Activated carbon is a well-known drug from the group of natural adsorbents. The tablets are effective for various digestive problems. Other sorbents have a similar therapeutic effect. An analogue of activated carbon may differ in cost, but at the same time it will be more effective and safer. Modern detoxification drugs can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as used in the treatment of children of all age categories.
How does activated charcoal work?
The most accessible adsorbent used to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances is activated carbon. The beneficial properties of this remedy have been known since ancient Egypt. The drug has a high surface activity and is able to bind toxic substances, poisons, allergens, harmful bacteria, gases. Activated charcoal is especially beneficial for poisoning.

Small black pills willeffective in many pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. The tool will help with increased gas formation, fermentation, bloating and diarrhea. A positive effect of the adsorbent in the event of allergic reactions was noted. Activated charcoal, analogues of which may be of organic and mineral origin, should not be taken simultaneously with other medicines. In addition to the adsorption of harmful substances, the product also removes beneficial trace elements and vitamins from the body.
Can I give activated charcoal to children?
Despite the fact that activated carbon is a completely natural sorbent, it is used with caution in pediatrics. Doctors warn parents about the need to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug. For each kilogram of the baby's weight, you need to take 0.05 g of the drug. The maximum single dose is 0.2 g. For children of the first year of life, the medicine can be given in the form of a powder diluted with water.
Indications for the use of activated carbon are the following pathological conditions:
- food poisoning;
- overeating;
- drug poisoning;
- allergic reaction (skin rash, itching, hives);
- poisoning with hazardous substances.
A pediatrician can choose an effective analogue of activated charcoal. For younger children, "Smekta", "Polysorb" is suitable. The preparations are available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution. "Smekta" has a pleasant fruity taste. Babies who are already 1 year old are prescribed Atoxil.
We select an analogue of activated carbon
Sorbents have a unique ability to isolate and remove harmful substances from the body. Moreover, the type of toxic substance does not matter. Such drugs are able to absorb even gases. Activated charcoal is considered a universal remedy.

Analogues of the popular sorbent are being developed using modern technologies. In addition to the detoxification effect, they have a positive effect on the state of the digestive and immune systems, improve metabolic processes. Types of sorbents differ depending on the impact on harmful substances. Some adsorbents are able to change the state of toxins to solid or liquid. Preparations from the second group draw in substances poisoning the body. Chemical adsorbents belong to the third category and are able to neutralize the dangerous effects of toxins due to the fact that they react with them.
Selecting an analogue of activated carbon, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient. Not all drugs used in the treatment of adults are suitable for children. The smallest patients are allowed to prescribe drugs such as Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Laktrofiltrum, Atoxil. In adolescence (from the age of 14) it is allowed to use "White Coal".
"Atoxil" for children
In case of intestinal disorders, diarrhea, food poisoning, salmonellosis, atopic dermatitis, children over 1 year old are prescribed a remedy based on silicon dioxide "Atoxil". An analogue of activated carbon is considered effectiveenterosorbent, which has a powerful antimicrobial, detoxification, bacteriostatic and antiallergic action.

The drug, unlike many sorbents, acts quickly enough due to the high dispersion of the active component. "Atoxil" refers to enterosorbents of the 4th generation.
It is important to properly prepare an analogue of activated carbon for use. The powder is intended for the preparation of a suspension. It can be in a vial (10 g) or in small sachets (2 g). The large volume is intended for the treatment of adult patients. Pure water (250 ml) must be added to the vial and shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed.
Powder in a sachet is prepared in a similar way. It is poured into a container and filled with water (250 ml). The prepared suspension can be given to children during the day. The maximum dose per day is 4 g of Atoxil for children under 7 years of age. In rare cases, there are side effects in the form of constipation.
Drug "Smecta"
Powder "Smecta" for the preparation of a suspension in pediatric practice is often used. The tool is considered the safest sorbent for children of the first year of life and can help with a variety of digestive problems. The active ingredient of the adsorbent drug is dioctahedral smectite, a mixed silicate (oxide) of aluminum and magnesium of natural origin.

"Smecta" is prescribed for diarrhea of various etiologies, food poisoning, bloatingabdomen in children and adults. Also, the tool is effective as part of complex therapy for gastrointestinal pathologies. Contains flavors (orange and vanilla).
Analogue of activated carbon in tablets
For the treatment of digestive disorders accompanied by dysbacteriosis, it is better to use sorbents with prebiotics. A popular analogue of activated charcoal in tablets, which is able to normalize the state of the intestinal microflora, is Laktofiltrum.

Enterosorbent contains lactulose (prebiotic) and hydrolytic lignin (organic compound). The drug can be used to treat children from 1 year old.
Another effective sorbent in tablets is "White Coal". The drug is prescribed for adolescents and adult patients.