Blokhin Cancer Center reports that a malignant tumor of the gums is one of the relatively new types of neoplasms. Risk factors for the disease include smoking, alcohol abuse, and the carriage of HIV or the human papillomavirus. The symptoms of gum cancer are not always clear, so it is often not detected at an early stage. Early diagnosis would speed up the recovery process and increase the survival rate. This article discusses the symptoms, classification of tumors and treatment of the disease.

Causes of malignancy
The following is a list of causes of gum cancer:
- Aphthous stomatitis.
- Herpes.
- Viral diseases.
- Chemotherapy drugs.
- Carcinoma.
- Bullous diseases (eg, pemphigoid, pemphigus, lichen planus).
- Behçet's syndrome.
- Allergic contact dermatitis due to dental work.
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
- Primary syphilis.
- Agranulocytosis or leukopenia.
- Histoplasmosis (especially in immunocompromised patients).
Main manifestations of the disease
Gum cancer symptoms vary depending on the stage. Local signs include:
- pain;
- numbness;
- ulcers on the gums;
- difficulty swallowing;
- seals;
- problems chewing food.
Seals located on the gums are a tumor, which is a discolored lump, enlarged in size. They are not always painful.

Other symptoms of gum cancer may include enlargement of one or two lymph nodes, mostly in the neck. This is called lymphedema and may be a sign that it has spread beyond the mouth to deeper tissues. At the last stage, it can metastasize to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body, where cancer cells can form another neoplasm.
Five signs of gum cancer:
- Pain.
- Puffiness.
- Change in pigmentation.
- Seal.
- Bleeding gums.
What does the classification of tumors mean, why is it necessary?
Classification of tumors is intended for surgeons, it determines how large the tumor is, their location and symptoms. This information helps the doctor decide on the correct treatment. The tests and x-ray data that the patient is required to do will help diagnose cancer and give all the necessary information to the doctor. If aan operation is required, the doctor will give you a complete picture of how it will be carried out, what complications may be.

Stages of disease formation
There are 5 stages in the formation of malignant tumors:
- Precancerous stage - the earliest form of development, occurring only in the oral cavity. If the process is not identified, it can develop into invasive gum cancer. Photos in medical reference books help to understand how this disease looks at different stages.
- The first stage is invasive cancer. Means that it has begun to spread into the deeper tissues of the oral cavity. The neoplasm reaches no more than 2 cm, does not cover neighboring tissues, lymph nodes.
- Second stage. The tumor has reached sizes exceeding 2 cm in diameter. In stage 2, gum cancer does not spread to other organs.
- The third stage of the disease is characterized by an increase in the neoplasm, which can reach a size of more than 4 cm, without metastases. If cancer cells have spread to one of the lymph nodes, then its size is no more than 3 cm.
- Gum cancer, stage 4. The formation of tumors at this stage of development is divided into 3 stages:
- He metastasized through the tissues around the lips and mouth.
- It has spread to one lymph node or both. In this case, the cancer of the lymph node exceeds 6 cm.
- The tumor has spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or bones.

Diagnostic methods for detecting pathology
Research into causes, risk factors and symptoms will provide a more complete picture of the onset and progression of the disease. Diagnosis of gum cancer includes a medical examination, which includes a complete examination of the gums, tongue, lips, and oral cavity. It is carried out in the dental department, then the patient is sent for an X-ray examination. Also, during the examination at the dentist, the lymph nodes in the neck are examined, if their swelling is felt, it means that the gum cancer is no longer at the first stage, harmful microorganisms have begun to spread.
Diagnostic testing also includes a biopsy. It is taken from the affected cells, tissues, seals, indicating a malignant formation. The sample is examined under a microscope for the presence of cancer cells.
Predicting the course of the disease depends on the degree of development of the neoplasm and the reason for its formation. A favorable prognosis awaits patients who are diagnosed with early stage gum cancer.
Preventive measures significantly increase the chances of not getting gum cancer. Symptoms, first signs and manifestations can be noticed on your own.
Preventive methods
Cancer treatment starts with prevention. Such measures include quitting smoking and using smokeless tobacco products (chewing tobacco). It is also important not to take alcohol. Safe sex is also a must. This may help avoid sexually transmitted infections such as the human papillomavirus (HPV), which increasesrisk of developing the disease.
Prevention of gum cancer includes:
- regular visits to dental clinics;
- giving up bad habits;
- do not use metal objects to remove food debris from the interdental space;
- proper gum care.
Regular examination will help doctors quickly identify the disease, conduct the necessary testing for the presence of pathology.

Cancer Therapy
The overall goal of gum cancer treatment is to achieve complete remission.
The process is individual for everyone, as there may be different:
- causes and symptoms;
- cancer cell types;
- development stages;
- age of patient;
- case histories.
The Blokhin Cancer Center specializes in this disease, the appointment of treatment occurs after a consultation of specialists from the oncological clinic. These may include oncologists, dentists, radiation oncologists, gum cancer nurses.
Treatment of all stages is based on surgical intervention to remove the tumor or affected tissues. Some he althy tissue around the infected area is also removed. Surgery may include removal of nearby lymph nodes if there is a risk that the cancer has begun to spread to them.
Gum cancer treatment may include:
- operation;
- chemotherapy;
- radiotherapy.
Radiation therapyis necessary to reduce the risk of the disease returning, to avoid repeated relapses, to prevent it from developing somewhere in the body.

Necessary activities for the detection and treatment of the disease
Gum cancer treatment involves the use of topical steroids (Beclomethasone, Mometasone, Fluticasone) and local anesthetics (Lidocaine, Ubistezin, Septanest). Injections are made into the lesion.
Therapeutic methods used to cure cancer depend on the type and extent of development, other he alth problems that occur simultaneously with the disease. In our time, the following types of events are used:
- Dental examination to prevent and detect infections in the mouth.
- Surgical intervention: surgical removal of the tumor and lymph nodes (most often they can be removed).
- Radiation, biological (can be used in combination with radiation), interstitial therapy.
- Chemotherapy.
- Rehabilitation after surgery.
- Nutrition counseling.
- Palliative care is used when radical treatment is not possible or the patient refuses surgery.

Gum cancer is more common in men. Photos illustrating the pathology indicate that it can often be confused with peptic ulcer. women moresuffer from malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands.
Remember that statistics are averages based on a large number of studies. They cannot accurately predict what will happen to you. No two patients have an identical response to treatment. Just as there are no patients with the same symptoms.
Gum cancer is a terrible disease. The analysis says that it is present in 8% of people. And also that 70% of patients who were diagnosed with stage 1-2 of the disease can live for more than 5 years. Patients with this diagnosis, who have a third or fourth degree of development of the disease, will live less.
Survival among patients has increased over the past 20 years, as it is possible to quickly diagnose the disease and apply effective treatment. Some studies have shown that people infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) recover faster than people who do not have it.