestive system);
- irritation (mechanical) of the skin, injury, sunburn or friction (Koebner phenomenon, isomorphic irritanteffect);
- medication such as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, antimalarials, antibiotics and analgesics;
- weakened immunity, beriberi;
- bacterial infections;
- metabolic disorder;
- stress state of the body, strong emotional disorders;
- strong hormonal changes (pregnancy, puberty);
- use of inappropriate cosmetic products that dry out or irritate the skin (products containing alcohol, hair sprays);
- Inappropriate diet, diet failure, excessive drinking.

The symptoms of plaque psoriasis vary from person to person and depend on the type of disease. Areas of infection can vary from the extent of the disease, affecting small areas of the body or covering a large part of the body. The most common symptoms of plaque psoriasis are:
- small skin rashes in early stages;
- reddening of infected areas in the form of spots or inflammation;
- formation of thick gray scales and/or plaques;
- combining plaques into groups;
- an outbreak of psoriasis on the hairline of the skin, which can lead to hair loss;
- excessive dryness of the skin, which can lead to wounds;
- pain around inflamed skin;
- itching and burning spots and plaques; joint and muscle pain;
- back pain;
- vision deterioration;
- disturbances in the growth of nails on the extremities: change in the shape of the nail plate, loosening of nails, brittleness and lamination of nails;
- complete destruction of the nail.
Psoriasis occurs in cycles of time, and the outbreak may become less noticeable or worse depending on the state of he alth. It may occur again and again. The remission stage can last from several weeks to several years.

Psoriasis is diagnosed as plaque or ordinary, vulgar due to the professionalism of a dermatologist. Examining the affected areas, the patient is asked questions about the general state of he alth and the timing of the appearance of pathological changes on the skin. Usually this type of disease is characterized by an acute onset with small rashes of red hues. Papules tend to increase, merging into plaques. These focal lesions are an important diagnostic factor.
Diagnosis is made if after scraping:
- flaking is found under the removed initial layer (it has a brilliant white color);
- scales protrude a smooth surface, called the "thermal film symptom";
- blood drips occur, usually they appear in the lower layer.
Laboratory testing of skin biopsy. This is necessary for the diagnosis to be confirmed and the treatment to be prescribed correctly.
If the disease has passed into a progressive stage, there is a biochemical change in the blood. Leukocytosis appearserythrocyte sedimentation is more intense. This is why a blood test is so important for diagnosis. Changes can warn that the endocrine system is disrupted. An x-ray will be needed if the patient complains of emerging joint pain.

Plaque psoriasis is perhaps the most commonly diagnosed type of psoriasis, usually occurring in a chronic form. For the correct choice of drug therapy for psoriasis, it is necessary to correctly and timely determine the type of pathology that has manifested in a person, the stage of development, the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the skin. According to generally accepted medical symptoms, plaque psoriasis is divided into the following types:
- Common plaque psoriasis is diagnosed when the disease covers more than ten percent of the skin surface. This type is considered to be acute and requires immediate medical treatment. The danger of this type of psoriasis is that it rapidly spreads throughout the body and can affect the scalp and lower limbs (in particular, the feet, fingers). And this, in turn, (for example, due to scratching the head, rubbing the legs with uncomfortable shoes) can lead to skin injury, resulting in fungal and microbial infections.
- Chronic plaque psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that occurs when special treatment is not started on time. The chronic form of psoriasis proceeds, as a rule, in waves- periods of remission are replaced by acute periods. If a patient suffering from chronic psoriasis does not undergo appropriate therapy, then the disease can develop into psoriatic arthritis with damage to the internal organs.
- Papular-plaque psoriasis is a form of the disease in which, in addition to red scaly plaques (spots), so-called "papules" appear on the skin. They are superficial convex vesicles, localized throughout the body in the form of peculiar rings.
Depending on the shape and appearance of psoriatic plaques, psoriasis is as follows:
- if the plaque has a concave center, then they say about the oyster form;
- rupioid psoriasis is characterized by cone-shaped rashes;
- with elephant psoriasis, large plaques are covered with dense scales;
- if the plaques are spirally arranged on the body, then this variety is called gyrata;
- if the location of papules and plaques visually resembles a map, then this form of psoriasis is usually called geographical.
Medicated treatment
Drug treatment of plaque psoriasis should be comprehensive and aimed at restoring a person's own immune system and removing external symptoms that cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Due to the fact that the disease is a chronic disease, the prescription of drugs should be carried out taking into account other diseases in the person’s general history in order to prevent their aggravation and side effects.effects.
Depending on the stage of psoriasis and the degree of damage to the skin, the following drugs are recommended.

In the acute current stage, drugs of the cytostatic group are prescribed in the form of tablets:
- "Cyclosporine";
- "Methotrexate".
In combination with the above drugs, it is necessary to use external agents, for example, such as lanolin cream and naftalan ointment.

Hormonal ointments
If this therapy in the acute stage did not give positive dynamics, then a short course of hormonal preparations is recommended (both in tablet form and in the form of hormonal ointments):
- "Hydrocortisone";
- "Prednisolone";
- "Cyclosporin".
To improve the general condition of a patient with an acute form of plaque psoriasis, you need to receive a vitamin course of group B.

Non-hormonal drugs
In a mild form of the disease, with a single localization of small psoriatic plaques, the following non-hormonal drugs are recommended:
- Calcipotriol ointment is suitable for long courses (one or two months), is not used for plaques on the face and is not combined with salicylic acid;
- "Methotrexate" in tablet form, dosage and duration of the course is determinedexclusively by the attending physician;
- Lorinden A ointment is suitable for short courses, otherwise addiction occurs and effectiveness is lost.
Folk treatment
In folk medicine, there are many prescriptions for plaque psoriasis. The most popular are:
Daily treatment of affected areas with cabbage pickle. The brine itself does not need to be washed off. They work on the same area. The result appears after 6-8 days: the plaques exfoliate, visible clean skin.
Preparing a special ointment. Its ingredients are:
- birch tar (150g);
- rubbing alcohol (150 g);
- raw egg yolks (3 pieces);
- camphor oil (teaspoon).
All components are mixed. Such an ointment should be lubricated with affected areas. After this procedure, you do not need to wash for 3 days. Frequency of use of this product: three times a week until skin conditions improve. A mixture of these ingredients:
- aloe juice (1 part);
- natural honey (1 part);
- eucalyptus juice (3 parts).
The mixture must be kept for three days, always in a dark place. Her diseased areas should be treated 2-3 times a day.
Means of the following components:
- vinegar (200 ml);
- butter (200 ml);
- raw egg.
They are all thoroughly mixed and kept in a cool place, protected from light. Exposure time - 7-8 days. Application intensity - 3-4 times a day.
Herbal composition. Its ingredients (in powder form):
- dry celandine;
- sorrel root;
- grass succession.
They are filled with birch tar. The holding period is 4 weeks. This tool is used to treat the affected areas before going to bed. Its effect can be enhanced by alternating with Vishnevsky's ointment.
Tincture based on two flowers of the Crimean Sophora. They need to pour 100 g of vodka. The exposure period is 4 weeks in a dark place. Intensity of application: one teaspoon before meals, 3-4 times a day. The treatment period is 2 months. Therapeutic baths from the infusion of sage, celandine and thyme. They need to be taken 15-20 minutes.