In this article, consider the recipe for activated charcoal in Latin. The drug is a black tablet. Such a tool is obtained from carbon-containing products of organic origin. It can be a component obtained by burning wood, peat, coal, oil. It absorbs toxins well due to its rather large adsorbing area.
Medication description
Used in medicine as an antidote. It is able to absorb harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract onto itself before they are absorbed in the intestines. The recipe for Latin activated charcoal is quite simple. More on that later.

When it enters the human intestine, coal works in the following ways:
- Detoxification agent. The drug can be used for poisoning of any nature, for example, food poisoning, poisoning with metal s alts, alcohol, chemicals. After the adsorption process, harmful substances are naturally eliminated.
- Enterosorbent. Activated charcoal is able to absorb toxins in the gastrointestinal tract that have come from the external environment,for example, drugs in large doses.
- Diarrhea remedy. In addition, the drug has an enveloping effect, forms aggregates that contain viruses and microbes. Able to have a bactericidal effect, prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Activated charcoal can do it all. The recipe in Latin will be given below.
Indications for use
Preparation for various diagnostic tests such as ultrasound, endoscopy, X-ray. The use of the drug allows you to reduce gas formation.

- Allergic manifestations of any nature, including bronchial asthma.
- Liver and kidney failure, acute chronic viral hepatitis.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, increased acidity in the stomach, bloating, flatulence.
- Intestinal infections of both established and unidentified origin.
- Intoxication resulting from chemotherapy.
- Intoxication of any nature, resulting, for example, from an overdose of drugs, alcoholic beverages, poor-quality food, poisoning with metal s alts.
Doctors note that the use of coal has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, on the work of the cardiovascular system as a whole. A prescription for Latin activated charcoal can be obtained from a doctor.
Schemetaking the drug
In order to achieve a positive effect, activated charcoal must be taken in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage.
It is important to remember that the drug should be stored exclusively in the package. After all, it can absorb any active substances that can harm the body.
Also, do not be afraid of the black stool that occurs after taking activated charcoal. The recipe in Latin is not known to everyone.

Adult use
Manufacturers produce the drug in the form of powder or tablets.
Activated charcoal should be taken orally, immediately before meals, other medicines or drinks, or two hours after, that is, on an empty stomach. It is important to remember that the tablets have a dosage of 250 milligrams. For an adult, the daily dose is 200-250 milligrams of the drug, that is, one tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The use of the daily dose is recommended to be divided into three doses. This information contains a recipe in Latin for activated charcoal.
- If there is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating or diarrhea, then it is necessary to take 3 tablets three times a day. The drug is washed down with water. The course of treatment lasts one week.
- If there is an increased secretion of gastric juice, poor digestibility of food, then two grams of the drug should be diluted in water and drunk. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
- If there is an allergic reaction, the drugtake according to the general scheme for 2 weeks.
- If a diagnostic examination is due, the drug is taken for one or two days.
The recipe in Latin for activated charcoal is interesting for medical students.

Use for poisoning
First aid for any poisoning begins with gastric lavage with water in which the drug is dissolved. If there is no activated charcoal in powder at hand for preparing the suspension, then it can be easily prepared by simply crushing the tablets.
When gastric lavage "restaurant method" carried out at home, dilute 30 g of powder in half a glass, and then drink the solution. Next, you should induce a gag reflex. This is done by pressing on the root of the tongue. Such actions must be performed until the vomit becomes clean. In a hospital, washing is carried out by a specialist using a special probe.
After washing is done, activated charcoal tablets are prescribed (the recipe in Latin can be read below). The dosage is calculated based on one tablet per 5 kg. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the poisoning and ranges from 3 days to 2 weeks.
Contraindications for use
Activated charcoal is one of the few drugs that has no specific contraindications. However, they still exist. Activated charcoal is strictly contraindicated if there are the following diseases: pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcerintestines. In this case, the drug does not have a negative effect in such diseases. However, they are most often accompanied by bleeding. As a result, the feces are stained in the color of tar.
We mentioned above that as a result of taking activated charcoal, the stool also changes color. As a result, there is a difficulty in differential examination. And untimely diagnosed bleeding entails serious he alth consequences.

In the presence of the mentioned diseases, it is better to use other adsorbing agents, for example, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smekta.
In addition, this drug is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the drug.
Taking the drug for a long time can provoke the occurrence of beriberi, since activated carbon is able to adsorb not only toxic substances, but also useful ones. It is this property that determines the recommendation to take the pills on an empty stomach.
For these reasons, you should not use the simultaneous use of activated charcoal with sleeping pills, vascular, cardiac, contraceptive drugs.
Another unpleasant side effect is the possibility of constipation. However, it can be avoided by eating plums, kefir, beets.
Activated charcoal - recipe in Latin
If a specialist prescribes activated charcoal to a patient in case of poisoning, then the following information is indicated in the prescription:
- Rp.: Carbonisactivation 30.0;
- D. S. One serving in half a glass of water.

If the drug is prescribed for flatulence or dyspepsia, then the prescription indicates:
- Rp.: Tab. Carboleni 0.5N.20;
- D. S. One tablet 2 or 3 times daily.
We reviewed the recipe for activated charcoal in Latin.