Autoimmune diseases are a group of pathological conditions in which there is an increased activity of the immune system against your body. In order to reduce the immune response, drugs that depress the immune system are prescribed. This group of drugs is indispensable in transplantation to prevent transplant rejection. Let's take a look at a drug such as Azathioprine, analogues of this drug, instructions for use and its features.
Pharmacological characteristics
In its composition, the drug "Azathioprine" contains the active ingredient of the same name. This chemical compound is a derivative of substances necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Entering the body, azathioprine disrupts DNA synthesis and, accordingly, inhibits the processes of cell division in tissues. The decrease in the activity of the immune system is due to the effect of the drug "Azathioprine" on the lymphoid tissue.

In this case, the processes of cell division and the cellular response of immunity are inhibited. After the introduction of the drug "Azathioprine" in the body, there is a decrease in the number of atypical phagocytes and a decrease in the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Let's analyze the information further: what are the characteristics of the drug "Azathioprine", analogues, price, instructions for use.
The drug is very effectively absorbed into the systemic circulation, and its maximum concentration is observed already 2 hours after oral administration. The drug is not particularly tropic to plasma proteins: its binding to them reaches 30%. Azathioprine is characterized by the effect of primary metabolism, or primary passage through the liver.

Passing through hepatocytes, the drug is metabolized to the active compound - mercaptopurine, which has pharmacodynamic effects. Almost completely, the drug is excreted from the body with bile. No more than 2% of the drug is excreted in the urine.
Indications for use
The drug "Azathioprine", analogues with the same active ingredient are indicated for use in transplantation to prevent transplant rejection.

Also, this drug is effectively used in rheumatological practice for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases such as hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, thrombocytopenicpurpura, pemphigus, and many more.
Azathioprine is contraindicated for use in persons with hypersensitivity to a component of the drug. Due to the fact that the drug inhibits all hematopoiesis, Azathioprine is contraindicated in blood diseases (anemia, leukocyto- and lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia), as well as in pregnant and lactating women.
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
The active substance passes into breast milk and through the hematoplacental barrier. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug or its analogues in this category of persons, it is necessary to assess the risk from the benefits of using the drug and the potential harm to the mother and fetus. When prescribing a remedy during breastfeeding, the latter must be canceled.
Application Features
The drug and its analogues should be used with caution in persons suffering from chickenpox, as well as in patients with xanthine oxidase deficiency.
Side effects
The main group of side effects is associated with inhibition of the function of the bone marrow responsible for the production of blood cells. When using analogs containing azathioprine, there is an increase in the size of cells in the blood, a decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets, anemia.
On the part of the intestinal tract, the most common side effects are: decreased appetite, stool disorders, impairedfunctional state of the liver, ulcerative lesions of the intestinal tract. Possible damage to hepatocytes with a subsequent increase in the content of bilirubin and other liver tests. Patients who have undergone organ and tissue transplantation may develop pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach, intestines, and the development of toxic hepatitis.
Allergic reactions occur very rarely when the drug "Azathioprine" is administered, analogues based on it (for example, "Imuran"). The manifestations are unexpressed, mainly due to skin rashes or feverish conditions.

Among other side effects, it is necessary to note the development of secondary infectious processes in the body, the appearance of muscle and joint pain, acute renal failure. In some severe cases, the drug "Azathioprine", analogues with the same active substance can cause hemolytic anemia, give symptoms from the central nervous system. Azathioprine as an active drug, which is part of the drug of the same name and its analogues, has a pronounced effect on the fetus (teratogenic and mutagenic effects), and is also capable of provoking the onset of tumor processes with their subsequent malignancy. Thus, it is necessary to study when prescribing the drug "Azathioprine" (tablets) reviews, description, analogues of the drug and choose the right tactics. Looking ahead, we note that azathioprine as an active substance has positive effects on the coursediseases as indicated. Not only the attending physicians speak about this, but also the patients themselves.
"Azathioprine" - synonyms, analogues
Azathioprine is a unique substance with an immunosuppressive effect. In view of this, preparations containing azathioprine are not very widely represented on the pharmaceutical market. Analogues of "Azathioprine" can be represented by such a drug as "Imuran".

This medicine is available in tablet form with the same content of azathioprine. The only caveat is the cost of Imuran, which can be 4-5 times higher than the cost of Russian-made Azathioprine.
Poisoning and overdose
Overdose of the drug "Azathioprine" and its analogue "Imuran" is manifested by violations of the intestinal tract, inhibition of bone marrow function, as well as an increase in liver tests. Treatment of poisoning with both the drug itself and its analogues is symptomatic, aimed at the speedy removal of the drug from the body. There is no specific antidote. Dialysis methods of detoxification are partially effective, since the active substance with their help is not completely removed from the body.
Special Instructions
The drug and its analogues are not recommended for long-term use. At the very beginning of treatment, constant monitoring of the cellular composition of peripheral blood is necessary, as well as monitoring of liver enzymes.

In the future, daily monitoring is abandoned, conducting monitoring studies once or twice a month.
This medicinal product and its analogues can only be prescribed by an experienced specialist. Before you start taking the drug, you must undergo a complete examination and, possibly, conduct maintenance therapy. Additional information is given when prescribing the drug "Azathioprine" instructions for use. The price, analogues of this remedy also often worries patients. So, the minimum cost of 50 tablets is in the region of 250-300 rubles, and the analogues are mentioned above. Before you start taking it, you need to weigh the pros and cons and start treatment.